What are the governmental policies of the colonies that helped shape our Constitutional Republic today?


Answer 1

Here are some policies that shaped our Constitutional Republic today:

All men are equal and independent. - This is explictly discussed in the Declaration of Independence when the American colonists officially break up with the British.

All people have inalienable rights. - These God given rights cannot be taken away by a government entity or any other person in society. All people are born with these specific rights.

The outlining of jobs and limited power of government. - The colonists wanted a new form of government in which the government was limited in their power. As colonists under the control of Britain, many individuals felt that the government was too powerful. This is due to the fact that the British parliament could pass laws and taxes without the consent of colonists.

Answer 2
Answer: All men are equal and independent. All people have inalienable rights. The outlining of jobs and limited power of government.

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Hope this helps :)


Question-after 1081 ,what was the byzantine being weakened by?

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