Ana y Claudia __________ traen. (los manteles) nos. lo. las. los


Answer 1

Answer: The right answer is the D) Los.

Explanation: Just to elaborate a little on the answer, it can be added that the pronoun that correctly replaces the noun "manteles" is "los." "Manteles" is masculine and plural, so option B and C can be discarded ("lo" is singular and "las" is feminine). In addition, since it is not said if they are bringing the tablecloths for someone in particular, and since you are looking for a word that specifically replaces tablecloths, option A is also incorrect, since "nos" refers to us (they bring them to us). "Los," which is in the accusative case, is, therefore, the correct option, and it replaces the direct object "manteles."

Answer 2
Answer: Ana y Claudia Los traen. (los manteles) nos. lo. las. los

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hope that helps, God bless!
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