PowerPoint provides a wide variety of predefined shapes that can add visual insert to a slide true or false


Answer 1
Answer: PowerPoint provides a wide variety of shapes for visual inserts this is true
Answer 2
Answer: True because you are able to add pictures and other visual representations

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2. Use inheritance to create a hierarchy of Exception classes -- EndOfSentenceException, PunctuationException, and CommaException. EndOfSentenceException is the parent class to PunctuationException, which is the parent class to CommaException. Test your classes in a Driver class with a main method that asks the user to input a sentence. If the sentence ends in anything except a period (.), exclamation point (!), or question mark (?), the program should throw a PunctuationException. If the sentence specifically ends in a comma, the program should throw a CommaException. Use a catch block to catch all EndOfSentenceExceptions, causing the program to print a message and terminate. If a general PunctuationException is caught, the program should print "The sentence does not end correctly." If a CommaException is caught, the program should print "You can't end a sentence in a comma." If there are no exceptions, the program should print "The sentence ends correctly." and terminate.



See explaination



//Create a class EndOfSentenceException that

//extends the Exception class.

class EndOfSentenceException extends Exception



EndOfSentenceException(String str)






//Create a class CommaException that extends the class


class CommaException extends EndOfSentenceException


//Define the constructor of CommaException.

public CommaException(String str)






//Create a class PunctuationException that extends the class


class PunctuationException extends EndOfSentenceException



public PunctuationException(String str)






//Include the header file.

import java.util.Scanner;

//Define the class Driver to check the sentence.

public class Driver {

//Define the function to check the sentence exceptions.

public String checkSentence(String str)

throws EndOfSentenceException


//Check the sentence ends with full stop,

//exclamation mark

//and question mark.

if(!(str.endsWith(".")) && !(str.endsWith("!"))

&& !(str.endsWith("?")))


//Check the sentence is ending with comma.



//Throw the CommaException.

throw new CommaException("You can't "

+ "end a sentence in a comma.");





//Throw PunctuationException.

throw new PunctuationException("The sentence "

+ "does not end correctly.");



//If the above conditions fails then

//return this message to the main function.

return "The sentence ends correctly.";


//Define the main function.

public static void main(String[] args)


//Create an object of Scanner

Scanner object = new Scanner(System.in);

//Prompt the user to enter the sentence.

System.out.println("Enter the sentence:");

String sentence=object.nextLine();

//Begin the try block.

try {

//Call the Driver's check function.




//The catch block to catch the exception.

catch (EndOfSentenceException e)




1. (1 pt) Suppose you wish to run a program P with 37.5 x 109instructions on a 15 GHz machine with a CPI of 0.75. What is the expected CPU time to execute this program on this machine



Expected CPU time: 1.875 seconds.

_ is the adherence to a personal code of principles.Ethics
Section B


Answer: Ethics


 Ethics is the basic principle for the personal code. The code of the ethics is basically designed for outline the values in the organization with honesty and integrity.

The ethics is basically depend upon the principle of core value of the organization. The code of the ethics basically guide the core value in the organization and breaking the rule of ethics can also cause termination from the organization.

Morality, integrity and honesty are all the sub part of the ethics vale in the organization. Therefore, ethics is the correct option.  

Which of the following protocols is used to unsure secure transmissions on port 443?A. HTTPSB. TelnetC. SFTPD. SHTTP





Default HTTP port is 80. This means that the server request is received on port 80. But default HTTP request is susceptible to interception. In order to prevent it, HTTP communication is secured using SSL encryption (HTTPS protocol). In this case the Url string begins with 'https://' which differentiates it from normal web request. The default port used for HTTPS service is 443 instead of 80.

Write a program (main method) that advises the user on programming language. So if a user for instance enters "Java" the program might say "awesome" or if the user enters "Ruby" it might say "are you sure?" . Make the program comment on at least 5 programming languages.


import java.util.Scanner;

public class JavaApplication41 {


   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scan = new Scanner(System.in);

       String language = scan.nextLine();

       if (language.toLowerCase().equals("java")){



       else if (language.toLowerCase().equals("python")){

           System.out.println("A very simple language!");


       else if (language.toLowerCase().equals("ruby")){

           System.out.println("Are you sure?");


       else if (language.toLowerCase().equals("javascript")){

           System.out.println("Easy enough");


       else if (language.toLowerCase().equals("c")){






I hope this helps!