4) What is the earliest day that the author can finish both projects?A. Monday
C. Thursday
B. Wednesday
D. Friday​


Answer 1


I would say Wednesday

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i know some answer but i dont think i can compare

1. visually- by looking at the book and studying

2. writing- writing to learn

3. listening learning by listening

Hope it somewhat helps :D


A teacher tells his class that whoever scores a 90 percent or higher will be allowed to go on the field trip. Which of the following BEST describes the field trip?



A privilege.


A privilege can be defined as an advantage or prestige given to someone or a group of people or a societal group. The person(s) who have privilege have benefits of it more than the other person or the group. They can enjoy its advantages beyond than others.

The field trip that the teacher is talking about to take her students on is available only to those who scores more than 90% or higher in the class.

This field trip is a privilege to those students who score higher or equal to 90%.

So, the correct answer is 'a privilege'.

Are there supposed to be multiple choice answers or are we supposed to figure it out ourselves? It just says which of the following so I'm just trying to make sure that there aren't any answer choices. 

Why were martin and cheryl always excited to visit their grandfather in medicine bag


Final answer:

Martin and Cheryl, in 'The Medicine Bag', were always thrilled to visit their grandfather due to their deep connection with him, and interest in his stories about their Native American heritage, especially the intriguing 'medicine bag'.


In the story The Medicine Bag, Martin and Cheryl were always excited to visit their grandfather because they had a deep connection with him. Their grandfather was a repository of fascinating Native American traditions, stories, and customs that intrigued the children, giving them an insight into their ancestry and cultural roots. They were particularly drawn towards the 'medicine bag', a symbol of their family's heritage that their grandfather traditionally carried. This mysterious and captivating artifact, filled with sacred items, enthralled them and was a source of joy and anticipation whenever they visited their grandfather.

Learn more about The Medicine Bag here:




Cheryl was proud of who her grandfather was either way and didn't care about her reputation as much as Martin does. Plus, her friends thought grandpa was great...On this day, Grandpa KNEW that Martin would be coming and he knew how Martin would want him to dress, so he dress accordingly..

Plus the fact that Grandpa wants to give the medicine bag to Martin because he believed that he was about to die and its the tradition of the family that the medicine bag goes to the oldest male child..

What are your plans after high school? Write a personal statement about how your education has prepared you to take on your next


The only person that can truly answer this question is you! I can not begin to imagine what your personal statement looks like because I don’t know how your education has prepared you.

Take some time to think about it! You got this! A personal statement can not be right or wrong because it is your own opinions and experiences.

Be honest, even if the truth isn’t happy! Only you know what your high school experiences have been like!

Directions: Read the following passage. Then decide whether the student sample at the right (or below) cites the passage acceptably in MLA style or whether the citation could be considered plagiarism. If the citation is acceptable, choose “OK.” If the citation is plagiarized, choose “Unacceptable.” ORIGINAL SOURCE . . . There is no such thing as a literary work or tradition which is valuable in itself, regardless of what anyone might have said or come to say about it. “Value” is a transitive term: it means whatever is valued by certain people in specific situations, according to particular criteria and in the light of given purposes. It is thus quite possible that, given a deep enough transformation of our history, we may in the future produce a society which is unable to get anything at all out of Shakespeare. His works might simply seem desperately alien, full of styles of thought and feeling which such a society found limited or irrelevant. In such a situation, Shakespeare would be no more valuable than much present-day graffiti.

From page 11 of Literary Theory by Terry Eagleton (U of Minnesota P, 1996).

Student sample

Eagleton foolishly considers Shakespeare “no more valuable than much present-day graffiti” (11).



which one is correct option​



This post will provide the answers for the other questions posted (please see the included links for information).

According to the formatting guidelines under the Modern Language Association (MLA) style of writing, in-text citations must include the author'slast name and page number of any paraphrased or directly-quoted text.  It is essential to give credit to the source of material or literary work in our writing, as it establishes our credibility as a writer.    

Student sample: brainly.com/question/26096982  

Eagleton foolishly considers Shakespeare “no more valuable than much present-day graffiti” (11).

This is an acceptable citation since the student included the author's last name and the page number in his direct quotation. However, the student should have used an ellipsis (...) at the beginning of his direct quotation. The purpose of adding an ellipsis is to let the reader know that the quoted text is a phrase, or a sub-part of a complete text.  The correct formatting is as follows:

Eagleton foolishly considers Shakespeare “... no more valuable than much present-day graffiti” (11).

Student sample: brainly.com/question/26096976

As Eagleton observes, “value” is a transitory word that describes something appreciated by particular people in particular times and places, judged by certain standards for certain reasons (11).

This is not an acceptable citation. The paraphrased text closely resembles the source, despite using different words. Regardless of citing his source, the student essentially plagiarized Eagleton's text. The purpose of paraphrasing text is to convey the author's ideas using your own words. A great way to prevent plagiarism is to ask oneself, "How can I explain my understanding of Eagleton's text to others?"  

Student sample: brainly.com/question/26096979

As Eagleton points out, the value of a work of literature changes depending on its audience—literary value is a subjective idea, not a fixed one (11).

This is an acceptable citation. The student succinctly used his own words in expressing how he understood the author's text, without closely resembling the original source. He also provided the page number of the paraphrased text.  

City Fact FileFacts about
City tee, New York City. Baguio City)



umm. could you elaborate a bit more lol?


The following is a list of the most populous incorporated places of the United States. As defined by the United States Census Bureau, an "incorporated place" includes a variety of designations, including city, town, village, borough, and municipality.[a] A few exceptional census-designated places (CDPs) are also included in the Census Bureau's listing of incorporated places.[b] Consolidated city-counties represent a distinct type of government that includes the entire population of a county, or county equivalent. Some consolidated city-counties, however, include multiple incorporated places. This list presents only that portion (or "balance") of such consolidated city-counties that are not a part of another incorporated place