What is one way that scientists use imagination to guide their creativity when they conduct research?


Answer 1
Answer: Thank you for posting your question here at brainly. 
One way that scientists use imagination to guide their creativity when they conduct research is by visualizing possible solutions before they design experiments. I hope the answer will help you. 

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Human Genome researchers discovered transposons. What are these structures?



Transposon is a fragment or sequence of DNA that can move unregulated to any point in the cell genome, leading to a phenomenon called transposition.


Transposon is the name of what was previously known as jumping genes, being a DNA sequence capable of moving freely within a DNA molecule. A transposon can produce mutations by translocation, altering the total amount of nucleotide in DNA molecule.

Genetic changes that are linked to evolutionary processes can be due to the existence of transposons, since they can even induce chromosomal changes.

On a blood smear slide prepared using Wright's stain, you observe a large cell with a U-shaped nucleus and pale blue cytoplasm. This cell is most likely a(n) __________. a. eosinophil
c. lymphocyte
d. basophil


B is the correct answer

Final answer:

The cell observed on a blood smear slide prepared using Wright's Stain with a U-shaped nucleus and pale blue cytoplasm is a monocyte. Monocytes are part of the immune system and can become macrophages that consume harmful pathogens. So, the correct option is b.


On a blood smear slide prepared using Wright's stain, if you observe a large cell with a U-shaped nucleus and pale blue cytoplasm, this cell is most likely a monocyte. Monocytes are a type of white blood cell that have a large, often U-shaped nucleus and abundant cytoplasm that stains pale blue with Wright's stain. They play an integral role in our immune system, often transitioning into macrophages that can consume harmful pathogens or debris in our body.

Learn more about Monocytes here:



Flatworms have a concentration of nerve tissue and organs in one end of the body. what is the name of this characteristic,



The correct answer is cephalization.


Being a evolutionary feat, cephalization is umbrella term for concentration of sense organs such as eyes and ears, feeding organs such as mouth and nervous system such as ganglia, brain and cerebellum. For flatworms the ganglia concentrated in one end of the body which is "nerve tissue" in your question.

This is called cephalization. In mammals, this cephalization occurs primarily in the head...brain, eyes, ears, mouth.

What blood vessels are connected to the heart?


pulmonaryveins, superiorvenacava and inferiorvenacava (veins) carry blood into your heart.

The energy pyramid shown above represents a valley ecosystem. Which transfer of energy shown below is most likely? A. from rabbits to green plants
B. from weasels to eagles
C. from eagles to rabbits
D. from green plants to weasels


A transfer of energy in practice means that one organism eats the other organism, so here we have to ask whether the first organism is eaten by the second.

A. from rabbits to green plants

Plants don't eat rabbits so -no!

B. from weasels to eagles
-this is the correct answer! Eagles do prey on weasels and eat them whenever they can

C. from eagles to rabbits
Rabbits don't  eat eagles -so, no!

D. from green plants to weasels

Weasels are predators so they don't eat plants!

What does the respiratory system eliminate when there is an excess of hydrogen ions in the body?


Answer:by breaking down carbonic acid into carbon dioxide and water.

The carbon dioxide is expelled from the body

Explanation:the body is able to maintain a constant internal environment through hoemostatis.one of such control is the acid-base balance in the body.

It does this by regulating the amount of hydrogen ions in the blood.A low pH indicates an acidic condition and a high pH indicates an alkaline condition.

The human blood has a pH of 7.35---7.45.it is slightly alkaline and needs to keep this range constant.

The lungs and kidneys involved in regulating the body pH.

When there is excess hydrogen ion in the blood, bicarbonate ions combine with the hydrogen ions to form carbonic acid . this carbonic acid breaks down into water and CO2 .the co2 is expelled from lungs through gaseous exchange.

When the accumulation of acid in the blood is high,the pH drops below 7.35 and this is called respiratory acidosis.

When there is excess alkaline in the blood,the pH goes beyond 7.45 and this is called respiratory alkalosis.