Do you think banning a whole group of people from immigrating to the ever the right thing to do?


Answer 1
Answer: No because there’s always a valid reason as to why they choose to leave their home country poverty corruption extremely high crime rates starvations overall they’re looking for a better quality of life that they can’t get there because the us ruined their home country just open your eyes and have empathy for others
Answer 2




if that group of people ideology is harmful to the ideas and culture of the U.S

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Which of the following campaign promises did reagan fail to keep


Wll an advocacy campaign is planned a group of people that are intended to reach a particular aim and influence decisions within political, economic and social system and institutions. It includes the activities on media, public speaker, publishing researchers and others .

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You didn't give choices, but I can give you a couple key campaign promises that Ronald Reagan failed to keep:

He promised but did not deliver on these items:

-- decreasing the size of the federal government

-- a constitutional amendment to reverse Roe v. Wade

Historical details:

In his campaign for the presidency in 1980, Ronald Reagan promised to decrease taxes and reduce the size of the federal government.  He also promised to improve the economy, restore faith in the nation, make the US military stronger ... and to push for a constitutional amendment to reverse Roe v. Wade, which had legalized abortion.

In his inaugural address in 1981, Reagan said, "Government is not the solution to our problem; government is the problem." He talked much about lowering taxes and reducing the role government played in solving people's problems. He pushed for huge tax cuts in 1981 ... but then the government deficit soared and Congress (with President Reagan's signature) passed laws raising taxes again in 1982, 1983, 1984 and 1987 -- undoing much of the original tax cutting that had been done in 1981.

During Reagan's presidency, there were improvements in the economy and strong positive national feelings. But while Reagan talked about smaller government, federal government expenditure got bigger during Reagan's presidency, as it did under all presidencies in the second half of the 20th century. It's hard to promise smaller government and at the same time increase military spending (which was a Reagan priority). Federal government spending has gone up by about 2.3% (on average) under all presidents since World War II. It just depended on what programs they spent their money on. For Reagan, the priority was military spending.

As for Reagan's promises about a constitutional amendment to reverse Roe v. Wade, those promises played well with conservative Christians, who supported him.  And while in office as president, Reagan continued to make many powerful statements against abortion.  But he did not actively push for political or judicial action to change the laws concerning abortion in the country.  President Reagan: The Role of a Lifetime, a biography written by Lou Cannon (1991), stated:  "While I do not doubt Reagan’s sincerity in advocating an anti-abortion amendment, he invested few political resources toward obtaining this goal."

What strategy was used by activists in the early civil rights movement in the United States to gain support?A.Violent responses
B.Obeying all laws
C.Labor strikes
D.Peaceful marches


Good Morning!
To gain support, acts of violence are not a good strategy. What was done by the movements that fought for the civil rights was: civil disobedience and peaceful marches.
D.Peaceful marches



D. Peaceful marches


During the 1950s and 1960s, the civil rights movement developed. This movement asked for equal civil rights for all citizens, and it focused in particular on African Americans and the way their rights were limited. The movement was well-known for using peaceful strategies, such as civil disobedience and peaceful marches. Many of the rights and protections we have nowadays are a consequence of this early movement.

The English Bill of Rights drew on the ideas expressed in the Magna Carta by suggesting that the king was bound to the will of the people as well as the law. allowing for the election, rather than the appointment, of the people's representatives. suggesting that the king was bound to the law as well as to God. allowing for separation of powers between the king and his subjects.


Answer: suggesting that the king was bound to the will of the people as well as the law.

The Magna Carta is a charter of rights drafted by the Archbishop of Canterbury and signed by King John of England on June 15, 1215. The Carta promised the protection of church rights, protection of the barons from illegal imprisonment, access to justice and limitations on payments to the Crown. More importantly, it bound the king to the will of the people as well as the law. The Magna Carta is considered one of the most important legal documents of all time.

The English Bill of Rights drew on the ideas expressed in the Magna Carta by suggesting that the king was bound to the will of the people as well as thelaw

Which best describes how slaves were regarded in the South in the pre-Civil War years?A) as equal to whites
B) as unskilled workers
C) as valuable property
D) as fellow humans
E) as a nonrenewable resource


The correct answer for this question is C. In the pre-Civil War years slaves were regarded as valuable property. They were sold for money to other slave-owners in the south without any regard for their humanity or right to a free life. Their health and skills were considered, but only in the context of whether this added to or took away from their value.
The answer is "as valuable property". This is definitely the correct answer.

How did Ancient Rome conquer and rule so much territory for such a long time? What were the most important factors in the stability and longevity of Rome’s power under the Republic and then the Empire? 


The Roman Empire believed in the saying, "Offense is the best defense", therefore, in order to defend their empire, they saw to it that needed to conquer whatever threats the empire faced. However, the empire grew too large that it could not defend itself anymore, and became vulnerable to attack, leading to its fall.