Through a variety of methods and for diverse reasons, nations in both Africa and Asia engaged in decolonization from European countries in the mid-to-late 20th century. Evaluate the extent to which African and Asian independence movements in the mid-to-late 20th century were similar.
Just need an introduction paragraph with a thesis statement!!


Answer 1

I typed this answer myself, I hope you are satisfied with it!

While varying in location and time, the African and Asian independence movements that took place in Ghana, South Africa, Vietnam, and India have also had many similarities in other areas. Some of the similarities that can be observed are the fact that in many of the independence movements, mass death occurred, such as in Vietnam and India, which had death tolls that exceeded one million. Another similarity that could be observed is the fact that the leaders of the independence movement often ended up being the elected leader of the country, such as Kwame Nkrumah and Hồ Chí Minh. When comparing historical events of different countries in different areas of the world, many differences and similarities can and will be found.

Answer 2


    While varying in time and location, African and Asian nations substantially engaged  in decolonization from European countries in the mid- to late 20th century through a  variety of methods in similar routes of action. India, Vietnam, Ghana, and South Africa,  to name a few, decided to rise up against their colonizers to gain independence after  several decades of oppression. While India and many African nations shared a  common colonizer in Great Britain, France among other European nations occupied  and imperialized African nations during the New Imperialism. Even after being  liberated from their foreign oppressors, these nations faced challenges ahead of them  similar in political, social, and economic aspects such as the dichotomy in Vietnam. Mass  death tolls at times exceeding millions, elected leaders becoming the kingpins of  revolutionary movements and nations becoming pawns between superpowers in the  Cold War were some similar methods that nations in Africa and Asia acquired in order  to achieve independence.


Here's what I wrote, BUT I did improvise with a little help from the previous answer. I hope this helps. Have a great day or night!

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The correct answer to the question above is the difference in heating. Th flow of air is caused by the difference in heating and the Coriolis effect creates distinct wind patterns on the Earth's surface.


Unequal heating of the earth surface.


Wind refers to the moving mass of air. It originates due to the unequal heating of the surface of the earth that takes place because of the heat energy provided from the Sun. This difference in the heating of the earth's surface give rise to the formation of the low pressure and the high pressure zone. The wind flows from the region of high pressure zone to a region of low pressure zone.

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I believe the answer is: A federal trial court

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When the case cannot be settled within the federal trial court, than the accuser could ask for appeal to bring the case into higher level court.

A federal trial in court.

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B) North America.
C) South America.
D) Asia.
E) none of the above.


Europe has been going though deforestation since the neolitic times.
In North America deforestation can be found for example in Canada
South America is undergoing deforestation- for example in Bolivia
Asia is definitely undergoing deforestation- for example in Indonesia

so the correct answer is: none of the above!