Which of the following might have been the two main reasons European nations ‘scrambled' for territory in Africa in the 19th century? A. to spread social and education reform B. territorial expansion and natural resources C. to secure trade and political relationships D. ownership of trade ports and to spread religion


Answer 1

Answer: B. territorial expansion and natural resources.

Explanation: The options that show what might have been the two main reasons why European nations "scrambled" for territory in Africa in the 19th century are territorial expansion and natural resources. It was between 1870 and 1900 that Africa suffered European imperialist aggression, due to economic and political factors. Because of the capital industrialization, assured sources of raw materials were needed.

Answer 2
Answer: B because they needed the outlet of resources in order to sustain trade.

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As part of the nation’s recovery from the Great Depression of the 1930's, the banking system was taken off the gold standard. Option D is correct.

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D. The banking system was taken of the gold standard

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Which of the following was a cause of imperialismA. People had a desire for access to raw materials and natural resources.
B. Mexico became aggressive toward the United States.
C. Advanced nations felt that each ethnic group should be able to pick its own form of government.
D. The United States needed more land for the growing population.


The correct answer is A. People had a desire for access to raw materials and natural resources.

Basically, manufacturing started developing rapidly and companies were making more and more products. They needed  to sell them so they started exporting to underdeveloped areas. This also meant that the needs of people from those areas increased so now they needed more resources to make more products. This led to imperialism which resulted in colonization. They would take a territory under its rule in order to exploit them for resources.
It is A but there was also 5 main causes of imperialism  

1. Political (nationalism, to be the most powerful country by ruling many other countries). 
2. Economical (to use other country's resources, recieve cheap labor, have a market for their goods. i.e. Africa). 
3. Religious (to spread their religion. i.e. missionaries) 
4. Idealogical (believed that their race was better and had to civilize other people by teaching them. i.e. The White Man's burden) 
5. Exploratory (people wanted to explore new lands for mapping, etc.)

How does the constitution divide powers between national and state governments


Answer: The Constitution divide powers because they have certain specified powers. National Government is based on federalism which is a system that divided between the national and state governments.

The Constitution divides powers between national and state governments through federalism. Certain powers are delegated to the national government, while others are reserved for the states. The Supremacy Clause ensures that federal laws take precedence over state laws.

The Constitution of the United States divides powers between the national and state governments through a system called federalism. This means that certain powers are delegated exclusively to the national government, while others are reserved for the states.

Some powers granted to the national government by the Constitution include the power to declare war, regulate foreign trade, and coin money. On the other hand, some powers reserved for the states include the power to regulate intrastate commerce, establish schools, and conduct elections.

The Constitution also includes a Supremacy Clause, which states that federal laws take precedence over state laws when they conflict with each other. This ensures that the national government has the final say in matters of national importance.

Learn more about Division of powers between national and state governments here:



To what extent did world war 2 effect women's daily lives?


1.) With men away at war, there wasn't a lot of support for family
2.) with support, there wasn't much for their family
3.) High risk of rape with men gone 
it affected them quite a lot, they had to make weapons for the war, they needed to grow food because of the shortage so everyone would have enough to eat, they did play a very important role.