Which of these does the media allow the public to do?


Answer 1
Answer: The choices can be found elsewhere and as follows:

stay informed about current and proposed laws
gain a comprehensive understanding of policy
ensure that everyone has access to the same information
develop highly informed opinions about current events

I think the correct answer from the choices listed above is the first option. It would be staying informed about current and proposed laws that the media allows the public to do. Most of the news nowadays are regarding politics and other information that is related to the government.

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B. The decision to stay out of the League of Nations.
C. Laws that limited immigration by nationality.
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The answer is C. Laws that limited immigration by nationality.

Nativism is the majority's interest over immigrants. The majority did not like immigrants coming into their country so they made laws related to limiting immigrant's access.

It is not A because the Klu Klux Klan flourished as a result of nativity. Many white men hated black people and supported the beliefs of the Klu Klux Klan. In only declined later.



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The correct answer is B, as an accurate description of the Punic Wars is that Rome became the dominant power in the Mediterranean after defeating Carthage.

The Punic wars refers to the three armed conflicts that faced between the years 264 BC and 146 BC the two main powers of the western Mediterranean of the time: Rome and Carthage.

The outbreak of the conflict was greatly influenced by the annexation by Rome of Magna Grecia, in the south of the Italian peninsula, but the main cause of the conflict between the two was the conflict of interests between the colonies of Carthage and the expansion of the Republic of Rome. The first clash occurred on the island of Sicily, partially under Carthaginian control. At the beginning of the first Punic War, Carthage was the dominant power in the western Mediterranean Sea, controlling an extensive maritime empire, while Rome was the emerging power in the center of the Italic peninsula. At the end of the third Punic war, and after decades of conflict, Rome conquered all the Carthaginian possessions and razed the city of Carthage, its capital, with which the Carthaginian faction disappeared from history.

As a result of these wars, Rome became the most powerful state in the western Mediterranean, which added to the end of the Macedonian wars and the defeat of the Seleucid emperor Antiochus III in the Roman-Syrian war in the eastern Mediterranean, turned the Roman Republic into the dominant power in the Mediterranean.

b sorry for being late hope this helps u :)

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federal is the correct answer.....