Me pueden decir un poema con los elementos quimicos por favor​


Answer 1


Me animaste a resurgir del potasio

por ti soy un ser neon,

bajo este cielo cesio

recubierto de kripton...

Tu manganeso mirar

a mi vida dan fosforo y cromo ;

ya no es astato mi andar

ni soy xenon en mi telurio...

(potasio= ceniza)


(cesio= azul celeste)

(kripton= secreto)



(cromo= color)

(astato= inestable)

(xenon= extranjero)

(telurio= tierra(;


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No fue un trabajo de Gabriel García Márquez:

b. Publicista.


Gabriel García Márquez was a Colombian editor, journalist, screenwriter, and writer, winner of the Nobel Prize for Literature in 1982, became really notorious after the publication of his great work "Cien años de soledad" which was published in 1967, although his works in the area of literature they were several and very diverse, he never had a role as a publicist during his 87 years of life until his death.

i think it is a PUBLICISTA

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