Fahad goes........ every weekend


Answer 1

Fahad goes fishing every weekend

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The word unlike can be a suggestion that there is a contrast with well-behaved. This can imply that the word impertinent means ill-mannered.

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better than anyone else running :/




,,Health is a blessing'' essay of 200 words


Not quite 200 words, but I'm sure you can add a couple sentences and then you'll be good to go:

When one counts their blessings, itmay be easy to overlook good health as a blessing, for people often do notrealize the worth of something until it is gone. For example, someone may notrealize how much they value another person until they’ve lost them. Likewise,sometimes we forget what a blessing health is until we become ill or injured.

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Ok what do you need to figure out


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They are too heartbroken to even think about it