A 30-foot ladder is leaning against a wall. The foot of the ladder is 20 feetfrom the wall. How high up the wall does the ladder reach?


Answer 1


22.36 ft.


Pythagorean theorem; it's just b=c2﹣a2=30 squared﹣20 squared=22.36068

Answer 2

Answer: it reaches 50 feet :)



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All of the following cities are located in Brazil except __________.a. Brasilia
b. São Paulo
c. Rio de Janeiro
d. Buenos Aires User: Which of the following countries has a single political party that controls the government?
a. Cuba
b. Mexico
c. Brazil
d. Panama


1. Buenos Aires
2. Cuba

All of the following cities are located in Brazil except Buenos Aires.

Buenos Aires is not in Brazil but in Argentina, and Cuba is the country with a single political party controlling the government. Therefore, option D and option A is correct.

The cities that are listed in the question are all located in Brazil except for Buenos Aries which is the capital city of Argentina. Moreover, of the mentioned countries in the second question - Cuba, Mexico, Brazil, and Panama - it is Cuba that has a single political party controlling the government.

This party is known as the Cuban Communist Party.

Learn more about Cities and Political Systems here:



HELP!! 20 POINTS FOR EACH ANSWER!What do the conflicts in Xinjiang, Chechnya, and Quebec have in common, and how do they differ?


In all 3 areas, the ethnic minorities were trying to achieve some sort of degree in autonomy or independence. In Quebec the movement is very peaceful and friendly, also very political, and some people are very satisfied with the right of language in the Canadian Confederation.
In Xinjiang the Uighur minority wanted independence from china, reason? Because of the major lack of political problems.
And lastly, in Chechnya (and only there) they have the independence movement that spread to the civil war with terrorism and also in other parts of russia. So it is prettys confusing once you think about it, but after all it's simple. :P 

The conflicts in Xinjiang from the 1940s and early 50s, the conflicts in Chechnya in the 1990s, and the conflicts in Quebec in the 1970s are all alike in who or what the conflict revolves around but are different in the way the people are treated. They’re also alike in what happened to the countries but different in the way that the people reacted to what was going on.

The common of the three would be the language. These three ethnic groups had struggled regarding language.  They did not use the language that is being used by the dominant groups. However, they differ in terms on how they cope with the changes. For the Xianjing, violence occurred because the Uighur were forced to assimilate with the Chinese during the Han dynasty. They tried to fight it at first, but they were outnumbered.

Quebec had allowed the French to be their official language to avoid bigger conflict between their colonizers. While Chechnya had been the most violent one. The Chechens had waged war against the Russians. At first, they were able to win, however they had lose during the second war when the Russians were able to control Chechnya.

Earth is divided into 24 A. time zones.
B. coordinates.
C. equators.
D. degrees


earth is divided in to 24 a.time zones
Earth is divided into 24 time zones

The three major types of volcanoes are.A. Shield volcanoes,cinder, and composite volcanoes
B.calderas,conduits,and vents.
C . shield volcanoes, conduits, and vents
D.shield volcanoes, cinder cones, and calderas.


The correct answere for this question is A - the three major types of volcanoes are shiel volcanoes, cinder volcanoes and composite volcanoes. Two other tyypes of volcano are the lava dome volcano, and the Rhyolite Caldera complex (this type is not common, but are the most dangerous and explosive - Yellowstone is an example of this type of volcano).

The Answer is A, the three major types of volcanoes are shield, cinder cones, and composite volcanoes.

How does latitude affect climate


The climate of some places is different from others and some factors are responsible for climatic differences.

How close a place is from the equator determines the sunlight it receives. This implies that if a place is close to the equator, it will receive more sunlight and places that are not close to the equator will receive less sunlight.

Further Explanation

In other words, how far a place is from the equator at 0-degree latitudes determines how cooler it gets.

Also, based on the latitude of a particular place, the prevailing wind is another factor that can affect the climate of a place.  Prevailing winds such as 'Hadley 0-30°, Ferrell 30-60° and Polar cells 60-90° can affect the heat of the earth's surface.

For example, the prevailing wind in Britain comes from the southwest and this wind brings warm and humid air directly from the Atlantic Ocean. The wind and the humid air contribute greatly to the regular rainfalls in Britain.

Therefore, latitude affects the climate in such a way that if someone is close to the equator the climate will become hot and if someone is close to the North and south pole, the climate of the place will be cold.



  • latitude
  • climate
  • prevailing wind
  • equator
  • Atlantic ocean

The correct answer to how latitude affects the Earth's climate is because the Earth is round, the equator gets the most sunlight and the rest is spread out. Option B is the correct answer.

Latitude plays a significant role in determining the Earth's climate. The Earth is not flat but a spherical shape, and because of this, sunlight is distributed differently across different latitudes. The equator, located at 0 degrees latitude, receives the most direct sunlight throughout the year. As you move away from the equator towards the poles, the angle at which sunlight reaches the Earth's surface becomes more oblique, resulting in less intense heating. Option B is the correct answer.

This variation in sunlight intensity due to latitude leads to differences in climate. Near the equator, where sunlight is most intense, temperatures tend to be higher, and the climate is typically warm or hot. As you move towards higher latitudes, the amount of sunlight decreases, resulting in cooler temperatures and different climate zones. The distribution of sunlight across latitudes also affects the Earth's seasons. As the Earth orbits around the sun, the tilt of its axis causes variations in the amount of sunlight different latitudes receive throughout the year. This variation in sunlight leads to the changes in seasons we experience, with regions closer to the poles experiencing more significant seasonal variations.

Learn more about Climate here:



The complete question is, "How does latitude effect how the Earth's climate?

a. because the Earth is round, every place gets the same amount of sunlight

b. because the Earth is round, the equator gets the most sunlight and the rest is spread out

c. all places on Earth have the same climate"