True or False: The Constitutional Convention rejected Roger Sherman's compromise blending the Virginia and New Jersey Plans


Answer 1


Roger Sherman’s compromise was known as the Connecticut Compromise or The Great Compromise, was a plan that was proposed by Sherman and that was agreed. It established a two-house legislature and it was the solution to the debate between larger and smaller states over representation.

Answer 2
Answer: False, The Constitutional Convention supported Roger Sherman's compromise blending the Virginia and New Jersey Plans. This compromise is known as the "Great Compromise" or the "Connecticut Compromise" and helped to resolve the dispute over representation in the federal legislature. 

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The answer to this is true
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steam engine


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Hey There!

One of Thomas Edison's well-known inventions was the Phonograph, because it was used for the mechanical recording and the reproduction of sound.

Thus, the answer is A

Thank You!

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A/Many were educated before the war

B/Many were allowed to take over plantations.

C/Many were elected to local or national political offices.

D/Many sought to move North to get factory jobs



C. Many were elected to local or national political offices.

it used to prevent African Americans from exercising their right to vote.

It wasn’t until the Voting Rights Act of 1965


C. Many were elected to local or national political offices.


1. The main street that, ran the length of a mile, between the College of William and Mary and the Capital. 2. What building at Williamsburg is two-stories tall and shaped like the letter H. Many historic events leading up to the Revolution would happen here. 3. Second oldest institution of higher learning in America. It educated many early presidents. 4. Used to store equipment, arms, munitions, and powder for colonial militia forces. 5. Served as a place where people could attend auctions, sell their wares, and trade. There would often be various types of entertainment here too. 6. This impressive building, over 3,300 square feet in size, was built to show off the power and the prestige of the crown of Britain. Was a social center for the fashionable and the social elite. 7. Ordinaries, Taverns, and Inns. People could eat, drink, socialize and conduct business, stay the night and have their horses cared for. 8. Occupation found in Williamsburg and in many larger towns that was not a skilled trade. 9. Early important building at Middle Plantation, served as a storehouse and hospital during the battle of Yorktown, and is still being used today. 10. This location was the first of its kind in British America. Many play from England were done here. 11. Used to hold debtors, runaway indentured servants and slaves, and at one time, several of the crew of the pirate Blackbeard. 12. Used to treat and house the mentally ill. First building in North America dedicated to the treatment of the mentally ill. DEFINE THE FOLLOWING WITH THE WORDS BELOW


Publick Houses

Publick Hospital

Duke of Gloucester Street

Capital Building

Bruton Parish Church


Playbooth Theater


Market Square

Governor's Palace

College of William and Mary


Matching definitions to the correct words are as follows:

Definition                                                          Correct Word

1. The main street that, ran the length ...        Duke of Gloucester Street

2. What building at Williamsburg ...                Capital Building

3. Second oldest institution of higher ...        College of William and Mary

4. Used to store equipment, arms, ...             Magazine

5. Served as a place where people ...           Market Square

6. This impressive building, over 3,300 ...    Governors Palace

7. Ordinaries, Taverns, and Inns. People ...   Publick Houses

8. Occupation found in Williamsburg ...         Merchant

9. Early important building at Middle ...         Bruton Parish Church

10. This location was the first of its kind ...    Playbooth Theater

11. Used to hold debtors, runaway ...             Gaol

12. Used to treat and house the mentally ... Publick Hospital

Thus, the words have been matched with their appropriate definitions.

Related link:


Not sure about all of them but I have the same assignment here is what I have.


5. Market Square

12. Publick Hospital

1. Duke of Gloucester Street

10. Playbooth Theater

2. Capital Building

6. Governors Palace

11. Gaol

3. College of William and Mary

9. Bruton Parish Church

7. Publick Houses

8. Merchant

4. Magazine

Administrators at a high school are concerned that there may be drugs on campus they decide to institute random backpack checks although they do not have search warrants according to the precedent established by new jersey v t.l.o would the administrators actions be legal?A. Yes, because preventing drug use on high school campuses is an important part of creating a safe school environment.
B. Yes, because students are under 18 and therefore not protected by the Bill of Rights.
C. No, because schools may search students belongings only is there is a reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing.
D. No, because backpack checks are an ineffective way to prevent students from bringing drugs to school.


The correct answer is C). No, because schools could search students belongings only if there is a reasonable suspicion of wrongdoing.

The case referred is New Jersey v. T.L.O. in 1985.

T.L.O. was a 14-year-old female student at a New Jersey high school, when a teacher found her smoking cigarettes with another girl in the restroom, violating school rules.

The U.S. Supreme Court conclusion was that, under the circumstances of the case, the search of T.L.O.’s backpack did not violate the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution. However, the Court did not address if unlawfully seized evidence should be suppressed in a juvenile delinquency hearing. Nevertheless, the Court decided that the Fourth Amendment applies to school officials.


