Which was Ismail known for? A.
He invaded northern India in the 1520s and established the Mughal Empire.

He copied the Ottoman way of waging war and expanded his empire's size and influence.

He conquered Persia in the early sixteenth century, became shah, and founded the Safavid Empire.

He established the Ottoman Empire and decreed a new, vast code of law.


Answer 1
Answer: Hey Jasmine812!

Ismail was known for founding the Safavid Empire and becoming a Shah. The correct answer would be C.

Hope this helps!
Answer 2

The answer is C.

He was know for conqured Persia in the early Sixteenth century, became shah, and founded the Safavid Empire.

  I hoped it help you out.

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The two following social problems that the nation faced at the end of the Civil War was c) the existence of four million freed slaves without money, education, or job skills and d)figuring out how to bring the Southern states back into the Union. There was also resistance from White Southerners who did not want to stop slavery or join the Union, which made the process of solving these two social problems harder.

Answer:  "C" IS THE ANSWER


Mark each statement that correctly describes the political and religious conflicts between the Ottoman and Safavid empires.



There are both political and religious reasons behind the conflicts between the two empires.


Political Reasons:

Since the establishment of the Safavid dynasty in Persia (Iran) there were struggles between the two empires due to the following:

1.Trade Embargoes:

The Ottomans were consistently using trade embargoes against the Safavid Empire and were arresting the people crossing into their country which culminated into the Battle of Chaldiran (1514) followed by a century of border confrontation.

2. Border confrontation:

The Treaty of Zuhab, signed between the two empires recognised Iraq in Ottoman control, and partitioned Caucasus into two between the two empires.

Religious Reason:

One of the important reasons of the combative relationship is due to religion. While the Safavid's were the worshippers of Shia Islam, the Ottoman's were the followers of Sunni Islam.

After the signing of a peace treaty, Treaty of Erzurum (1847), peace was ensured between the two empires after centuries of rivalry.

The Safavid and Ottoman dynasties were both of Turkish ethnicity. The Safavid empire extended from the Caucasia ( Armenia, Azeribijan, etc.) to India, Iraq, the Persian Gulf, and parts of central Asia and the Caspian Sea.The Ottoman empire, on the other hand, ruled the the rest of the Islamic empire (Middle East, Balkans, and North Africa). 

The Ottoman empire was older and stronger than the young Safavid empire, but the Ottomans were alarmed as the Safavid strength and influence grew and felt their interest was threatened. Moreover, the Safavid followed Shia Islam, while the Ottoman people were followers of Sunni/Sufi Islam. 

But the main reasons for the conflict are rather political than for sectarian religious factors as many try to force this idea of Sunni/Shia conflict. 

As the Safavid empire grew, it pushed its territories as far as Iraq and eastern Turkey, carving for itself a considerable chunk of Ottoman territory. This was the point when the Ottomans felt in danger and waged war on their cousins the Safavid.

Which statement about the treatment of Japanese Americans during World War II is correct? A.
President Roosevelt refused to allow Japanese Americans to serve in the U.S. military during the war.

U.S. courts convicted dozens of Japanese Americans of spying for Japan during the war.

The U.S. government denied Japanese Americans their basic constitutional rights by sending them to internment camps.

The secretary of war decided that Japanese Americans posed no threat to national security.


The statement about the treatment of Japanese Americans during World War II that is correct is option C. The U.S. government denied Japanese Americans their basic constitutional rights by sending them to internment camps. In 1942 the government forced Japanese-Americans into internment camps. They had done nothing but lost their homes, and their jobs. The internment camps were overcrowded and provided poor living conditions. The barracks constructed for internees met the minimum standards for military housing.

Which statement about the treatment of Japanese Americans during World War II is correct?

This was real, the Japanese were humiliated......


The U.S. government denied Japanese Americans their basic constitutional rights by sending them to internment camps.

Thus, your answer.

Have a great day..and don't forget to MARK ME AS BRAINLIEST!! XD

Who led the failed american attack on quebec


Answer: Benedict Arnold

Final answer:

The failed American attack on Quebec was led by General Richard Montgomery and Colonel Benedict Arnold.


The failed American attack on Quebec during the American Revolution was led by General Richard Montgomery and Colonel Benedict Arnold. This significant historical event, known as the Battle of Quebec, took place on December 31, 1775. Despite their brave attempts, Montgomery was killed and Arnold was seriously wounded, leading to the failure of the siege.

Learn more about Battle of Quebec here:



Is it possible someone would have had a motive to kill the boy king


Some people would have wanted the family tree to end, so it would be possible. But, a recent autopsy shows otherwise, and it shows King Tut died early from a genetical disease.

Final answer:

In ancient China, the boy king may have been killed due to the religious beliefs and rituals of the Shang dynasty.


In ancient China, the boy king may have had motives for being killed due to the religious practices and beliefs of the Shang dynasty. The kings believed that by spilling human blood, they could appease the gods and prevent problems like famine. The scale of these rituals grew over time, with some kings sacrificing thousands of victims in one bloodletting ceremony. Therefore, it is possible that someone had a motive to kill the boy king in order to fulfill these religious practices.

Learn more about Motives to kill the boy king here:



19. Analyze how Islam spread along Southeast Asia's trade routes.Please help!!!Ill give Brainliest!!!


Islamic ideas and cultures spead along the asian trade routes because of traders and craftsmans going along the routes. As they webt the introduced new ideas to the world. Then many traveled to Islamic land to trade or learn and experienced the Islamic culture and religion. Later many muslim Families moved around to Asia as the Islamic land became populated, spreading even more islamic culture and ideas.
Read more on Brainly.com - brainly.com/question/2468031#readmore