An experiment using alpha particles to bombard a thin sheet of gold foil indicated that most of the volume of the atoms in the foil is taken up by ...


Answer 1
Answer: Empty space. We now know that this is the gap between the electrons and nucleus.
Answer 2

The experiment that used alpha particles to bombard a thin sheet of gold foil indicated that most of the volume of the atoms in the foil is taken up by \boxed{{\text{empty space}}}

Further Explanation:

Rutherford’s experiment:

Rutherford's model of atom is the classic model of the atom instead of having many limitations. He designed an experiment that used alpha particles emitted by radioactive elements as objects that can demonstrate the structure of the atom. Rutherford showed his own physical model for the subatomic structure as a result of the experimental observations.

The postulates of Rutherford’s model are as follows:

1. An atom consists of a positive charge in a very small volume. Most of its mass is concentrated in a very small region of the atom and this region was termed as the nucleus of the atom.

2. The nucleus of the atom is surrounded by the negatively charged particles which were called electron. These electrons were supposed to revolve around the atomic nucleus in a circular path at a very high speed. This circular path is called orbit.

3. A very strong electrostatic force of attraction holds together the negatively charged electrons revolving around the nucleus positively charged concentrated in the nucleus.

Limitations of Rutherford’s model:

1. It did not tell anything about the distribution of electrons in various orbits.

2. This model failed to explain Maxwell’s theory of electromagnetic radiation.

3. It was unable to explain the stability of an atom.

Therefore most of the volume of an atom is taken up by empty space in the atom.

Learn more:

1. The major contribution of Antoine Lavoisier to chemistry:

2. Example of physical change:

Answer details:

Grade: High School

Subject: Chemistry

Chapter: Atomic Structure

Keywords: Rutherford, atom, volume, nucleus, orbit, postulates, limitations, Maxwell, electromagnetic radiations, distribution of electrons, stability of atom.

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4. 2.0 M CaC12(aq)


According to the van't Hoff factor, (the measurement of the solute's colligative properties effect (boiling point,freezing point depression)) a solution that has the highest point at standard pressure, id the one with the most particles or ions.

van't Hoff factor can also be described as the ratio between the original concentration of the solutions's atoms when  the solution is dissolved and the concentration of the solutions taken from its mass.


The possible options are :

(1) 1.0 M KC1(aq) (3) 2.0 M KCl(aq) (2) 1.0 M CaC12(aq) (4) 2.0 M CaC12(aq)

Answer is (4) 2.0 M CaC12(aq)


vant Hoff factor highest BP has the most particles...ions CaCl2 forms 3 ==> Ca2+ and 2Cl-.

The van 't Hoff factor i (named after Dutch chemist Jacobus Henricus van 't Hoff) is a measure of the effect of a solute upon colligative properties such as osmotic pressure, relative lowering in vapor pressure, boiling-point elevation and freezing-point depression.

How many grams of calcium bromide are in 50.0 mL of a 0.25 M calcium bromide solution?


The mass of the compound can be calculated by the molarity. The mass of the calcium bromide in the given solution is 2.5 g.

The mass of the given compound can be calculated by the molarity formula,

\bold {M = \frac {w}{m* v} * 1000}\n\n\bold {w = \frac {M* m* v}{ 1000}}


M- molarity of the solution =  0.25 M

w - given mass =?

m -molar mass of Calcium bromide =  200 g/mol

v-volume in mL= 50 mL

Put the values in the formula,

\bold {w = \frac {0.25* 200* 50}{ 1000}}\n\n\bold {w = 2.5\ g}

Therefore, the mass of the calcium bromide in the given solution is 2.5 g.

To know more about Molarity,

C_(m)=(n)/(V_(r))\n\nm=(m)/(M)\n\nC_(m)=(m)/(MV_(r)) \ \ \ \ \Rightarrow \ \ \ \ m=C_(m)MV_(r)}\n\nC_(m)=0.25(mol)/(L)\nM_{CaBr_(2)}=200(g)/(mol)\nV_(r)=50mL=0.05L\n\nm=0.25(mol)/(L)*200(g)/(mol)*0.05L= \emph{\textbf{2.5g}}

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Calculate the pH of a solution in which [OH–] = 4.5 × 10–9M.8.35



5.65 - this one is correct



5.65 is the pH.


I am assuming that you are asking for confirmation on your answer. The answer is 5.65.

You would do:

[pOH] = -log[OH-]

          = -log[4.5*10^-9]

         equals about 8.3468

To find pH your would subtract the pOH from 14.

14-8.3468 = 5.65 << Rounded to match the answer choices.

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B. vitamin
C. energy.
D. boron.


C. energy. 

One positive attribute of dietary fat is that it's a good source of ENERGY

A. water. 
B. vitamin
D. boron.
One positive attribute of dietary fat is that it's a good source of C. energy.