How do you hook an ammeter and a voltmeter in a circuit?


Answer 1


ammeter goes in series and a voltmeter goes in parallel


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If the coefficient of static friction is 0.15, then 0.15 of the crate's weight
shows up as a force resisting the horizontal pull.  So we really only
need to know the crate's weight.

Weight = (mass) x (gravity)  =  (25) x (9.8)  =  245 newtons.

0.15 of 245 newtons  =  36.75 newtons.

The force due to friction that's holding the crate back, not letting it start
sliding, is 36.75 newtons.  If you push it with 75 newtons of force, then
that  IS  enough to make the crate accelerate. 

Which soil horizon is located closest to the earth's crust? O horizon A horizon B horizon C horizon


The C horizon because it lays on the hard bedrock of the earths crust.
The soil horizon located closest to the surface of the earth's crust would be the O Horizon, which consists of organic deposits (hence the O) and composting plant structures.
Hope that helped =)

Which law of motion accounts for the following statement?"The gravity of the Sun causes the planets to move in a circular path."


Explanation :

The gravity of the Sun causes the planets to move in a circular path. This is because of Newton's first law of motion.

According to Newton's first law, the body will remain at rest or in uniform motion untill external unbalanced force acts.

There are two forces acting on planets i.e. gravitational force and inertia of their orbits. So, form Newton's first law the planets keeps on moving in a circular path.

The law that accounts for that exact statement is the law that says that
most people don't understand these things very well.

A better statement is:
"The gravitational forces between the Sun and each planet cause each planet
to move in an elliptical path."

The laws that account for that behavior are:

-- Newton's second law of motion: (Force) = (mass) x (acceleration)

-- Newton's law of universal gravity

The circuit you should use to find the open-circuit voltage is



Incomplete questions check attachment for circuit diagram.


We are going to use superposition

So, we will first open circuit the current source and find the voltage Voc.

So, check attachment for open circuit diagram.

From the diagram

We notice that R3 is in series with R4, so its equivalent is given below

Req(3-4) = R3 + R4

R(34) = 20+40 = 60 kΩ

Notice that R2 is parallel to the equivalent of R3 and R4, then, the equivalent of all this three resistor is

Req(2-3-4) = R2•R(34)/(R2+R(34))

R(234) = (100×60)/(100+60)

R(234) = 37.5 kΩ

We notice that R1 and R(234) are in series, then, we can apply voltage divider rule to find voltage in R(234)


V(234) = R(234) / [R1 + R(234)] × V

V(234) = 37.5/(25+37.5) × 100

V(234) = 37.5/62.5 × 100

V(234) = 60V.

Note, this is the voltage in resistor R2, R3 and R4.

Note that, R2 is parallel to R3 and R4. Parallel resistor have the same voltage, then voltage across R2 equals voltage across R34

V(34) = 60V.

Now, we also know that R3 and R4 are in series,

So we can know the voltage across R4 which is the Voc we are looking for.

Using voltage divider

V4 = Voc = R4/(R4 + R(34)) × V(34)

Voc = 40/(40+60) × 60

Voc = 24V

This is the open circuit Voltage

Now, finding the short circuit voltage when we short circuit the voltage source

Check attachment for circuit diagram.

From the circuit we notice that R1 and R2 are in parallel, so it's equivalent becomes

Req(1-2) = R1•R2/(R1+R2)

R(12) = 25×100/(25+100)

R(12) = 20 kΩ

We also notice that the equivalent of Resistor R1 and R2 is in series to R3. Then, the equivalent resistance of the three resistor is

Req(1-2-3) = R(12) + R(3)

R(123) = 20 + 20

R(123) = 40 kΩ

We notice that, the equivalent resistance of the resistor R1, R2, and R3 is in series to resistor R4.

So using current divider rule to find the current in resistor R4.

I(4) = R(123) / [R4+R(123)] × I

I(4) = 40/(40+40) × 8

I(4) = 4mA

Then, using ohms law, we can find the voltage across the resistor 4 and the voltage is the required Voc

V = IR

V4 = Voc = I4 × R4

Voc = 4×10^-3 × 40×10^3

Voc = 160V

Then, the sum of the short circuit voltage and the open circuit voltage will give the required Voc

Voc = Voc(open circuit) + Voc(short circuit)

Voc = 24 + 160

Voc = 184V.

Which air mass would produce warm, dry weather in the summer


Answer - Continental Tropical

Reason - Reason for answer is it has hot air mass cycling during the summer with low dew point to hot and high in afternoon

Continental Tropical

  • Continental air masses form over land and are usually dry. Continental air masses are characterized by dry air near the surface while maritime air masses are moist.

PLX HELPAll elements in the same group
A) have similar chemical properties.
B) are not similar in any way.
C) are in the same state at room temperature.
D) have the same boiling and freezing points.


The answer to this question is A.

Answer:   THE ANSWER IS A!!
