Pls help Which two seasons were designated "trapping seasons?

A) winter and spring

B) spring and fall

C) fall and summer

D) summer and winter


Answer 1
Answer: I am thinking it’s Spring and Fall but I don’t know if its totally correct.
Answer 2
Answer: I️ believe Spring and fall

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Decsion making ability is based on logics and explanations. Jennifer's conclusion may be based on the availability heuristic making her thoughts to be biased.  

What is the availability heuristic?

The availability heuristic is a biased nature that depends on rapid instances that influences the decision-making ability when the specific topic related to the situation or the person comes to mind of the person.

Gary's insensitive nature and personality makes Jennifer biased in her thought and tricks her into thinking that he is not good for her.

Deductible reasoning is the progression of the opinions towards the conclusion and anchoring bias is based on the information presented first.

Therefore, Jennifer's conclusion may be based on the availability heuristic.

Learn more about the availability heuristic here:


reaction formation


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The correct answer is A




i took the test abd got 100

What are some political problems currently facing North Africa?



Some of the problems facing North Africa today still have to do with the following:

  • Weak electoral processes
  • Civil unrests
  • Weak and fragile democracies
  • to mention a few.

North Africa comprises of the following countries:

  1. Algeria
  2. Egypt
  3. Libya
  4. Morocco
  5. Sudan
  6. Western Sahara and  
  7. Tunisia.

Algeria, for instance, is still under military rule or what some may call a "controlled democracy". This comprises of a mixed leadership of the military and unelected civilians who make decisions in the country.  

Unsatisfied with the current system of government, the people are constantly oscillating between having mild and unrest and having a coup to enable them to transition into a full-blown democracy.

Egypt too is not left out.

In March of 2019, President Abdel Fattah al-Sisi secured a second term in what many describe as an unfree and unfair presidential election.

Since then his security forces have reduced the country's democracy to one of intimidation, violence, and arrests especially against political opponents, civil society activists, and many others who voice out their criticism of the government.


Since the Muammar Qaddafi was overthrown, Libya has continued to struggle. Many of the peace conferences sponsored by various nations have failed to yield any result.  

The country is still rife with violent conflicts as it tries to very hard to create operational state institutions.  

One of the factors that have been attributed to Libya's current state of events is interference by foreign actors such as Turkey, UAE, Russia and some European states.


The Moroccan system of government is still largely repressive with many proponents of good governance being jailed for statements they uttered under torture by the police.

Freedom of speech is very far from the reach of the people in Morocco.



Following the ousting from the government of President Omar al-Bashir, an interim government comprising civilians and military officials is currently in charge of the affairs of the nation.

The country is staggering under the weight of inflation, nefarious activities by rebels and huge public debts.

Western Sahara

Western Sahara is contested territory. It is contested between Morocco and the Front Polisario and its legal status is still unresolved.

A lot of Sahrawis have lived all their life as refugees. The UN’s refugee agency, UNHCR, estimates that about 170,000 are currently in the Tindouf refugee camps.


Tunisia is the only fully democratic sovereign state in the Arab world.

It is credited with a high human development index.



A job description is a useful tool that describes all the tasks, duties, and responsibilities of a position. The primary function of this assignment is to increase understanding of the critical elements in a job description and its alignment to the HRM process and to talent acquisition. Prior to beginning work on this assignment, read the article Job Worth Doing: Update Descriptions (Links to an external site.), the guide Best Practices and Emerging Trends in Recruitment and Selection, (Links to an external site.) and the web page Employers (Links to an external site.) from the U.S. Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). In your paper, Discuss how a job description is a function of management. Consider the following areas of a job description below and explain how these components contribute to an effective performance management system: Tasks


Answer:Job description is all about collecting and recording basic job-related data that includes job title, job location, job summary, job duties, reporting information, working conditions, tools, machines and equipments to be used and hazards and risks involved in it. A job description may or may not have specific purpose. It depends on what HR managers want to determine and what is the objective of conducting the process of job analysis.

Job Description is a summary of job analysis findings that helps managers determine what an employee is supposed to do when onboard. The purpose of job description depends on the level of details the job findings include. Job description carried for general purpose typically involves job identification (title, designation, location) and a statement of duties and functions of a prospective or existing employee. A specifically carried job description includes detailed information about the kind of job, how it is supposed to be performed and what is expected to be delivered

The main benefit of general purpose job description is that it does not consume much time and quickly provides basic information to managers. It does not require much human efforts and is very easy and convenient to carry out. Additionally, a job analyst does not have to conduct deep research to gather the required details.

Specific purpose job description includes detailed information about job responsibilities of an employee. It also covers sub tasks, essential functions and detailed job duties. It involves huge amount of details such as what an employee needs to do, how it is to be done and what are the performance standards, etc.

it offers ample information to evaluate job performance and determine training needs of employees. It serves as a basis for all other HR processes including recruitment and selection, performance appraisal, compensation decision and many more.

Explanation:There is no organization that can survive without the use of Job description because it's job easier and more flexible,it's gives direction about the job and also the organization bas a whole.

Final answer:

A job description is a management tool that defines the roles and tasks of a position, aiding in effective HRM, talent acquisition, and performance management.


A job description essentially serves as a tool for management to define the roles and responsibilities of a particular position. This not only helps in the HRM process and talent acquisition by providing a clear picture of what the role entails, but also plays a significant part in formulating an effective performance management system.

Each section of a job description contributes to the overall functioning of a performance management system in the following ways:

  • Tasks: These define the specific work that an employee in the said position is expected to carry out. By having a well-defined list of tasks, management can effectively assess the performance and productivity of an individual against these objectives.

The above points demonstrate how a job description forms an integral part of management strategy, contributing significantly towards performance management and enhancing the efficiency of the talent acquisition process.

Learn more about Job Description here: