To which city did Constantine move the capital of the Roman Empire in the fourth century? A.





Answer 1
Answer: Constantine moved the capital of the Roman Empire to Constantinople, which was named after him and was located in C. Byzantium. It would remain the capital for hundreds of years.
Answer 2
Answer: the answer is Byzantium because it was the captial city

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The many reports, which have been industriously propagated to the disadvantage of the Colony of Georgia, call for an enquiry into the reasons and validity of them…The principal objections consist of the following particulars, 1.That the Climate is unhealthy.
2.That the Soil is barren.
3.That no produces for trade can be raised in it.
4.That the Lands were granted upon improper Terms and Conditions. Benjamin London
An Impartial Enquiry into the State and Utility of the Province of Georgia, 1741 Who MIGHT have the author been addressing when writing this?
A) the Salsburgers
B) the Malcontents
C) the Highland Scots
D) the Spanish Floridians


Its B)Malcontents. I know because I just did it lol                


B) Malcontents


London wrote this essay is response to the criticisms of the Malcontents. He hoped by addressing the issues he could persuade them to accept the decisions made by the Trustees of Georgia.

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Which statement accurately describes the culture or geography of Latin America? A.
Communications were quick between cities in Spain’s colonies.

It took weeks to sail from one end of the region to the other.

South America is bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the east coast.


The statement that accurately describes the culture or geography of Latin America is B.

Statement A says that communications were quick between cities in Spain's colonies, which is not true. In the 1800s, communications were not quick in general, but less in the Latin American colonies, where the extension of the territory meant that a letter from one city to another could take weeks to arrive.

Option C states that South America is bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the east coast, but that's not right. South America is bounded by the Pacific Ocean on the west coast, the east coast is bounded by the Atlantic Ocean.

The correct option is B. Indeed, the navigation between both ends of the Spanish territories in Latin America could take weeks, even more than a month. Considering that the northern end of the Spanish colonies was in California, and the extreme south reached approximately Santiago de Chile, it was a 6000-mile boat ride. It would take much more in the case of wanting to get from one ocean to another, for example, from California to Buenos Aires.

 C. Is a bad answer. Only A. or B. have any merit. Since the questions seem to be interested in colonial South America, take B. for your answer.