Which of the following definitions describes the term electrocution? A. A reflex response to the passage of electric current through the human body and results when electric current enters the body at one point and leaves through another B. Most common shock-related injury resulting in electrical, arc flash, or thermal contact injuries
C. Occurs when a person is exposed to a lethal amount of electrical energy
D. Occurs when electricity ignites an explosive mixture of materials in the air


Answer 1
Answer: Go with the answer c.
Answer 2
Answer: I think is c too I'm not sure

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Cholera is an infectious disease that is borne inareas with poor sanitation and overcrowding and is common in third worldcountries that have no access to clean and potable water. The common symptom isdiarrhea and if it further leads to dehydration it can cause death to a numberof individuals. The easiest way to prevent this is through the proper boilingof water if chemical disinfection and water bottles are not easily accessible.

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Research is performed under_________
_________state and federal___________



Research is performed under both state and federal regulations.

State regulations vary depending on the state in which the research is being conducted, but typically involve obtaining institutional review board (IRB) approval, ensuring the safety and welfare of the subjects, and respecting their rights to privacy and confidentiality.

Federal regulations include the Common Rule (45 CFR 46) and the regulations of various federal agencies such as the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) and the National Institutes of Health (NIH). These regulations provide further guidance on the conduct of research involving human subjects, animal subjects, and other sensitive areas such as gene therapy and stem cell research.

Overall, research must adhere to both state and federal regulations to ensure the ethical and lawful conduct of scientific inquiry.

I hope this helps!

A pitcher notices pain in his elbow during warmups. Since pitching a ball is a repetitive motion, which injury is he most likely to have?


he most likely has a muscle strain
Muscle strain since the pitcher has been pitching repetitively

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For an article about the symptoms of depression in teenagers, you can include the following symptoms:

1. Feelings of sadness or hopelessness
2. Changes in sleep patterns
3. Loss of interest in activities that used to be enjoyable

These are common symptoms of depression in teenagers. Increased engagement with friends and maintaining a healthy weight are not typically considered specific symptoms of depression, although changes in social behavior and appetite may occur as part of a broader picture of depression.

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present-present bias -> ignores the times where she forgot to tap and still makes it

What are the three things that help you in representing real life situation to rational function​


Final answer:

The three steps to represent a real-life situation as a rational function are identifying the variables or quantities involved, creating a rational function that accurately represents the relationship of those variables, and interpreting and applying the function to solve problems.


Three things that can help in representing a real-life situation to a rational function are:

Identifying the quantities: In order to represent a real-life situation as a rational function, first, we need to determine the variables or quantities and establish a relationship between them.  

Application and analysis of the function: At last, we should interpret and use the function correctly to solve problems qualitatively and quantitatively.  

In real-world contexts, the rational functions are commonplace. For example, modeling the rate at which medicine is absorbed into the bloodstream.

Learn more about Rational Functions here:




Rational expressions and rational equations can be useful tools for representing real life situations and for finding answers to real problems. In particular, they are quite good for describing distance-speed-time questions, and modeling multi-person work problems. Myra takes 2 hours to plant 500 flower bulbs
