How do we use the brakes in the airplane?


Answer 1


When a pilot pushes the top of the right pedal, it activates the brakes on the right main wheel/wheels, and when the pilot pushes the top of the left rudder pedal, it activates the brake on the left main wheel/wheels. The brakes work in a rather simple way: they convert the kinetic energy of motion into heat energy.


When a pilot pushes the top of the right pedal, it activates the brakes on the right main wheel/wheels, and when the pilot pushes the top of the left rudder pedal, it activates the brake on the left main wheel/wheels. The brakes work in a rather simple way: they convert the kinetic energy of motion into heat energy.

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option B



heating tap water from 16° C to 50° C

at the average rate of 0.2 kg/min

the COP of this heat pump is 2.8

power output = ?

COP = (Q_H)/(W_(in))\nW_(in) = (Q_H)/(COP)\nW_(in) = ((0.2)/(60)* 4.18* (50-16))/(2.8)\nW_(in) = 0.169

the required power input is 0.169 kW or 0.17 kW

hence, the correct answer is option B

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Average heat flux=3729.82 W/m^(2)


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hello your question has a missing part below is the missing part

Consider the string length equal to \pi

answer : 2cos(2t) sin(2x) - 10cos(10t)sin(10x)


Given string length = \pi

distorted function f(x) = 2sin(2x) - 10sin(10x)

Determine the wave formed in the string

attached below is a detailed solution of the problem

Will mark brainliest if correctWhen a tractor is driving on a road, it must have a SMV sign prominently displayed.



Answer: true


or a bronze alloy, the stress at which plastic deformation begins is 267 MPa and the modulus of elasticity is 115 GPa. (a) What is the maximum load (in N) that may be applied to a specimen having a cross-sectional area of 164 mm2 without plastic deformation



The maximum load (in N) that may be applied to a specimen with this cross sectional area is F=43788 N


We know that the stress at which plastic deformation begins is 267 MPa.

We are going  to assume that the stress is homogeneously distributed. As a definition, we know that stress (P) is force (F) over area(A), as follows:

P=(F)/(A)    (equation 1)

We need to find the maximum load (or force) that may be applied before plastic deformation. And the problem says that the maximum stress before  plastic deformation is 267 MPa. So, we need to find the value of load when P= 267 MPa.

Before apply the equation, we need to convert the units of area in m^(2). So,

A[m^(2)]=A[mm^(2) ]((1 m)/(1000 mm)) ^(2)\nA[m^(2)]=164 mm^(2)((1 m)/(1000 mm))^(2) \nA[m^(2)]=0.000164 m^(2)

And then, from the equation 1,

F=PA\nF=(267 MPa)(0.000164 m^(2))\nF=(267x10^(6) Pa)(0.000164 m^(2))\nF=(267x10^(6) N/m^(2))(0.000164 m^(2))\nF=43788 N

An environmental engineer is considering three methods for disposing of a nonhazardous chemical sludge: land application, fluidized-bed incineration, and private disposal contract. The estimates for each method are below. (a) Determine which has the least cost on the basis of an annual worth comparison at 10% per year. (b) Determine the equivalent present worth value of each alternative using its AW value




The annual worth of land application = $ 110,000 ( A/P , 10% , 5 years ) + $ 95,000 - $ 15,000 (A/F , 10% , 5 years )

The annual worth of land application = $ 110,000 X 0.263797 + $ 95,000 - $ 15,000 X 0.163797

The annual worth of land application = $ 29,017.54 + $ 95,000 - $ 2,456.95

The annual worth of land application = $ 121,560.59

The annual worth of land Incineration = $ 800,000 ( A/P , 10% , 6 years ) + $ 60,000 - $ 250,000 X (A/F , 10% , 6 years )

The annual worth of land Incineration = $ 800,000 X 0.229607 + $ 60,000 - $ 250,000 X 0.129607

The annual worth of land Incineration = $ 211,283.85

The annual worth of contract = $ 190,000

The annual worth of contract = $ 190,000

The land application has the least cost , hence it is preferred .