What are the important factors needed to be considered while selecting a brake or clutch?


Answer 1


The correct answer is: the following factors are needed to properly consider while selecting a brake or clutch:







-Fluid power


-Key concepts

-Application notes

-Selection criteria


Clutches and brakes are important devices in many rotating drive systems, it is very important to guarantee the security and the proper function of them accomplishing a high quality parameters in those factors.

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Technician A says that the unitized structure of a hybrid vehicle is considerably different when compared to the same conventional model.Technician B says that hybrid vehicles have 12-volt and high voltage batteries.

Who is right?


Technician A says that the unitized structure of a hybrid vehicle is considerably different when compared to the same conventional model is right.

What are hybrid vehicle?

Hybrid vehicle are defined as a powered by a combustion engine and/or a number of electric motors that draw power from batteries. A gas-powered car simply has a traditional gas engine, but a hybrid car also features an electric motor.

One important advantage of hybrid cars is their capacity to reduce the size of the main engine, which improves fuel efficiency. Many hybrid vehicles employ electric motors to accelerate slowly at first until they reach higher speeds. They then use gasoline-powered engines to increase fuel efficiency.

Thus, technician A says that the unitized structure of a hybrid vehicle is considerably different when compared to the same conventional model is right.

To learn more about hybrid vehicle, refer to the link below:



A train was right get it

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Answer: D all above


Jus done it

A cylindrical bar of metal having a diameter of 19.2 mm and a length of 207 mm is deformed elastically in tension with a force of 52900 N. Given that the elastic modulus and Poisson's ratio of the metal are 61.4 GPa and 0.34, respectively, determine the following: a. The amount by which this specimen will elongate in the direction of the applied stress.
b. The change in diameter of the specimen. Indicate an increase in diameter with a positive number and a decrease with a negative number.



1)ΔL = 0.616 mm

2)Δd = 0.00194 mm


We are given;

Force; F = 52900 N

Initial length; L_o = 207 mm = 0.207 m

Diameter; d_o = 19.2 mm = 0.0192 m

Elastic modulus; E = 61.4 GPa = 61.4 × 10^(9) N/m²

Now, from Hooke's law;

E = σ/ε

Where; σ is stress = force/area = F/A

A = πd²/4 = π × 0.0192²/4

A = 0.00009216π

σ = 52900/0.00009216π

ε = ΔL/L_o

ε = ΔL/0.207

Thus,from E = σ/ε, we have;

61.4 × 10^(9) = (52900/0.00009216π) ÷ (ΔL/0.207)

Making ΔL the subject, we have;

ΔL = (52900 × 0.207)/(61.4 × 10^(9) × 0.00009216π)

ΔL = 0.616 × 10^(-3) m

ΔL = 0.616 mm

B) Poisson's ratio is given as;

υ = ε_x/ε_z

ε_x = Δd/d_o

ε_z = ΔL/L_o


υ = (Δd/d_o) ÷ (ΔL/L_o)

Making Δd the subject gives;

Δd = (υ × d_o × ΔL)/L_o

We are given Poisson's ratio to be 0.34.


Δd = (0.34 × 19.2 × 0.616)/207

Δd = 0.00194 mm

A multipurpose transformer has a secondary coil with several points at which a voltage can be extracted, giving outputs of 5.60, 12.0, and 480 V. (a) The input voltage is 220 V to a primary coil of 230 turns. What are the numbers of turns in the parts of the secondary used to produce the output voltages




A multipurpose transformer can act as step up as well as step down transformer according to the desired setting by a user.

When the voltage at the output is greater than the voltage at the input of the transformer then it acts as step-up transformer and vice-versa acting is a step down transformer.

Given that:

input (primary) voltage of the transformer, V_i=220~V

no. of turns in the primary coil, N_i=230

  • When the output voltage is 5.60 V:


(N_i)/(N_o) =(V_i)/(V_o)


N_o=5.85\approx 6 turns compensating the losses

  • When the output voltage is 12.0 V:


(N_i)/(N_o) =(V_i)/(V_o)


N_o=12.45\approx 13 turns compensating the losses

  • When the output voltage is 480 V:


(N_i)/(N_o) =(V_i)/(V_o)


N_o=501.8\approx 502 turns compensating the losses

An inventor claims that he wants to build a dam to produce hydroelectric power. He correctly realizes that civilization uses a lot more electricity during the day than at night, so he thinks he has stumbled upon a great untapped energy supply. His plan is to install pumps at the bottom of the dam so that he can pump some of the water that flows out from the generators back up into the reservoir using the excess electricity generated at night. He reasons that if he did that, the water would just flow right back down through the generators the next day producing power for free. What is wrong with his plan?



The problem is that the pumps would consume more energy than the generators would produce.


Water has a potential energy associated with the height it is at. The higher it is, the higher the potential energy. When water flows down into the turbines that energy is converted to kinetic energy and then into electricity.

A pump uses electricity to add energy to the water to send it to a higher potential energy state.

Ideally no net energy woul be hgenerate or lost, because the generators would release the potential energy and pumps would store it again in the water. However the systems are not ideal, everything has an efficiency and losses. The losses would accumulate and the generator would be generating less energy than the pumps consume, so that system wastes energy.

What should be done is closing the floodgates to keep the water up in the dam at night producing only the power that is needed and releasing more water during the day.

Write a program that allows you to enter grocery item names into an array of strings and the cost of each item in an array of doubles. At the beginning of the program prompt the user to enter the total number of items they will be entering. Max value of 100. After entering the item names and cost, the application should display the names and cost and total cost of all items.



#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main(){

//declare arrays

string ItemName[100];

double ItemCost[100]={0.0};

//declare variable

string name="";

double Total=0.0;

int NumItems=0;

cout<<"Enter number of grocery item you will be entering";



if (NumItems>100)


  cout<<"Enter grocery items less than 100"




for (int i=1;i>=NumItems;i++)


  cout<<"Please enter the item name in one word only, Example:                                icecream\n";


  cout<<"Please enter the cost as a decimal number, Example: 2.05\n\n";



cout<<"Items"<<"   "<<""$""<<"Cost"<<endl

for (int i=1;i>=NumItems;i++)


    cout<<ItemName[i]<<"   "<<"$"<<ItemCost[i]<<endl


for (int i=1;i>=NumItems;i++)






return 0;
