Describe how a feeler gauge can be used to assist in the adjustment of a spark plug electrode gap​


Answer 1



Adjusting the distance between the two electrodes is called gapping your spark plugs. You need a feeler gauge to gap your spark plugs properly If you're re-gapping a used plug, make sure that it's clean (gently scrub it with a wire brush)

hope this you

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The resultant force is directed along the positive x axis and has a magnitude of 1330 N. Determine the magnitude of F_A. Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units. Determine the direction theta of F_A. Express your answer using three significant figures.



the magnitude of F_A is 752 N

the direction theta of F_A is 57.9°


Given that,

Resultant force = 1330 N in x direction

∑Fx = R

from the diagram of the question which i uploaded along with this answer

FB = 800 N

FAsin∅ + FBcos30 = 1330 N

FAsin∅ = 1330 - (800 × cos30)

FA = 637.18 / sin∅

Now ∑Fx = 0

FAcos∅ - FBsin30 = 0

we substitute for FA

(637.18 / sin∅)cos∅ = 800 × sin30

637.18 / 800 × sin30 = sin∅/cos∅

and we know that { sin∅/cos∅ = tan∅)

so tan∅ = 1.59295

∅ = 57.88° ≈ 57.9°


FA = 637.18 / sin∅

we substitute ∅

so FA = 637.18 / sin57.88

FA = 752 N

The dam cross section is an equilateral triangle, with a side length, L, of 50 m. Its width into the paper, b, is 100 m. The dam material has a specific gravity, SG, of 3.1. You may assume that the dam is loosely attached to the ground at its base, though there is significant friction to keep it from sliding.Is the weight of the dam sufficient to prevent it from tipping around its lower right corner?




In an equilateral trinagle the center of mass is at 1/3 of the height and horizontally centered.

We can consider that the weigth applies a torque of T = W*b/2 on the right corner, being W the weight and b the base of the triangle.

The weigth depends on the size and specific gravity.

W = 1/2 * b * h * L * SG


Teq = 1/2 * b * h * L * SG * b / 2

Teq = 1/4 * b^2 * h * L * SG

The water would apply a torque of elements of pressure integrated over the area and multiplied by the height at which they are apllied:

T1 = \int\limits^h_0 {p(y) * sin(30) * L * (h-y)} \, dy

The term sin(30) is because of the slope of the wall

The pressure of water is:

p(y) = SGw * (h - y)


T1 = \int\limits^h_0 {SGw * (h-y) * sin(30) * L * (h-y)} \, dy

T1 = \int\limits^h_0 {SGw * sin(30) * L * (h-y)^2} \, dy

T1 = SGw * sin(30) * L * \int\limits^h_0 {(h-y)^2} \, dy

T1 = SGw * sin(30) * L * \int\limits^h_0 {(h-y)^2} \, dy

T1 = SGw * sin(30) * L * \int\limits^h_0 {h^2 - 2*h*y + y^2} \, dy

T1 = SGw * sin(30) * L * (h^2*y - h*y^2 + 1/3*y^3)(evaluated between 0 and h)

T1 = SGw * sin(30) * L * (h^2*h - h*h^2 + 1/3*h^3)

T1 = SGw * sin(30) * L * (h^3 - h^3 + 1/3*h^3)

T1 = 1/3 * SGw * sin(30) * L * h^3

To remain stable the equilibrant torque (Teq) must be of larger magnitude than the water pressure torque (T1)

1/4 * b^2 * h * L * SG > 1/3 * SGw * sin(30) * L * h^3

In an equilateral triangle h = b * cos(30)

1/4 * b^3 * cos(30) * L * SG  > 1/3 * SGw * sin(30) * L * b^3 * (cos(30))^3

SG > SGw * 4/3* sin(30) * (cos(30))^2

SG > 1/2 * SGw

For the dam to hold, it should have a specific gravity of at leas half the specific gravity of water.

This is avergae specific gravity, including holes.

Convert the angles of a triangle to radians.Part A31∘43′53′′, 90∘32′11′′, 57∘43′56′′Express your answers, separated by commas, to six significant figures.nothingrad, rad, radRequest AnswerPart B94∘22′19′′, 40∘54′53′′, 44∘42′48′′Express your answers, separated by commas, to six significant figures.




To convert to radians

A31∘43′53′′, 90∘32′11′′, 57∘43′56′′

using DMS approach ; 1degree = 60minutes = 3600 seconds

1° = 60' = 3600"

And degree to radian = multiply by π/180

A) 31∘43′53′′ = 31degree + 43minutes + 53 seconds

= 31 degree + 43minutes + 53/60

= 31 degree + 43.88minutes

= 31 degree + 43.88/60 = 31.73 degree x π/180 = 0.5534radians

FOR 90∘32′11′′ = 90 degree + 32minutes + 11seconds

= 90degree + 32minutes + 11/60

= 90 degree + 32.183minutes

= 90 degree + 32.183/60 = 90.54degree x π/180

= 1.580radians

FOR 57∘43′56′′ = 57degree + 43minutes+ 56seconds

= 57degree + 43minutes + 56/60

= 57 degree + 43.93minutes

= 57degree + 43.93/60 = 57.73degree X π/180  

= 1.00radians


FOR 94∘22′19′′ = 94degree + 22minutes + 19seconds

= 94degree + 22minutes + 19/60

= 94degree + 22.32minutes

= 94degree + 22.32/60

= 94.37degree X π/180  = 1.65radians

FOR 40∘54′53′′ = 40degree + 54minutes + 53seconds

= 40 degree + 54minutes + 53/60

= 40 degree + 54.88minutes = 40 degree + 54.88/60

= 40.91degree X π/180  = 0.714radians

FOR 44∘42′48′′ = 44degree + 42minutes + 48seconds

= 44degree + 42.8minutes

= 44.71degree X π/180 = 0.780radians



0.176270π rad, 0.502980π rad, 0.320735π rad


0.524289π rad, 0.227304π rad, 0.248407π rad


We know that,

1° = 60' 180° = π

1 ' = 1°/60 1° = π/180


a. 31°43'53''

Step 1

53'' = 53 * 1/60

= 53'/60

Step 2


= 43'+53'/60

= (2580+43)/60

= 2623'/60

-------- Convert to degrees

= 2623/60 * 1/60

= 2623/3600

Step 3


= 31+ 2623/3600

= (111600 + 2623)/3600

= 114223°/3600

Now, we convert to radians

= 114223/3600 * π/180°

= 0.176270π rad



Step 1.

11' = 11 * 1/60

= 11/60

Step 2


= 32 + 11/60

= 1931/60

-------- Convert to degrees

= 1931/60 * 1/60

= 1931/3600

Step 3


= 90 + 1931/3600

= 325931°/3600

Now we convert to radians

= 325931°/3600 * π/180°

= 0.502980π rad



Step 1

56' = 56 * 1/60

= 56/60

= 14/15

Step 2


= 43 + 14/15

= 659/15

Now we convert to degrees

= 659/15 * 1/60

= 659°/900

Step 3


= 57 + 659/900

= 51959/900

Now we convert to radians

= 51959°/900 * π/180°

= 0.320735π rad




Step 1

19'' = 19/60

Step 2


= 22 + 19/60

= 1339/60

Now we convert to degrees

= 1339/60 * 1/60

= 1339°/3600

Step 3


= 94 + 1339/3600

= 339739°/3600

Now we convert to radians

= 339739°/3600 * π/180

= 0.524289π rad



Step 1

53" = 53/60

Step 2


= 54'+ 53/60

= 3293/60

Now we convert to degrees

= 3293/60 * 1/60

= 3293/3600

Step 3


= 40 + 3293/3600

= 147293/3600

Now we convert to radians

= 147293/3600 * π/180

= 0.227304π rad



Step 1

48' = 48/69

= 4/5

Step 2


= 42 + 4/5


Nowz we convert to degrees

= 214/5 * 1/60

= 107/150

Step 3


= 44 + 107/150

= 6707/150

Now we convert to radians

= 6707/150 * π/180

= 0.248407π rad

Make a copy of the pthreads_skeleton.cpp program and name it pthreads_p2.cpp Modify the main function to implement a loop that reads 10 integers from the console (user input) and stores these numbers in a one-dimensional (1D) array (this code will go right after the comment that says ""Add code to perform any needed initialization or to process user input""). You should use a global array for this.



The solution code is as follows:

  1. #include <iostream>
  2. using namespace std;
  3. int main()
  4. {
  5.    int myArray [10] = {};
  7.    int i;
  8.    for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
  9.    {
  10.        cout <<"Enter an integer: ";
  11.        cin>> myArray[i];
  12.    }
  13. }


Firstly, we initialize a 10-elements array, myArray (Line 7) with no values.

Next, we create a for-loop (Line 10). Within the loop, we prompt user to enter an integer and assign the input value to the current element of myArray (Line 12-13).

Assuming that the following three variables have already been declared, which variable will store a Boolean value after these statements are executed? choice = true;
again = "false";
result = 0;

a. choice
b. again
c. result
d. none of these are Boolean variables





Boolean Algebra deals with either a one or a zero and how to manipulate them in computers or elsewhere. The "choice" option may not work, since for text it must be enclosed in quotation marks, usually. For "again," it's text and not a 1 or 0. So, the answer is C, since this is a 0.