The average flow speed in a constant-diameter section of the Alaskan pipeline is 2.5 m/s. At the inlet, the pressure is 8.25 MPa (gage) and the elevation is 45 m; at the outlet, the pressure is 350 kPa (gage) and the elevation is 115 m. Calculate the head loss in this section of pipeline.


Answer 1


head loss = 805.327 m


given data

average flow speed v = 2.5 m/s

inlet pressure Pi = 8.25 MPa

elevation Zi =  45 m

outlet pressure Po = 350 kPa

elevation Zo = 115 m

we consider oil Specific Gravity = 0.92

to find out

head loss in this section of pipeline


we find here head loss that is inlet and outlet  

Hi = (Pi)/(\rho g) +(Vi^2)/(2g) +Zi    ..............1

put here value  

Hi = (8.25*10^6)/(920*9.81) +(2.5^2)/(2*9.81) +45

Hi = 959.425 m


Hout = (Pout)/(\rho g) +(Vout^2)/(2g) +Zout    ..............2

put here value  

H out = (350*10^3)/(920*9.81) +(2.5^2)/(2*9.81) +115  

H out = 154.098 m


head loss is = Hi - H out  

head loss is = 959.425 - 154.098  

head loss = 805.327 m

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2.Due friction force between cylinder and piston .

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Average heat flux=3729.82 W/m^(2)


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Answer: The monthly payment before the buydown is $71.3

The monthly payment after the buydown is $68.9

Explanation: The payment is compounding so we use compound interest;

A= P[1+(r/n)^nt]


A= Compounded amount

P = principal

r= interest rate per payment

n= number of payment per period

t= number of period.

NOTE: from our questions, the period is yearly and the payment is monthly. Therefore;

number of payment per period (n) is 12

number of payment period (t) is 10

P=$8000, r= 0.667% or 0.333%


Step 1: find the Compounded amount to pay.

A= $8000[1+(0.00667÷12)^(12×10)]=

$8551.64 this is the total amount he has to pay for a period of 10years

Step 2: How much does he has to pay monthly for a period of 10year;

Therefore his payment will be for 120 months

$8551.64÷120= $71.3 monthly


Step 1: find the compounded amount to pay.

A= 8000[1+(0.00333÷12)^(12×10)=

$8270.85 this is the total amount he has to pay for a period of 10years

Step2: How much does he has to pay monthly for a period of 10year;

Therefore his payment will be for 120 months;

$8270.85÷120= $68.9 monthly

A 100-mm-diameter cast Iron shaft is acted upon by a 10 kN.m bending moment, a 8 kN.m torque, and a 150 kN axial force simultaneously. The ultimate tensile strength of the shaft material is 210 MPa, and the ultimate compressive strength of the shaft material is 750 MPa, determine the safety factor against failure for the above types of loading using a proper theory of failure.



Are you smart You seem smart


im ur dad

5. Switch a in the circuit has been open for a long time and switch b has been closed for a long time. Switch a is closed at t = 0. After remaining closed for 1s, switches a and b are opened simultaneously and remain open indefinitely. Determine the expression for the inductor current i that is valid when (a) 0 ≤ t ≤ 1s and (b) t ≥ 1s



(a) 1/L∫Vdt; integral t [0,1]

(b) 1/L∫Vdt; integral t [ 1, infinity]


An Inductor current I, flowing through an inductor depends on the voltage, V, across the inductor and the inductance, L, of the inductor. The switch 1, 2 timing varies the voltage V with time t

The expression for inductor current is given as:

I= 1/L∫Vdt,

where I is equal to the current flowing through the inductor, L is equal to the inductance of the inductor, and V is equal to the voltage across the inductor.

The formula can also be written as:

I= I0 + 1/L∫Vdt, where I is inductor current at time t, and io is inductor current at t = 0. Time can be varied by controlling the switch

A small family home in Tucson, Arizona has a rooftop area of 2667 square feet, and it is possible to capture rain falling on about 61.0% of the roof. A typical annual rainfall is about 14.0 inches. If the family wanted to install a tank to capture the rain for an entire year, without using any of it, what would be the required volume of the tank in m3 and in gallons? How much would the water in a full tank of that size weigh (in N and in lbf)?



volume  = 53.747 m3 = 14198.138 gal

weight = 526652 N = 118396.08 lbf


We know that volume of water

volume  =  A'* H

where A' = 61% of A

              = 0.61* 2667 = 1626.87 sq ft

volume  =  1626.87 * ((14)/(12) ft)

               =1898.015 ft^3

in\ m^3 = ( 1898.015)/(35.315) =   53.7457 m^3

in\ gallon = 1898.015 * 7.481 = 14198.138 gallon

weight = \rho Vg

       = 1000* 53.74* 9.8

             =526652 N

In\ lbf =  (526652)/(4.448) = 118396.08 lbf