A 1-m3 tank containing air at 10°C and 350 kPa is connected through a valve to another tank containing 3 kg of air at 35°C and 150 kPa. Now the valve is opened, and the entire system is allowed to reach thermal equilibrium with the surroundings, which are at 19.5°C. Determine the volume of the second tank and the final equilibrium pressure of air. The gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kPa·m3/kg·K.


Answer 1


V₂=1.76 m³

P=222.03 KPa


Given that

For tank 1

V₁=1 m³

T₁= 10°C = 283 K

P₁=350 KPa

For tank 2

m₂=3 kg

T₂=35°C = 308 K

P₂=150 KPa

We know that for air

P V = m R T

P=pressure ,V= Volume,R= gas constant ,T= temperature ,m =mass

for tank 2

P₂ V₂ = m₂ R T₂

By putting the values

150 x V₂ = 3 x 0.287 x 308

V₂=1.76 m³

Final mass = m₁+m₂

m =m₁+m₂

The final volume V= V₂+V₁

V= 1.76 + 1 m³

V= 2.76 m³

The final temperature T= 19.5°C

T= 292.5 K



m_1=(350* 1)/(0.287* 283)

m_1=4.3\ kg

m =m₁+m₂

m =4.3 + 3 = 7.3 kg

Now at final state

P V = m R T

P x 2.76 = 7.3 x 0.287 x 292.5

P=222.03 KPa

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No no no no no no no no no no

A 24.3-foot long pipe use to carry solvent through a chemical plant is made of two layers. The inner layer is a one-inch schedule 30 stainless steel (AISI 304) pipe. An outer coating is made of plain carbon steel and is 0.075 inches thick. The hot solvent stream can be assumed to have a constant temperature of 180.0oF as it passes through the pipe. On the outside of the pipe is air at 85.0oF. Given the solvent has a convective heat transfer coefficient of 275 Btu/h-ft^2-oF, while the air has a convective heat transfer coefficient of 140 Btu/h-ft^2-oF.A. Determine UA and q for heat transfer in this system. (Since the problem is given in English units, your answer should also be in English units)
B. Determine the overall heat transfer coefficients, U; and U., for the pipe.
C. Would your answer change if the two materials were swapped so that the inside material were carbon steel and the outside material of the pipe were made of AISI 304 stainless steel? If so, calculate new values for UA and q. If not, explain why your answer would not change. (Here, assume the dimensions of the inner material (now plain carbon steel) match those of the AISI 304 schedule 30 stainless steel from part A, and the stainless steel is 0.075 inches thick on the outside.)


Sorry man i dont know the answer to this one

The structure of a house is such that it loses heat at a rate of 5400 kJ/h per degree Cdifference between the indoors and outdoors. A heat pump that requires a power input of 6 kW isused to maintain this house at 21 C. Determine the lowest outdoor temperature for which the heatpump can meet the heating requirements of this house


Answer: Tl = - 13.3°C

the lowest outdoor temperature is - 13.3°C


Given that;

Temperature of Th = 21°C = 21 + 273 = 294 K

the rate at which heat lost is Qh = 5400 kJ/h°C

the power input to heat pump Wnet = 6 kw

The COP of a reversible heat pump depends on the temperature limits in the cycle only, and is determined by;

COPhp = Th/(Th - Tl)

COPhp = Qh/Wnet

Qh/Wnet = Th/(Th -Tl)

the amount of heat loss is expressed as

Qh = 5400/3600(294 - Tl)

the temperature of sink

( 5400/3600(294 - Tl)) / 6 = 294 / ( 294 - Tl)

now solving the equation

Tl = 259.7 - 273

Tl = - 13.3°C

so the lowest outdoor temperature is - 13.3°C

Write a program that allows you to enter grocery item names into an array of strings and the cost of each item in an array of doubles. At the beginning of the program prompt the user to enter the total number of items they will be entering. Max value of 100. After entering the item names and cost, the application should display the names and cost and total cost of all items.



#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

int main(){

//declare arrays

string ItemName[100];

double ItemCost[100]={0.0};

//declare variable

string name="";

double Total=0.0;

int NumItems=0;

cout<<"Enter number of grocery item you will be entering";



if (NumItems>100)


  cout<<"Enter grocery items less than 100"




for (int i=1;i>=NumItems;i++)


  cout<<"Please enter the item name in one word only, Example:                                icecream\n";


  cout<<"Please enter the cost as a decimal number, Example: 2.05\n\n";



cout<<"Items"<<"   "<<""$""<<"Cost"<<endl

for (int i=1;i>=NumItems;i++)


    cout<<ItemName[i]<<"   "<<"$"<<ItemCost[i]<<endl


for (int i=1;i>=NumItems;i++)






return 0;


Link AB is to be made of a steel for which the ultimate normal stress is 65 ksi. Determine the cross-sectional area of AB for which the factor of safety will be 3.20. Assume that the link will be adequately reinforced around the pins at A and B.




Consider a mixture of hydrocarbons that consists of 60 percent (by volume) methane, 30 percent ethane, and 10 percent propane. After passing through a separator, the mole fraction of the propane is reduced to 1 percent. the mixture pressure before and after the separation is 100 kPa. Determine the change in the partial pressures of all the constituents in the mixture.



\Delta P_m=6\text{kPa}\n\Delta P_e=3\text{kPa}\n\Delta P_p=-9\text{kPa}


mole fraction of propane after passing through the separator is \beta_p


\beta =9.09* 10^-^3

mole fractions of ethane \beta _e and methane \beta_m after passing through separator are:

\beta_e =(0.3)/(0.3+0.6+0.00909)=0.66\n\beta_m=(0.6)/(0.3+0.6+0.00909)=0.33

Change in partial pressures then can be written as:

\Delta P=(y_2-y_1)\cdot P  where y_2 and y_1 are mole fractions after and before passing through the separator


\Delta P_m=(0.66-0.6)\cdot 100\text{k}=6\text{kPa}\n\Delta P_e=(0.33-0.3)\cdot 100\text{k}=3\text{kPa}\n\Delta P_p=(0.01-0.1)\cdot 100\text{k}=-9\text{kPa}