Assuming that the following three variables have already been declared, which variable will store a Boolean value after these statements are executed? choice = true;
again = "false";
result = 0;

a. choice
b. again
c. result
d. none of these are Boolean variables


Answer 1




Boolean Algebra deals with either a one or a zero and how to manipulate them in computers or elsewhere. The "choice" option may not work, since for text it must be enclosed in quotation marks, usually. For "again," it's text and not a 1 or 0. So, the answer is C, since this is a 0.

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What is the De Broglie wavelength of an electron under 150 V acceleration?



0.1 nm


Potential difference of the electron = 150 V

Mass of electron m=9.1* 10^(-31)kg

Charge on electron 1.6* 10^(-19)C

Plank's constant h=6.67* 10^(-34)

If the velocity of the electron is v

Then according to energy conservation eV =(1)/(2)mv^2

v=\sqrt{(2eV)/(m)}=\sqrt{(2* 1.6* 10^(-`19)* 150)/(9.1* 10^(-31))}=7.2627* 10^(6)m/sec

According to De Broglie \lambda =(h)/(mv)=(6.67* 10^(-34))/(9.1* 10^(-31)* 7.2627* 10^(6))=0.1nm

One piece of evidence that supports the Theory of Plate Tectonics is the discovery of what in both South America and Africa? The ancient atmosphere in both places was identical. The rates of weathering of rock are similar. Fossil remains of the same land-dwelling animal. Plants on both continents have similar flowers.


Answer: Fossil remains of the same land-dwelling animal.

Explanation: Fossil remains which were found to belong to same land dwelling animals, in South America and Africa was used as evidence to help support the theory of Tectonics plates, what this theory simply means is that the whole continents of earth were once fused together until a tectonic plate caused it’s division. Since same remains were found in Africa and South America this shows that both continents were once fused together.


Fossil remains of the same land-dwelling animal


Fossil remains tell us where the animals once lived and how by the movement of plate spearated their remaind that was burried thousands of years ago.

Air enters the first compressor stage of a cold-air standard Brayton cycle with regeneration and intercooling at 100 kPa, 300 K, with a mass flow rate of 6 kg/s. The overall compressor pressure ratio is 10, and the pressure ratios are the same across each compressor stage. The temperature at the inlet to the second compressor stage is 300 K. The turbine inlet temperature is 1400 K. The compressor stages and turbine each have isentropic efficiencies of 80% and the regenerator effectiveness is 80%. For k = 1.4, calculate: a. the thermal efficiency of the cycle
b. the back work ratio
c. the net power developed, in kW
d. the rates of exergy destruction in each compressor stage and the turbine stage as well as the regenerator, in kW, for T 0 = 300 K.



a. \eta _(th) = 77.65%

b. bwr = 6.5%

c. 3538.986 kW

d. -163.169 kJ


a. The given property  are;

P₂/P₁ = 10, P₂ = 10 * 100 kPa = 1000 kPa

p₄/p₁ = 10

P₂/P₁ = p₄/p₃ = √10

p₂ = 100·√10

T_(2s) = T₁×(√10)^(0.4/1.4) = 300 × (√10)^(0.4/1.4) = 416.85 K

T₂ = T₁ + (T_(2s) - T₁)/\eta _c = 300 + (416.85 - 300)/0.8 = 446.0625 K

p₄ = 10×p₁ = 10×100 = 1000 kPa

p₄/p₃ = √10 =

p₃ = 100·√10

T₃ = 300 K

T₃/T_(4s) = (P₂/P₁)^((k - 1)/k) = (√10)^(0.4/1.4)

T_(4s) = T₃/((√10)^(0.4/1.4) ) = 300/((√10)^(0.4/1.4)) = 215.905 K

T₄ = T₃ + (T_(4s) - T₃)/\eta _c = 300 + (215.905- 300)/0.8 = 194.881 K

The efficiency = 1 - (T₄ - T₁)/(T₃ - T₂) = 1 - (194.881 -300)/(300 -446.0625 ) = 0.28

T₄ = 446.0625 K

T₆ = 1400 K

T_(7s)/T₆ = (1/√10)^(0.4/1.4)

T_(7s) = 1400×(1/√10)^(0.4/1.4)  = 1007.6 K

T₇ = T₆ - \eta _t(T₆ - T_(7s)) = 1400 - 0.8*(1400 - 1007.6) = 1086.08 K

T₈ = 1400 K

T₉ = 1086.08 K

T₅ = T₄ + \epsilon _(regen)(T₉ - T₄) = 446.0625 +0.8*(1086.08 - 446.0625) = 958.0765 K

\eta _(th) =(((T₆ - T₇) + (T₈ - T₉)) -((T₂ - T₁) + (T₄ - T₃)))/((T₆ - T₅) + (T₈ - T₇))

(((1400 - 1086.08) + (1400 -1086.08 ))-((446.0625 - 300)+(194.881 - 300)))/((1400 -958.0765 ) + (1400 -1086.08 )) = 0.7765

\eta _(th) = 77.65%

b. Back work ratio, bwr = bwr = (w_(c,in))/(w_(t,out))

((446.0625 - 300)+(194.881 - 300))/((1400 - 1086.08) + (1400 -1086.08 ))

40.9435/627.84 = 6.5%

c. w_(net, out) = c_p[(T_6 -T_7) + (T_8 - T_9)] - [(T_2 - T_1) + (T_4 -T_3)]

Power developed is given by the relation;

\dot m \cdot w_(net, out)

\dot m \cdot w_(net, out)= 6*1.005*(((1400 - 1086.08) + (1400 -1086.08 ))-((446.0625 - 300)+(194.881 - 300))) = 3538.986 kW

d. Exergy destruction = 6*(1.005*(300-446.0625 ) - 300*1.005*(-0.3966766)

-163.169 kJ

8. 15 A manual arc welding cell uses a welder and a fitter. The cell operates 2,000 hriyr. The welder is paid $30/hr and the fitter is paid $25/hr. Both rates include applicable overheads. The cycle time to complete one welded assembly is 15. 4 min. Of this time, the arc-on time is 25%, and the fitter's participation in the cycle is 30% of the cycle time. A robotic arc welding cell is being considered to replace this manual cell. The new cell would have one robot, one fitter, and two workstations, so that while the robot is working at the first sta tion, the fitter is unloading the other station and loading it with new components. The fitter's rate would remain at $25/hr. For the new cell, the production rate would be eight welded assemblies per hour. The arc-on time would increase to almost 52%, and the fitter's participation in the cycle would be about 62%. The installed cost of the robot and worksta tions is $158,000. Power and other utilities to operate the robot and arc welding equipment will be $3. 80/hr, and annual maintenance costs are $3,500. Given a 3-year service life, 15% rate of return, and no salvage value, (a) determine the annual quantity of welded assem blies that would have to be produced to reach the break-even point for the two methods. (b) What is the annual quantity of welded assemblies produced by the two methods work. Ing 2,000 hryr?​


The annual quantity of welded assemblies that would have to be produced to reach the break-even point for the two methods is approximately 15,983.

To determine the break-even point between the manual arc welding cell and the robotic cell, we need to calculate the total costs for each method and then equate them.

For the manual arc welding cell:

Labor cost per hour = (welder's hourly rate x arc-on time) + (fitter's hourly rate x fitter's participation in the cycle) = ($30 x 0.25) + ($25 x 0.3) = $11.25

Labor cost per welded assembly = labor cost per hour x cycle time per assembly / 60 = $11.25 x 15.4 / 60 = $2.89

Overhead cost per welded assembly = (labor cost per hour x (1 - arc-on time - fitter's participation in the cycle)) x cycle time per assembly / 60 = ($30 x 0.45) x 15.4 / 60 = $4.68

Total cost per welded assembly = labor cost per welded assembly + overhead cost per welded assembly = $2.89 + $4.68 = $7.57

Total cost per hour = total cost per welded assembly x production rate = $7.57 x 8 = $60.56

Total cost per year = total cost per hour x hours of operation per year = $60.56 x 2,000 = $121,120

For the robotic arc welding cell:

Labor cost per hour = fitter's hourly rate x fitter's participation in the cycle = $25 x 0.62 = $15.50

Labor cost per welded assembly = labor cost per hour x cycle time per assembly / 60 = $15.50 x 15.4 / 60 = $3.97

Overhead cost per welded assembly = power and utility cost per hour + annual maintenance cost / production rate = $3.80 + $3,500 / (8 x 2,000) = $3.80 + $0.22 = $4.02

Total cost per welded assembly = labor cost per welded assembly + overhead cost per welded assembly + (installed cost / (production rate x service life)) = $3.97 + $4.02 + ($158,000 / (8 x 3)) = $3.97 + $4.02 + $6,208.33 = $14.19

Total cost per hour = total cost per welded assembly x production rate = $14.19 x 8 = $113.52

Total cost per year = total cost per hour x hours of operation per year = $113.52 x 2,000 = $227,040

To find the break-even point, we set the total cost of the manual arc welding cell equal to the total cost of the robotic arc welding cell and solve for the annualquantity of welded assemblies:

$121,120 + x($7.57) = $227,040 + x($14.19)

$7.57x - $14.19x = $227,040 - $121,120

$-6.62x = $105,920

x = $105,920 / $6.62

x = 15,982.7

Therefore, the annualquantity of welded assemblies that would have to be produced to reach the break-even point for the two methods is approximately 15,983.

Learn more about hourly rate here


Q1. Basic calculation of the First law (2’) (a) Suppose that 150 kJ of work are used to compress a spring, and that 25 kJ of heat are given off by the spring during this compression. What is the change in internal energy of the spring during the process? (b) Suppose that 100 kJ of work is done by a motor, but it also gives off 10 kJ of heat while carrying out this work. What is the change in internal energy of the motor during the process?



(a) ΔU = 125 kJ

(b) ΔU = -110 kJ


(a) Suppose that 150 kJ of work are used to compress a spring, and that 25 kJ of heat are given off by the spring during this compression. What is the change in internal energy of the spring during the process?

The work is done to the system so w = 150 kJ.

The heat is released by the system so q = -25 kJ.

The change in internal energy (ΔU) is:

ΔU = q + w

ΔU = -25 kJ + 150 kJ = 125 kJ

(b) Suppose that 100 kJ of work is done by a motor, but it also gives off 10 kJ of heat while carrying out this work. What is the change in internal energy of the motor during the process?

The work is done by the system so w = -100 kJ.

The heat is released by the system so q = -10 kJ.

The change in internal energy (ΔU) is:

ΔU = q + w

ΔU = -10 kJ - 100 kJ = -110 kJ

In a refrigerator, heat is transferred from a lower-temperature medium (the refrigerated space) to a higher-temperature one (the kitchen air). Is this a violation of the second law of thermodynamics

