The following program includes fictional sets of the top 10 male and female baby names for the current year. Write a program that creates: A set all_names that contains all of the top 10 male and all of the top 10 female names. A set neutral_names that contains only names found in both male_names and female_names. A set specific_names that contains only gender specific names. Sample output for all_names: {'Michael', 'Henry', 'Jayden', 'Bailey', 'Lucas', 'Chuck', 'Aiden', 'Khloe', 'Elizabeth', 'Maria', 'Veronica', 'Meghan', 'John', 'Samuel', 'Britney', 'Charlie', 'Kim'}


Answer 1

The program analyses a set of male and female names and displays, the combined set of names, specific names and neutral names. The program written in python 3 goes thus :

male_names = {'John', 'Bailey', 'Charlie', 'Chuck', 'Michael', 'Samuel', 'Jayden', 'Aiden', 'Henry', 'Lucas'}


female_names = {'Elizabeth', 'Meghan', 'Kim', 'khloe','Bailey', 'Jayden' , 'Aiden', 'Britney', 'Veronica', 'Maria'}


neutral_names = male_names.intersection(female_names)

#names common to both males and females

all_names = male_names.union(female_names)

#set of all baby names ; both male and female

specific_names = male_names.symmetric_difference(female_names)

#name in one set and not in the other


print(' ')



print(' ')



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Answer 2


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Please see attachment

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Decrease to typical from utilizing lambda-decrease:  

The given lambda - math terms is, (λf.λx.f(f(fx)))(λy.y×3)2

The of taking the terms is significant in lambda - math,  

For the term, (λy, y×3)2, we can substitute the incentive to the capacity.  

Therefore apply beta-decrease on “(λy, y×3)2,“ will return 2 × 3 = 6  

Presently the tem becomes, (λf λx f(f(fx)))6

The main term, (λf λx f(f(fx))) takes a capacity and a contention and substitute the contention in the capacity.  

Here it is given that it is conceivable to substitute, the subsequent increase in the outcome.  

In this way by applying next level beta - decrease, the term becomes f(f(f(6))), which is in ordinary structure.

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Be a qt today lolololololol



you too


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Write a program to accept a one-line string (maximum of 100 characters) from the keyboard. Edit the string entered in Part 1a (with code that you write) to remove all the white space,digits, punctuation, and other special characters, leaving only the letters. Print out the resulting compressed string to the screen.



// This program is written in C++ programming language

// Comments are used for explanatory purpose

/* The aim of this program is to to remove all the white space,digits, punctuation, and other special characters, leaving only the letters. */

// Program starts here

#include <stdio.h>


using namespace std;

int main()


// Declare Variable of 100 characters

char word[100];

// Prompt user for input

cout<<"Your input goes here (max, 100 characters)";


// Iterate through string to check for non alphabetic characters

for (int i = 0; word[i] != '\0'; ++i) {

// Check for uppercase and lowercase letters

while (!((word[i] >= 'a' && word[i] <= 'z') || (word[i] >= 'A' && word[i] <= 'Z') || word[i] == '\0')) {

for (int j = i; word[j] != '\0'; ++j) {

word[j] = word[j + 1];


word[j] = '\0';



cout<<"The resulting compressed string: "<<word;

return 0;



w = str(input("input your values: "))

values = ' '.join(filter(str.isalpha, w))

while len(w) < 100:




The code is written in python

w = str(input("input your values: "))

This code ask the user to input any string values with characters, numbers, line spaces , letters etc.

values = ' '.join(filter(str.isalpha, w))

This code filters the inputted value to bring only letters. All the letter are then joined together

while len(w) < 100:

The code check if the inputted value is less than 100 characters. While it is less than 100 characters. If it is less than 100 character the next code will function.


This code prints the joined letters after checking with  a while loop to confirm the length of character is less than 100


The break function breaks the code whether it print the values or not.

Generally, the letters will only be printed if the character inputted is less than 100 and later break the while loop or will not print any letter if the character is greater than 100 and later break.

A cube with 1 m on a side is located in the positive x-y-z octant in a Cartesian coordinate system, with one of its points located at the origin. Find the total charge contained in the cube if the charge is given by p_v = x^2 ye^-z mC/m^3



4.61 mC


The cube has 1 m side in the positive x-y-z octant in a Cartesian coordinate system, with one of its points located at the origin. The charge density is given as:

\rho_v=x^2ye^(-z) \ mC/m^3

Charge density is the charge per unit length or area or volume. It is the amount of charge in a particular region.

The charge Q is given as:

Q=\int\limits_v {\rho_v} \, dv  \nQ=\int\limits_v {\rho_v} \, dv=\int\limits^2_(x=0)\int\limits^2_(y=0)\int\limits^2_(z=0) {x^2ye^(-z)} \, dxdydz\n

Q=\int\limits^2_(x=0) {x^2} \, dx \int\limits^2_(y=0) {y} \, dy \int\limits^2_(z=0) {e^(-z)} \, dz \n\nQ=((1)/(3) [x^3]^2_0)((1)/(2) [y^2]^2_0)(-1 [e^(-z)]^2_0)\n\nQ=(-1)/(6) ([x^3]^2_0)( [y^2]^2_0)( [e^(-z)]^2_0)\n\nQ=(-1)/(6)[2^3-0^3][2^2-0^2][e^(-2)-e^0]\n\nQ=(-1)/(6)(8)(4)(0.1353-1)=(-1)/(6)(8)(4)(-0.8647)\n\nQ=4.61\ mC

A bathroom scale uses four internal strain gauges to measure the displacement of its diaphragm as a means for determining load. Four active gauges are used in a bridge circuit. The gauge factor is 2, and the gauge resistance is 120 Ω for each gauge. If an applied load to the diaphragm causes a tensile strain on R1 and R4 of 40 x 10-6, while gauges R2 and R3 experience a compressive strain of 40 x 10-6, estimate the bridge deflection voltage. The supply voltage is 5 V. a,b,c or d? a.400 x 10-6 V



d.1000 x 10-6 V



a.400 x 10-6 V


Kindly check the attached image below to see the step by step explanation to the question above.