Fill in the empty function so that it returns the sum of all the divisors of a number, without including it. A divisor is a number that divides into another without a remainder.


Answer 1


// Program is written in C++

// Comments are used to explain some lines

// Only the required function is written. The main method is excluded.



using namespace std;

int divSum(int num)


// The next line declares the final result of summation of divisors. The variable declared is also

//initialised to 0

int result = 0;

// find all numbers which divide 'num'

for (int i=2; i<=(num/2); i++)


// if 'i' is divisor of 'num'

if (num%i==0)


if (i==(num/i))

result += i; //add divisor to result


result += (i + num/i); //add divisor to result





Answer 2

In this exercise, using the knowledge of computational language in C++, we have that this code will be written as:

The code is in the attached image.

We can write the C++  as:



using namespace std;

int divSum(int num)


int result = 0;

for (int i=2; i<=(num/2); i++)


if (num%i==0)


if (i==(num/i))

result += i; //add divisor to result


result += (i + num/i); //add divisor to result





See more about C++ at

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1. (5 pts) An adiabatic steam turbine operating reversibly in a powerplant receives 5 kg/s steam at 3000 kPa, 500 °C. Twenty percent of the flow is extracted at 1000 kPa to a feedwater heater and the remainder flows out at 200 kPa. Find the two exit temperatures and the turbine power output.



temperature of first extraction 330.8°C

temperature of second extraction 140.8°C

power output=3168Kw



To solve this problem we must use the following steps.

1. We will call 1 the water vapor inlet, 2 the first extraction at 100kPa and 3 the second extraction at 200kPa

2. We use the continuity equation that states that the mass flow that enters must equal the two mass flows that leave


As the problem says, 20% of the flow represents the first extraction for which 5 * 20% = 1kg / s





we find the enthalpies and temeperatures in each of the states, using thermodynamic tables

Through laboratory tests, thermodynamic tables were developed, these allow to know all the thermodynamic properties of a substance (entropy, enthalpy, pressure, specific volume, internal energy etc ..)  

through prior knowledge of two other properties

4.we find the enthalpy and entropy of state 1 using pressure and temperature






remembering that it is a reversible process we find the enthalpy and the temperature in the first extraction with the pressure 1000 kPa and the entropy of state 1





5.we find the enthalpy and the temperature in the second extraction with the pressure 200 kPav y the entropy of state 1






Finally, to find the power of the turbine, we must use the first law of thermodynamics that states that the energy that enters is the same that must come out.

For this case, the turbine uses a mass flow of 5kg / s until the first extraction, and then uses a mass flow of 4kg / s for the second extraction, taking into account the above we infer the following equation



The hot water needs of an office are met by heating tab water by a heat pump from 16 C to 50 C at an average rate of 0.2 kg/min. If the COP of this heat pump is 2.8, the required power input is: (a) 1.33 kW (d) 10.2 kW (b) 0.17 kW (c) 0.041 kW



option B



heating tap water from 16° C to 50° C

at the average rate of 0.2 kg/min

the COP of this heat pump is 2.8

power output = ?

COP = (Q_H)/(W_(in))\nW_(in) = (Q_H)/(COP)\nW_(in) = ((0.2)/(60)* 4.18* (50-16))/(2.8)\nW_(in) = 0.169

the required power input is 0.169 kW or 0.17 kW

hence, the correct answer is option B

An aquifer has three different formations. Formation A has a thickness of 8.0 m and hydraulic conductivity of 25.0 m/d. Formation B has a thickness of 2.0 m and a conductivity of 142 m/d. Formation C has a thickness of 34 m and a conductivity of 40 m/d. Assume that each formation is isotropic and homogeneous. Compute both the overall horizontal and vertical conductivities.



The horizontal conductivity is 41.9 m/d.

The vertical conductivity is 37.2 m/d.


Given that,

Thickness of A = 8.0 m

Conductivity = 25.0 m/d

Thickness of B = 2.0 m

Conductivity = 142 m/d

Thickness of C = 34 m

Conductivity = 40 m/d

We need to calculate the horizontal conductivity

Using formula of horizontal conductivity


Put the value into the formula


K_(H)=41.9\ m/d

We need to calculate the vertical conductivity

Using formula of vertical conductivity


Put the value into the formula


K_(V)=37.2\ m/d

Hence, The horizontal conductivity is 41.9 m/d.

The vertical conductivity is 37.2 m/d.

Consider a mixture of hydrocarbons that consists of 60 percent (by volume) methane, 30 percent ethane, and 10 percent propane. After passing through a separator, the mole fraction of the propane is reduced to 1 percent. the mixture pressure before and after the separation is 100 kPa. Determine the change in the partial pressures of all the constituents in the mixture.



\Delta P_m=6\text{kPa}\n\Delta P_e=3\text{kPa}\n\Delta P_p=-9\text{kPa}


mole fraction of propane after passing through the separator is \beta_p


\beta =9.09* 10^-^3

mole fractions of ethane \beta _e and methane \beta_m after passing through separator are:

\beta_e =(0.3)/(0.3+0.6+0.00909)=0.66\n\beta_m=(0.6)/(0.3+0.6+0.00909)=0.33

Change in partial pressures then can be written as:

\Delta P=(y_2-y_1)\cdot P  where y_2 and y_1 are mole fractions after and before passing through the separator


\Delta P_m=(0.66-0.6)\cdot 100\text{k}=6\text{kPa}\n\Delta P_e=(0.33-0.3)\cdot 100\text{k}=3\text{kPa}\n\Delta P_p=(0.01-0.1)\cdot 100\text{k}=-9\text{kPa}

Calculate the amount of power (in Watts) required to move an object weighing 762 N from point A to point B within 29 seconds. Distance between point A and point B is 5.0 meters and they are at the same level. (Ignore the frictional losses)



0.556 Watts


w = Weight of object = 762 N

s = Distance = 5 m

t = Time taken = 29 seconds

a = Acceleration

g = Acceleration due to gravity = 9.81 m/s²

Equation of motion

s=ut+(1)/(2)at^2\n\Rightarrow a=(2* (s-ut))/(t^2)\n\Rightarrow a=(2* (5-0))/(29^2)=(10)/(481)

Mass of the body


Force required to move the body

F=ma\n\Righarrow F=(762)/(9.81)* (10)/(481)

Velocity of object

v=u+at\n\Rightarrow v=0+(10)/(481)* 29\n\Rightarrow v=(10)/(29)


P=Fv\n\Rightarrow P=(762)/(9.81)* (10)/(481)* (10)/(29)=0.556\ W

∴ Amount of power required to move the object is 0.556 Watts

What does Enter key do? You cannot click Enter key to start a line if your current is blank?

This is spot to do today



See below


Enter-key also called the "Return key," it is the keyboard key that is pressed to signal the computer to input the line of data or the command that has just been typed.It Was the Return KeyThe Enter key was originally the "Return key" on a typewriter, which caused the carriage to return to the beginning of the next line on the paper. In a word processing or text editing application, pressing Enter ends a paragraph. A character code for return/end-of-line, which is different in Windows than it is in the Mac, Linux or Unix, is inserted into the text at that point.




Once there are two yellow lines having inner broken lines on the two sides of a center traffic lane, what this is trying to tell you is that you can use those lanes to start a left hand turn, or a U-turn from the both directions of traffic. However you cannot use it for passing. This is sometimes misunderstood by road users and drivers.