Make a python code.Write a function named max that accepts two integer values as arguments and returns the value that is the greater of the two. For example, if 7 and 12 are passed as arguments to the function, the function should return 12. Use the function in a program that prompts the user to enter two integer values. The program should display the value that is the greater of the two. Write the program as a loop that continues to prompt for two numbers, outputs the maximum, and then goes back and prompts again
Here’s an example of program use
Input the first number: 10
Input the second number: 5
The maximum value is 10
Run again? yes
Input the first number: -10
Input the second number: -5
The maximum value is -5
Run again? no
Function max():
Obtain two numbers as input parameters: max(num1, num2):
if num1 > num2 max_val = num1, else max_val = num2
return max_val
Main Program:
Initialize loop control variable (continue = ‘y’)
While continue == ‘y’
Prompt for first number
Prompt for second number
Call function "max," sending it the values of the two numbers, capture result in an assignment statement:
max_value = max (n1, n2)
Display the maximum value returned by the function
print(‘Max =’, max_val)
Ask user for if she/he wants to continue (continue = input(‘Go again? y if yes’)


Answer 1

A loop is a control structure in programming that allows a block of code to be executed repeatedly.

How to write the python code?

Here is the Python code that implements the function and program described in the question:

def max(num1, num2):

 if num1 > num2:

   max_val = num1


   max_val = num2

 return max_val

# Main program

continue = 'y'

while continue == 'y':

 n1 = int(input("Input the first number: "))

 n2 = int(input("Input the second number: "))

 max_val = max(n1, n2)

 print("The maximum value is", max_val)

 continue = input("Run again? ")

Loops are an important programming construct that allow you to perform the same task multiple times with minimal code. They are often used to process data, perform calculations, and perform repetitive tasks.

To Know More About Loops, Check Out


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Radius of bend, R = 100 m

Speed around the bend = 50 Km/hr = (5)/(18)*50 = 13.89 m/s


We have the relation



θ = angle of banking

g is the acceleration due to gravity

on substituting the respective values, we get





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or a bronze alloy, the stress at which plastic deformation begins is 267 MPa and the modulus of elasticity is 115 GPa. (a) What is the maximum load (in N) that may be applied to a specimen having a cross-sectional area of 164 mm2 without plastic deformation



The maximum load (in N) that may be applied to a specimen with this cross sectional area is F=43788 N


We know that the stress at which plastic deformation begins is 267 MPa.

We are going  to assume that the stress is homogeneously distributed. As a definition, we know that stress (P) is force (F) over area(A), as follows:

P=(F)/(A)    (equation 1)

We need to find the maximum load (or force) that may be applied before plastic deformation. And the problem says that the maximum stress before  plastic deformation is 267 MPa. So, we need to find the value of load when P= 267 MPa.

Before apply the equation, we need to convert the units of area in m^(2). So,

A[m^(2)]=A[mm^(2) ]((1 m)/(1000 mm)) ^(2)\nA[m^(2)]=164 mm^(2)((1 m)/(1000 mm))^(2) \nA[m^(2)]=0.000164 m^(2)

And then, from the equation 1,

F=PA\nF=(267 MPa)(0.000164 m^(2))\nF=(267x10^(6) Pa)(0.000164 m^(2))\nF=(267x10^(6) N/m^(2))(0.000164 m^(2))\nF=43788 N

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irreversible head loss is 38.51 ft

mechanical power 6.55 hp


Given data:

Pump Power 12 hp = 8948.39 watt = 6600 lbs ft/sec

Q = 1.5 ft^3/s

Pump actually delivers P'  = \eta P = 0.78 * 8948.39 = 6979.74 watt

Power that water gains= mgh = \rho \phi gh = r \phi h

P = 62.4 * 1.5 * 32 = 2995.2 lbs ft/sec

hence Power lost = 6600 - 2995.2  3604.8 lbs ft/sec = 6.55 hp

head losshl = (3604.8)/(r \phi) = (3604.8)/(62.4 * 1.5)

hl = 38.51 ft