A small family home in Tucson, Arizona has a rooftop area of 2667 square feet, and it is possible to capture rain falling on about 61.0% of the roof. A typical annual rainfall is about 14.0 inches. If the family wanted to install a tank to capture the rain for an entire year, without using any of it, what would be the required volume of the tank in m3 and in gallons? How much would the water in a full tank of that size weigh (in N and in lbf)?


Answer 1


volume  = 53.747 m3 = 14198.138 gal

weight = 526652 N = 118396.08 lbf


We know that volume of water

volume  =  A'* H

where A' = 61% of A

              = 0.61* 2667 = 1626.87 sq ft

volume  =  1626.87 * ((14)/(12) ft)

               =1898.015 ft^3

in\ m^3 = ( 1898.015)/(35.315) =   53.7457 m^3

in\ gallon = 1898.015 * 7.481 = 14198.138 gallon

weight = \rho Vg

       = 1000* 53.74* 9.8

             =526652 N

In\ lbf =  (526652)/(4.448) = 118396.08 lbf

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Imagine you have been asked to find the following object pictured on the left in the accompanying array on the right.RED AND WHITE SQUARES ALL LOOK SIMILAR
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This type of search would be a linear search. A linear search involves looking at each item in the array one by one until the desired item is found.

In this case, you would look at each square in the array until you find the one that matches the object pictured on the left.  This is a common search method for small arrays or when the array is unsorted.

The algorithm continues until the target element is found, or until it reaches the end of the array and fails to find the target element. Linear searches are useful in scenarios where the array is small and unsorted, as the algorithm does not need to compare every element in the array to find the target element.

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Write two scnr.nextInt statements to get input values into birthMonth and birthYear. Then write a statement to output the month, a slash, and the year. End with newline. The program will be tested with inputs 1 2000 and then with inputs 5 1950. Ex: If the input is 1 2000, the output is: 1/2000



import java.util.Scanner;

public class InputExample {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

       int birthMonth;

       int birthYear;

       birthMonth = scnr.nextInt();

       birthYear = scnr.nextInt();




import java.util.Scanner;

public class InputExample {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

       int birthMonth;

       int birthYear;

       // Get input values for birthMonth and birthYear from the user

       birthMonth = scnr.nextInt();

       birthYear = scnr.nextInt();

       // Output the month, a slash, and the year

       System.out.println(birthMonth + "/" + birthYear);



When the program is tested with inputs 1 2000, the output will be:


And when tested with inputs 5 1950, the output will be:


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IN JAVA,Knapsack Problem

The file KnapsackData1.txt and KnapsackData2.txt are sample input files

for the following Knapsack Problem that you will solve.

KnapsackData1.txt contains a list of four prospective projects for the upcoming year for a particular


Project0 6 30

Project1 3 14

Project2 4 16

Project3 2 9

Each line in the file provides three pieces of information:

1) String: The name of the project;

2) Integer: The amount of employee labor that will be demanded by the project, measured in work weeks;

3) Integer: The net profit that the company can expect from engaging in the project, measured in thousands

of dollars.

Your task is to write a program that:

1) Prompts the user for the number of work weeks available (integer);

2) Prompts the user for the name of the input file (string);

3) Prompts the user for the name of the output file (string);

4) Reads the available projects from the input file;

5) Dolves the corresponding knapsack problem, without repetition of items; and

6) Writes to the output file a summary of the results, including the expected profit and a list of the best

projects for the company to undertake.

Here is a sample session with the program:

Enter the number of available employee work weeks: 10

Enter the name of input file: KnapsackData1.txt

Enter the name of output file: Output1.txt

Number of projects = 4


For the above example, here is the output that should be written to Output1.txt:

Number of projects available: 4

Available employee work weeks: 10

Number of projects chosen: 2

Number of projectsTotal profit: 46

Project0 6 30

Project2 4 16

The file KnapsackData2.txt, contains one thousand prospective projects. Your program should also be able to handle this larger problem as well. The corresponding output file,

WardOutput2.txt, is below.

With a thousand prospective projects to consider, it will be impossible for your program to finish in a

reasonable amount of time if it uses a "brute-force search" that explicitly considers every possible

combination of projects. You are required to use a dynamic programming approach to this problem.


Number of projects available: 1000

Available employee work weeks: 100

Number of projects chosen: 66

Total profit: 16096

Project15 2 236

Project73 3 397

Project90 2 302

Project114 1 139

Project117 1 158

Project153 3 354

Project161 2 344

Project181 1 140

Project211 1 191

Project213 2 268

Project214 2 386

Project254 1 170

Project257 4 427

Project274 1 148

Project275 1 212

Project281 2 414

Project290 1 215

Project306 2 455

Project334 3 339

Project346 2 215

Project356 3 337

Project363 1 159

Project377 1 105

Project389 1 142

Project397 1 321

Project399 1 351

Project407 3 340

Project414 1 266

Project431 1 114

Project435 3 382

Project446 1 139

Project452 1 127

Project456 1 229

Project461 1 319

Project478 1 158

Project482 2 273

Project492 1 142

Project525 1 144

Project531 1 382

Project574 1 170

Project594 1 125

Project636 2 345

Project644 1 169

Project668 1 191

Project676 1 117

Project684 1 143

Project689 1 108

Project690 1 216

Project713 1 367

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Project729 2 239

Project738 1 252

Project779 1 115

Project791 1 110

Project818 2 434

Project820 1 222

Project830 1 179

Project888 3 381

Project934 3 461

Project939 3 358

Project951 1 165

Project959 2 351

Project962 1 316

Project967 1 191

Project984 1 117

Project997 1 187





import java.io.File;

import java.io.FileWriter;

import java.io.IOException;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Knapsack {


  public static void knapsack(int wk[], int pr[], int W, String ofile) throws IOException


      int i, w;

      int[][] Ksack = new int[wk.length + 1][W + 1];


      for (i = 0; i <= wk.length; i++) {

  for (w = 0; w <= W; w++) {

  if (i == 0 || w == 0)

  Ksack[i][w] = 0;

  else if (wk[i - 1] <= w)

  Ksack[i][w] = Math.max(pr[i - 1] + Ksack[i - 1][w - wk[i - 1]], Ksack[i - 1][w]);


  Ksack[i][w] = Ksack[i - 1][w];




      int maxProfit = Ksack[wk.length][W];

      int tempProfit = maxProfit;

      int count = 0;

      w = W;

      int[] projectIncluded = new int[1000];

      for (i = wk.length; i > 0 && tempProfit > 0; i--) {


      if (tempProfit == Ksack[i - 1][w])


      else {

          projectIncluded[count++] = i-1;

      tempProfit = tempProfit - pr[i - 1];

      w = w - wk[i - 1];



      FileWriter f =new FileWriter("C:\\Users\\gshubhita\\Desktop\\"+ ofile);

      f.write("Number of projects available: "+ wk.length+ "\r\n");

      f.write("Available employee work weeks: "+ W + "\r\n");

      f.write("Number of projects chosen: "+ count + "\r\n");

      f.write("Total profit: "+ maxProfit + "\r\n");


  for (int j = 0; j < count; j++)

  f.write("\nProject"+ projectIncluded[j] +" " +wk[projectIncluded[j]]+ " "+ pr[projectIncluded[j]] + "\r\n");





  public static void main(String[] args) throws Exception


      Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);

      System.out.print("Enter the number of available employee work weeks: ");

      int avbWeeks = sc.nextInt();

      System.out.print("Enter the name of input file: ");

  String inputFile = sc.next();

      System.out.print("Enter the name of output file: ");

      String outputFile = sc.next();

      System.out.print("Number of projects = ");

      int projects = sc.nextInt();

      int[] workWeeks = new int[projects];

      int[] profit = new int[projects];


      File file = new File("C:\\Users\\gshubhita\\Desktop\\" + inputFile);

  Scanner fl = new Scanner(file);


  int count = 0;

  while (fl.hasNextLine()){

  String line = fl.nextLine();

  String[] x = line.split(" ");

  workWeeks[count] = Integer.parseInt(x[1]);

  profit[count] = Integer.parseInt(x[2]);




  knapsack(workWeeks, profit, avbWeeks, outputFile);



Console Output:

Enter the number of available employee work weeks: 10

Enter the name of input file: input.txt

Enter the name of output file: output.txt

Number of projects = 4


Number of projects available: 4

Available employee work weeks: 10

Number of projects chosen: 2

Total profit: 46

Project2 4 16

Project0 6 30

What are two advantages of forging when compared to machining a part from a billet?



Less material waste and time.


Two advantages of forging vs machining would be that with forging there is much less waste of material. With machining you remove a large amount of material turning into not so valuable chips.

There is also a time factor, as machining can be very time intensive. This depends on the speed of the machining, newer machines tend to be very fast, and forging requires a lengthy heating, but for large parts the machining can be excessively long.

Although the viscoelastic response of a polymer can be very complex (time-dependent stress cycling for instance), two special loading scenarios are fairly simple to describe mathematically. _____________refers to scenarios for which the stress applied to a polymer must decay over time in order to maintain a constant strain. Otherwise, over time, the polymer chains will slip and slide past one another in response to a constant applied load and the strain will increase (in magnitude).
_____________refers to scenarios for which a polymer will permanently flow over time in response a constant applied stress.



Viscoelastic stress relaxation

Viscoelastic creep


  • Viscoelastic stress refers to the reduction of tensile stress with the relaxation time that occurs when the body is kept at a certain length under tensile stress. The purpose of this study was to demonstrate viscoelastic stress relaxation
  • Therefore, when the viscous tension stress occurs, the pressure decreases due to the steady-state stress of the phases.
  • When under constant pressure, the viscoelastic material experiences a time-dependent increase in pressure. This phenomenon is called viscoelastic creep.
  • Therefore the phase constant pressure decreases when there is relaxation in the viscoelastic stress

In response to the market revolution:the legal system worked with local governments to find better ways to regulate entrepreneurs.Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that legislatures could not alter or rescind charters and contracts that previous legislatures had created.local judges protected businessmen from paying property damages associated with factory construction and from workers seeking to unionize.Massachusetts Chief Justice Lemuel Shaw held in Commonwealth v. Hunt that workers had no right to organize.corporations proved less able to raise capital than chartered companies did.



Local judges protected businessmen from paying property damages associated with factory construction and from workers seeking to unionize.


The Market Revolution is the name given to change in the economy that occurred in the 19th century. This drastic change led to various important changes in the United States and across the world. During this period, capitalism became more entrenched and society became, for the first time, predominantly capitalist. This gave businessmen great power, as they played an increasingly important role when it came to economic growth. The power that they had influenced society deeply, including legislation. Judges often protected businessmen from paying property damages that were associated with their business enterprises. Moreover, workers had few rights and protections, and judges prevented them from unionizing.

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