web application 3: where's the beef? provide a screenshot confirming that you successfully completed this exploit: [place screenshot here] write two or three sentences outlining mitigation strategies for this vulnerability: [enter answer here]


Answer 1

Web application 3’s “Where’s the Beef” exploit can be seen in the screenshot provided. In order to mitigate this vulnerability, developers should take measures to ensure that input validation is performed on all data.

Additionally, developers should enforce strict rules on which characters are allowed in user inputs and reject all requests that don’t follow these rules. Finally, developers should implement best practices such as password hashing to ensure that user data is secure.

Developers should use secure coding techniques, such as sanitizing user input and properly escaping HTML output, to protect against injection-based attacks. Also, developers should implement authentication and authorization techniques to ensure that only authorized users have access to sensitive data. Furthermore, developers should use an up-to-date web application firewall to protect against known exploits, and use secure protocols such as HTTPS to protect data in transit. Finally, developers should ensure that software is kept up-to-date and patched to prevent exploitation of known vulnerabilities.

Learn more about HTML



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Too many question marks


Calculate the "exact" alkalinity of the water in Problem 3-2 if the pH is 9.43.Calculate the "approximate" alkalinity (in mg/L as CaCO3 ) of a water containing 120 mg/L of bicarbonate ion and 15 mg/L of carbonate ion.



A) approximate alkalinity = 123.361 mg/l

B) exact alkalinity = 124.708 mg/l


Given data :

A) determine approximate alkalinity first

Bicarbonate ion = 120 mg/l

carbonate ion = 15 mg/l

Approximate alkalinity = ( carbonate ion ) * 50/30  + ( bicarbonate ion ) * 50/61

                                   = 15 * (50/30) + 120*( 50/61 )  = 123.361 mg/l  as CaCO3

B) calculate the exact alkalinity of the water if the pH = 9.43

pH + pOH = 14

9.43 + pOH = 14. therefore pOH = 14 - 9.43 = 4.57

[OH^- ] = 10^-4.57  = 2.692*10^-5  moles/l

[ OH^- ]   = 2.692*10^-5  * 179/mole * 10^3 mg/g  = 0.458 mg/l

[ H^+ ] = 10^-9.43 * 1 * 10^3  = 3.7154 * 10^-7 mg/l

therefore the exact alkalinity can be calculated as

= ( approximate alkalinity ) + ( [ OH^- ] * 50/17 ) - ( [ H^+ ] * 50/1 )

= 123.361 + ( 0.458 * 50/17 ) - ( 3.7154 * 10^-7 * 50/1 )

= 124.708 mg/l

Consider the string length equal to 7. This string is distorted by a function f (x) = 2 sin(2x) - 10sin(10x). What is the wave formed in this string? a. In=12cos (nit ) sin(max) b. 2cos(2t)sin (2x) - 10cos(10t ) sin(10x) c. n 2 sin 2x e' – 10sin 10x e



hello your question has a missing part below is the missing part

Consider the string length equal to \pi

answer : 2cos(2t) sin(2x) - 10cos(10t)sin(10x)


Given string length = \pi

distorted function f(x) = 2sin(2x) - 10sin(10x)

Determine the wave formed in the string

attached below is a detailed solution of the problem

The pressure in an automobile tire depends on thetemperature of the air in the tire. When the air temperature is25°C, the pressure gage reads 210 kPa. If the volume of the tire is 0.025 m3, determine the pressure rise in the tire whenthe air temperature in the tire rises to 50°C. Also, determinethe amount of air that must be bled off to restore pressure toits original value at this temperature. Assume the atmosphericpressure to be 100 kPa.



The pressure rise in the tire when the air temperature in the tire rises to 50°C is 337.43 KPa.

The amount of air that must be bled off to restore pressure 0.007 Kg



T1 = 25°C = 298 K

T2 = 50°C = 323 K

volume of the tire = V = 0.025 m^(3)

P = 210 kPa (gage)

Pabs = 210 + 101 = 311 KPa

Before the temperature rise

P1 V1 = m1 R1 T1

m1 = (P1 V1)/(R1 T1) = (310 * 10^(3) * 0.25 )/(287 - 298) = 0.091 Kg\n \n

After the temperature rise

P2 = (m2 * R * T2)/(V2) = (0.091 *287*323 )/(0.025) = 337.43 KPa

after bleeding the pressure and the volume returns  to its first value

P1 = P2 and V1 = V2


(m2 * R * T2)/(V) = (m1 * R * T1)/(V)

m2 = (m1*T1)/(T2)

m2 = (0.091*298)/(332) = 0.084 Kg\n\n

mbleed = m1 - m2 --> mbleed = 0.91 - 0.84 = 0.007 Kg

P2 = 337.43 KPa

mbleed = 0.007 Kg

An inventor claims that he wants to build a dam to produce hydroelectric power. He correctly realizes that civilization uses a lot more electricity during the day than at night, so he thinks he has stumbled upon a great untapped energy supply. His plan is to install pumps at the bottom of the dam so that he can pump some of the water that flows out from the generators back up into the reservoir using the excess electricity generated at night. He reasons that if he did that, the water would just flow right back down through the generators the next day producing power for free. What is wrong with his plan?



The problem is that the pumps would consume more energy than the generators would produce.


Water has a potential energy associated with the height it is at. The higher it is, the higher the potential energy. When water flows down into the turbines that energy is converted to kinetic energy and then into electricity.

A pump uses electricity to add energy to the water to send it to a higher potential energy state.

Ideally no net energy woul be hgenerate or lost, because the generators would release the potential energy and pumps would store it again in the water. However the systems are not ideal, everything has an efficiency and losses. The losses would accumulate and the generator would be generating less energy than the pumps consume, so that system wastes energy.

What should be done is closing the floodgates to keep the water up in the dam at night producing only the power that is needed and releasing more water during the day.

The compressibility factor provides a quick way to assess when the ideal gas law is valid. Use a solver to find the minimum temperature where the fluid has a vapor phase compressibility factor greater than 0.95 at 3 MPa. Report the value in oC, without units.



The answer is


The compressibility factor