Some organizations prohibit workers from bringing certain kinds of devices into the workplace, such as cameras, cell phones, and USB drives. Some businesses require employees to use clear or see-through backpacks when carrying personal items. What other devices might not be allowed in certain facilities, and why would they be restricted? The video on Google’s Data Center may give you some ideas to write about for this assignment.


Answer 1


Personal computers:

Personal computers may be useful and lead to productivity as using a computer an employee familiars with is a good thing. However, the disadvantages in some facilities especially ones dealing with customer and information security can include data theft, unauthorized data sharing, uses of internet connection for personal purposes, as this can slow down internet connection at the facility, distraction at work place etc.

Hard drive:

Due to large amount of data that can be stored on a hard drive, it might not be allowed in some facilities to avoid data theft and unauthorized transfer.

Music players:

This might be restricted to avoid distraction at work. Noice in places such as libraries would cause abnormality and poor service delivery. An employee with loud speaker at work would not only distracts himself but also other staffs and customers.

PSP Game Device and other game devices:

Playing games during working hour may jeopardize the productivity and therefore might be resctrited in some facilities and working places.

Electronic digital notepad:

Carrying a handheld electronic digital notepad to the work place can cause lack of concentration and division of attention on work and other personal activities. These can harm working harmony and business productivity.

Video recorder:

In some facilities, this device might not be allowed due to facility privacy and protection from unwanted navigation.


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O B. Power is a measure of how quickly work is done.
O C. Power and work have the same unit of measurement
O D. Power is the amount of work needed to overcome friction.
Pls answer quick



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what is an example of an innovative solution to an engineering problem? Explain briefly why you chose this answer.



robotic technology    


Innovation is nothing but the use of various things such as ideas, products, people to build up a solution for the benefit of the human. It can be any product or any solution which is new and can solve people's problems.

Innovation solution makes use of technology to provide and dispatch new solutions or services which is a combination of both technology and ideas.

One such example of an innovative solution we can see is the use of "Robots" in medical science or in any military operations or rescue operation.

Sometimes it is difficult for humans to do everything or go to everywhere. Thus scientist and engineers have developed many advance robots or machines using new ideas and technology to find solutions to these problems.

Using innovations and technologies, one can find solutions to many problems which is difficult for the peoples. Robots can be used in any surveillance operation or in places of radioactive surrounding where there is a danger of humans to get exposed to such threats. They are also used in medical sciences to operate and support the patient.  

How to find magnitude of net electric charge when current flows through a capacitor with initial charge?







How to find magnitude of net electric charge when current flows through a capacitor with initial charge?

A capacitor is a device used in storing electric charges. The unit of capacitance is measured in farad

To find the magnitude of net electric charge in a capacitor, we use the following relation


Q=the magnitude of net electric charge in coulombs

t=the time for an electron tpo pass through the capacitor

R=the resistance of the capacitor , measured in ohms

C=the capacitance of the capacitor measures in Farad

q=initial quantity of charge

Having all the parameters above will make it possible to determine the net electric charge

Recall also that


quantity (coulombs)=current*time(s)

What are the important factors needed to be considered while selecting a brake or clutch?



The correct answer is: the following factors are needed to properly consider while selecting a brake or clutch:







-Fluid power


-Key concepts

-Application notes

-Selection criteria


Clutches and brakes are important devices in many rotating drive systems, it is very important to guarantee the security and the proper function of them accomplishing a high quality parameters in those factors.

The answer to the question mark the park in a


The correct answer is that being a

A 4-pole, 3-phase induction motor operates from a supply whose frequency is 60 Hz. calculate: 1- the speed at which the magnetic field of the stator is rotating



The answer is below


A 4-pole, 3-phase induction motor operates from a supply whose frequency is 60 Hz. calculate: 1- the speed at which the magnetic field of the stator is rotating. 2- the speed of the rotor when the slip is 0.05. 3- the frequency of the rotor currents when the slip is 0.04. 4- the frequency of the rotor currents at standstill.

Given that:

number of poles (p) = 4, frequency (f) = 60 Hz

1) The synchronous speed of the motor is the speed at which the magnetic field of the stator is rotating. It is given as:

n_s=(120f)/(p)=(120*60)/(4)=1800\ rpm

2) The slip (s) = 0.05

The speed of the motor (n) is the speed of the rotor, it is given as:

n=n_s-sn_s\n\nn=1800-0.05(1800)\n\nn=1800-90\n\nn=1710\ rpm

3) s = 0.04

The rotor frequency is the product of the supply frequency and slip it is given as:

f_r=sf\n\nf_r=0.04*60\n\nf_r=2.4\ Hz

4) At standstill, the motor speed is zero hence the slip = 1:

s=(n_s-n)/(n_s)\n \nn=0\n\ns=(n_s-0)/(n_s)\n\ns=1

The rotor frequency is the product of the supply frequency and slip it is given as:

f_r=sf\n\nf_r=1*60\n\nf_r=60\ Hz