Currently, system administrators create Ken 7 users in each computer where users need access. In the Active Directory, where will system administrators create Ken 7 users? 2. How will the procedures for making changes to the user accounts, such as password changes, be different in the Active Directory? 3. What action should administrators take for the existing workgroup user accounts after converting to the Active Directory? 4. How will the administrators resolve the differences between the user accounts defined on the different computers? In other words, if user accounts have different settings on different computers, how will the Active Directory address that issue? 5. How will the procedure for defining access controls change after converting to the Active Directory?


Answer 1

1. First, you would need to open Active Directory Users and Computers. You click on the folder in which you want to add an account, and point to new, and then user. You would fill in the new user's information, such as name and initials.

2. In Active Directory, you input the user logon name, click on the UPN suffix in the drop-down list. It will prompt you to input password and confirm it.

3. Administrators would need to create new user accounts for all users, then join these to the AD domain manually.

4. Administrators will have to manually change the permissions and privileges of the users in order to meet the new established requirements.

5. After converting to the Active Directory, access control will be administered at the object level by setting different levels of access.

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The geometry is treated as a two surface enclosure because the two surfaces have the same properties.

Let's take the base surface to be surface 1, while the side surfaces are surface 2.

Let's take the heat transfer expression:

Q_1_2 = (\sigma[(T_1)^4 - (T_2)^4])/((1 - E_1)/(A_1 E_1) + (1)/(A_1 F_1_2) + (1-E_2)/(A_2 E_2))


\sigma = Boltmanz constant = 5.68*10^-^8

T_1 = base temperature

T_2 = surface 2 temperature = 500K

E_1 = emissivity of surface 1 = 0.8

E_2 = emissivity of surface 2 = 0.5

A = Area

F_1_2 = shape factor

Substituting figures in the equation, we have:

800= (5.67*10^-^8[(T_1)^4 - (500)^4])/((1 - 0.8)/(2*0.8) + (1)/(2*1) + (1-0.5)/(4*0.5))

[(T_1)^4 - (500)^4] = (700)/(5.67*10^-^8)

(T_1)^4 = 1.234*10^1^0 + 6.25*10^1^0

T_1 = (7.484*10^1^0)^0^.^2^5

T_1 = 523.038 K

The base temperature is 523.038 k

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5. Switch a in the circuit has been open for a long time and switch b has been closed for a long time. Switch a is closed at t = 0. After remaining closed for 1s, switches a and b are opened simultaneously and remain open indefinitely. Determine the expression for the inductor current i that is valid when (a) 0 ≤ t ≤ 1s and (b) t ≥ 1s



(a) 1/L∫Vdt; integral t [0,1]

(b) 1/L∫Vdt; integral t [ 1, infinity]


An Inductor current I, flowing through an inductor depends on the voltage, V, across the inductor and the inductance, L, of the inductor. The switch 1, 2 timing varies the voltage V with time t

The expression for inductor current is given as:

I= 1/L∫Vdt,

where I is equal to the current flowing through the inductor, L is equal to the inductance of the inductor, and V is equal to the voltage across the inductor.

The formula can also be written as:

I= I0 + 1/L∫Vdt, where I is inductor current at time t, and io is inductor current at t = 0. Time can be varied by controlling the switch

write an interface downloadable that has a method "geturl" that returns the url of a downloadable object



I want to believe the program is to be written in java and i hope your question is complete. The code is in the explanation section below


import java.util.Date;

public interface Downloadable {

  //abstract methods

  public String getUrl();

  public Date getLastDownloadDate();



Determine the voltage across a 2-μF capacitor if the current through it is i(t) = 3e−6000t mA. Assume that the initial capacitor voltage is zero g



v = 250[1 - {e^(-6000t)}] mV


The voltage across a capacitor at a time t, is given by:

v(t) = (1)/(C) \int\limits^(t)_(t_0) {i(t)} \, dt + v(t_0)                 ----------------(i)


v(t) = voltage at time t

t_(0) = initial time

C = capacitance of the capacitor

i(t) = current through the capacitor at time t

v(t₀) = voltage at initial time.

From the question:

C = 2μF = 2 x 10⁻⁶F

i(t) = 3e^(-6000t) mA

t₀ = 0

v(t₀ = 0) = 0

Substitute these values into equation (i) as follows;

v = (1)/(2*10^(-6)) \int\limits^(t)_(0) {3e^(-6000t)} \, dt + v(0)    

v = (1)/(2*10^(-6)) \int\limits^(t)_(0) {3e^(-6000t)} \, dt + 0

v = (1)/(2*10^(-6)) \int\limits^(t)_(0) {3e^(-6000t)} \, dt            

v = (3)/(2*10^(-6)) \int\limits^(t)_(0) {e^(-6000t)} \, dt             [Solve the integral]

v = (3)/(2*10^(-6)*(-6000))  {e^(-6000t)}|_0^t

v = (-3000)/(12)  {e^(-6000t)}|_0^t

v = -250 {e^(-6000t)}|_0^t

v = -250 {e^(-6000t)} - [-250 {e^(-6000(0))]

v = -250 {e^(-6000t)} - [-250]

v = -250 {e^(-6000t)} + 250

v = 250 -250 {e^(-6000t)}

v = 250[1 - {e^(-6000t)}]

Therefore, the voltage across the capacitor is v = 250[1 - {e^(-6000t)}] mV

A hydraulic jump is induced in an 80 ft wide channel. The water depths on either side of the jump are 1 ft and 10 ft. Please calculate: a) The velocity of the faster moving flow. b) The flow rate (discharge). c) The Froude number of the sub-critical flow. d) The flow energy dissipated in the hydraulic jump (expressed as percentage of the energy prior to the jump). e) The critical depth.



a) The velocity is 42.0833 ft/s

b) The flow rate is 3366.664 ft³/s

c) The Froude number is 0.2345

d) The flow energy dissipated (expressed as percentage of the energy prior to the jump) is 18.225 ft

e) The critical depth is 3.8030 ft


Given data:

80 ft wide channel, L

1 ft and 10 ft water depths, d₁ and d₂

Questions: a) Velocity of the faster moving flow, v = ?

b) The flow rate (discharge), q = ?

c) The Froude number, F = ?

d) The flow energy dissipated, E = ?

e) The critical depth, dc = ?

a) For the velocity:

(d_(2) )/(d_(1) ) =(1)/(2) (\sqrt{1+8F^(2) } -1)

10*2=\sqrt{1+8F^(2) } -1

Solving for F:

F = 7.4162

v=F\sqrt{gd_(1) }

Here, g = gravity = 32.2 ft/s²

v=7.4162*√(32.2*1) =42.0833ft/s

b) The flow rate:

q=v*L*d_(1) =42.0833*80*1=3366.664ft^(3) /s

c) The Froude number:

v_(2) =(q)/(L*d_(2) ) =(3366.664)/(80*10) =4.2083ft/s

F=\frac{v_(2)}{\sqrt{gd_(2) } } =(4.2083)/(√(32.2*10) ) =0.2345

d) The flow energy dissipated:

E=((d_(2)-d_(1))^(3) )/(4d_(1)d_(2)) =((10-1)^(3) )/(4*1*10) =18.225ft

e) The critical depth:

d_(c) =((((q)/(L))^(2)  )/(g) )^(1/3) =((((3366.664)/(80))^(2)  )/(32.2) )^(1/3) =3.8030ft