What does Enter key do? You cannot click Enter key to start a line if your current is blank?

This is spot to do today


Answer 1


See below


Enter-key also called the "Return key," it is the keyboard key that is pressed to signal the computer to input the line of data or the command that has just been typed.It Was the Return KeyThe Enter key was originally the "Return key" on a typewriter, which caused the carriage to return to the beginning of the next line on the paper. In a word processing or text editing application, pressing Enter ends a paragraph. A character code for return/end-of-line, which is different in Windows than it is in the Mac, Linux or Unix, is inserted into the text at that point.

Answer 2




Once there are two yellow lines having inner broken lines on the two sides of a center traffic lane, what this is trying to tell you is that you can use those lanes to start a left hand turn, or a U-turn from the both directions of traffic. However you cannot use it for passing. This is sometimes misunderstood by road users and drivers.

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Where should the Q point of an amplifier be on a DC load line to have the LARGEST linear output?



At the middle of the DC load


For the Q point of an amplifier to have the Largest linear output. the Q plant has to be biased at the middle of the DC load line, this is because when the input voltage is low the transistor will be in the cutoff region while when the input voltage is very high the transistor will be in the saturation, hence when the Q point is biased at the middle it is will be higher linearly in relation to the active region

How to find magnitude of net electric charge when current flows through a capacitor with initial charge?







How to find magnitude of net electric charge when current flows through a capacitor with initial charge?

A capacitor is a device used in storing electric charges. The unit of capacitance is measured in farad

To find the magnitude of net electric charge in a capacitor, we use the following relation


Q=the magnitude of net electric charge in coulombs

t=the time for an electron tpo pass through the capacitor

R=the resistance of the capacitor , measured in ohms

C=the capacitance of the capacitor measures in Farad

q=initial quantity of charge

Having all the parameters above will make it possible to determine the net electric charge

Recall also that


quantity (coulombs)=current*time(s)

Calculate the "exact" alkalinity of the water in Problem 3-2 if the pH is 9.43.Calculate the "approximate" alkalinity (in mg/L as CaCO3 ) of a water containing 120 mg/L of bicarbonate ion and 15 mg/L of carbonate ion.



A) approximate alkalinity = 123.361 mg/l

B) exact alkalinity = 124.708 mg/l


Given data :

A) determine approximate alkalinity first

Bicarbonate ion = 120 mg/l

carbonate ion = 15 mg/l

Approximate alkalinity = ( carbonate ion ) * 50/30  + ( bicarbonate ion ) * 50/61

                                   = 15 * (50/30) + 120*( 50/61 )  = 123.361 mg/l  as CaCO3

B) calculate the exact alkalinity of the water if the pH = 9.43

pH + pOH = 14

9.43 + pOH = 14. therefore pOH = 14 - 9.43 = 4.57

[OH^- ] = 10^-4.57  = 2.692*10^-5  moles/l

[ OH^- ]   = 2.692*10^-5  * 179/mole * 10^3 mg/g  = 0.458 mg/l

[ H^+ ] = 10^-9.43 * 1 * 10^3  = 3.7154 * 10^-7 mg/l

therefore the exact alkalinity can be calculated as

= ( approximate alkalinity ) + ( [ OH^- ] * 50/17 ) - ( [ H^+ ] * 50/1 )

= 123.361 + ( 0.458 * 50/17 ) - ( 3.7154 * 10^-7 * 50/1 )

= 124.708 mg/l

Fill in the empty function so that it returns the sum of all the divisors of a number, without including it. A divisor is a number that divides into another without a remainder.



// Program is written in C++

// Comments are used to explain some lines

// Only the required function is written. The main method is excluded.



using namespace std;

int divSum(int num)


// The next line declares the final result of summation of divisors. The variable declared is also

//initialised to 0

int result = 0;

// find all numbers which divide 'num'

for (int i=2; i<=(num/2); i++)


// if 'i' is divisor of 'num'

if (num%i==0)


if (i==(num/i))

result += i; //add divisor to result


result += (i + num/i); //add divisor to result





In this exercise, using the knowledge of computational language in C++, we have that this code will be written as:

The code is in the attached image.

We can write the C++  as:



using namespace std;

int divSum(int num)


int result = 0;

for (int i=2; i<=(num/2); i++)


if (num%i==0)


if (i==(num/i))

result += i; //add divisor to result


result += (i + num/i); //add divisor to result





See more about C++ at brainly.com/question/19705654

The tool that can be used to depict main causes for an identified quality problem, subdivided into categories represented as machines, materials, methods, and manpower, is called a ____________.


It is called an Cause-and-effect diagram.

Make a copy of the pthreads_skeleton.cpp program and name it pthreads_p2.cpp Modify the main function to implement a loop that reads 10 integers from the console (user input) and stores these numbers in a one-dimensional (1D) array (this code will go right after the comment that says ""Add code to perform any needed initialization or to process user input""). You should use a global array for this.



The solution code is as follows:

  1. #include <iostream>
  2. using namespace std;
  3. int main()
  4. {
  5.    int myArray [10] = {};
  7.    int i;
  8.    for( i = 0; i < 10; i++ )
  9.    {
  10.        cout <<"Enter an integer: ";
  11.        cin>> myArray[i];
  12.    }
  13. }


Firstly, we initialize a 10-elements array, myArray (Line 7) with no values.

Next, we create a for-loop (Line 10). Within the loop, we prompt user to enter an integer and assign the input value to the current element of myArray (Line 12-13).