When looking at a chain of processes with a low yield (high defective rate), what is a good place to start investigating the source of variation?


Answer 1

The most upstream process with issues would be a good location to start exploring the cause of the variance.

Chain processes

A manufacturing technique would be a specific procedure for generating a commodity.

Throughout manufacturing, a six sigma process has been utilized just to generate a product throughout which 99.99966 percent among all possibilities to produce certain aspects of a part seem to be likely toward being defect-free.

Thus the response above is correct.

Find out more information about chain processes here:


Answer 2

Answer: The furthest upstream process that has problems.

A process in manufacturing is a particular method used for producing a product.

A six sigma process is used in processing to produce a product that is 99.99966% of all opportunities to produce some feature of a part are statistically expected to be free of defects.

According to the rules of the six sigma process, when there's a defect, the best thing to do is investigate the furthest upstream process that has problems.

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How much computer memory (in bytes) in minimum would be required to store 10 seconds of a sensor signal sampled by a 12-bit A/D converter operating at a sampling rate of 5 kHz?



73.24 K byte


Assuming that

N = total number of samples

N = 10 * 5kHz

N = 50*10^3

Also, the total number of bits, T

T = 12 * N

T = 12 * 50*10^3

T = 600 * 10^3

And then, finally, the total number of byte,

B = 600*10^(3/8)

B = 75*10^3 byte

75*10^3 byte = 75*10^3/1024 kilo byte

And on converting to decimal, we will have

= 73.24 K byte

Therefore, the memory required = 73.24 K byte

On what single factor does the efficiency of the Otto cycle depend?



Compression ratio(r)


Otto cycle:

  Otto cycle is an ideal cycle for all working petrol engine.It have four processes in which two are constant volume process and other two are reversible adiabatic or we can say that isentropic processes.All petrol engine works on Otto cycle.

The efficiency of Otto cycle given as follows

\eta =1-(1)/(r^(\gamma-1))

Where r is the compression ratio and γ is heat capacity ratio.

So from above we can say that the efficiency of Otto cycle depends onl;y on compression ratio (r).

Please define the specific heat of material?


Answer and Explanation:


  • Specific heat is denoted by c_v
  • It is the heat required for increasing the temperature of a substance which has mass of 1 kg.
  • Its SI unit is joule/kelvin
  • It is physical property
  • It can be calculated by c_v=(Q)/(m\Delta T), here Q is heat energy m is mass of gas and \Delta T  is change in temperature.

The substance called olivine may have any composition between Mg2SiO4 and Fe2SiO4, i.e. the Mg atoms can be replaced by Fe atoms in any proportion without altering the crystal structure except by expanding it slightly: this is an example of a binary solid solution series. For different compositions, the lines in the powder diffraction patterns are in slightly different positions, because of the cell expansion, but the overall pattern remains basically the same. The spacing of the lattice planes varies linearly with composition, and this can be used in a rapid and non- destructive method of analysis. a. The (062) reflection from olivine is strong and well resolved from other lines. Calculate d062 for an olivine that displays its (062) reflection at a Bragg angle of 37.21° (i.e., a diffraction angle of 74.42°) when x-rays with a wavelength of 0.1790 nm are used. b. The d062 spacing as measured accurately for synthetic materials is 0.14774 nm for Mg2SiO4 and 0.15153 nm for Fe2SiO4. What would be the approximate composition, expressed in mol.% Mg2SiO4, of an olivine material for which do62 has the value obtained in part 2.1 above?



The answer is "0.147 nm and  99.63 mol %"


In point (a):

\to nk1 = 062

\to \text{Bragg angle}\theta =37.21^(\circ)

\to \text{diffraction angle}2 \theta = 74.42^(\circ)

\to \lambda = 0.1790 nm




\to nx = 2d \sin  \theta

\to  d(062) = (1 * 0.1790^(\circ))/(2 * \sin 37.21^(\circ))\n

               = (0.1790^(\circ))/(2 * 0.604738126)\n\n= (0.29599589)/(2)\n\n= 0.147 \n

In point (b):

\to Mg_2SiO_4\longleftrightarrow  Fe_2SiO_4

d= 0.14774  \ \ \ \ \ olivine = 0.147 \ \ \ \  \ 0.15153


\to d=(a)/(√(n^2+k^2+i^2))\n

that's why the composition value equal to 99.63 %

Write two scnr.nextInt statements to get input values into birthMonth and birthYear. Then write a statement to output the month, a slash, and the year. End with newline. The program will be tested with inputs 1 2000 and then with inputs 5 1950. Ex: If the input is 1 2000, the output is: 1/2000



import java.util.Scanner;

public class InputExample {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

       int birthMonth;

       int birthYear;

       birthMonth = scnr.nextInt();

       birthYear = scnr.nextInt();




import java.util.Scanner;

public class InputExample {

   public static void main(String[] args) {

       Scanner scnr = new Scanner(System.in);

       int birthMonth;

       int birthYear;

       // Get input values for birthMonth and birthYear from the user

       birthMonth = scnr.nextInt();

       birthYear = scnr.nextInt();

       // Output the month, a slash, and the year

       System.out.println(birthMonth + "/" + birthYear);



When the program is tested with inputs 1 2000, the output will be:


And when tested with inputs 5 1950, the output will be:


Know more about java program:



The process in which the system pressure remain constant is called a)-isobaric b)-isochoric c)-isolated d)-isothermal



Isobaric process


The process in which the system pressure remain constant is called is called isobaric process. The word "iso"means same and baric means pressure.

At constant pressure, the work done is given by :

W=p* \Delta V


W is the work done by the system

p is the constant pressure

\Delta V is the change in volume

So, the correct option is (c) " isobaric process ".