Air is contained in a cylinder device fitted with a piston-cylinder. The piston initially rests on a set of stops, and a pressure of 300 kPa is required to move the piston. Initially, the air is at 100 kPa and 27°C and occupies a volume of 0.4 m^3. A) Determine the amount of heat transferred to the air, in kJ, while increasing the temperature to 1200 K. Assume air has constant specific heats evaluated at 300 K.


Answer 1


The amount of heat transferred to the air is 340.24 kJ


From P-V diagram,

Initial temperature T1 = 27°C

Initial pressure P1 = 100 kPa

final pressure P3 = P2 = 300 kPa

volume at point 2, V2 = V1 = 0.4 m³

final temperature T2 = T3 = 1200 K

To determine the final pressure V3, use ideal gas equation

PV = mRT

Where R is the specific gas constant = 0.2870 KPa m³ kg K


from initial condition, mass m = PV/RT

m = (P1*V1)/R*T1

T1 = 27+273 = 300K

m = (100*0.4)/(0.2870*300) = 0.4646 kg


Final volume V3 = mRT3/P3

V3 = (0.4646*0.2870*1200)/300

V3 = 0.5334 m³

Total work done W is determined where there is volume change which from point 2 to 3.

W = P3*(V3-V2)

W = 300*(0.5334-0.4) = 40.02 kJ

To get the internal energy, the heat capacity at room temperature Cv is 0.718 kJ/kg K

∆U = m*Cv*(T2-T1)

∆U = 0.4646*0.718(1200-300)

∆U = 300.22 kJ

The heat transfer Q = W + ∆U

Q = 40.02 + 300.22 = 340.24 kJ

Determine the amount of heat transferred to the air, in kJ, while increasing the temperature to 1200 K is 340.24 kJ

The attached file shows the Pressure - Volume relationship (P -V graph)

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The code is attached.


I created a string s including 6 colors with spaces in between. Then I converted the string into a list x by using split() method. I used three different methods for removing elements from the list. These methods are remove(), pop() and del.

\n Then I used methods append(), insert() and extend() for adding elements to the list.

\n Finally I converted list into a string using join() and adding space in between the elements of the list.

Write a Lottery class that simulates a lottery. The class should have an array of five integers named lotteryNumbers. The constructor should use the Random class (from the Java API) to generate a random number in the range of 0 through 9 for each element in the array. The class should also have a method that accepts an array of five integers that represent a person’s lottery picks. The method is to compare the corresponding elements in the two arrays and return the number of digits that match. For example, the following shows the lotteryNumbers array and the user’s array with sample numbers stored in each. There are two matching digits (elements 2 and 4).




Enter the five digit lottery number

Enter the digit 1 : 23

Enter the digit 2 : 44

Enter the digit 3 : 43

Enter the digit 4 : 66

Enter the digit 5 : 33


Computer Generated Lottery Number :


Lottery Number Of user:


Number Of digit matched: 0


import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.Random;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Lottery {

int[] lotteryNumbers = new int[5];

public int[] getLotteryNumbers() {

return lotteryNumbers;


Lottery() {

Random randomVal = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < lotteryNumbers.length; i++) {

lotteryNumbers[i] = randomVal.nextInt((50 - 1) + 1);



int compare(int[] personLottery) {

int count = 0;



for (int i = 0; i < lotteryNumbers.length; i++) {

if (lotteryNumbers[i] == personLottery[i]) {




return count;


public static void main(String[] args) {

int[] personLotteryNum = new int[5];

int matchNum;

Lottery lnum = new Lottery();

Scanner input = new Scanner(;

System.out.println("Enten the five digit lottery number");

for (int i = 0; i < personLotteryNum.length; i++) {

System.out.println("Enter the digit " + (i + 1) + " :");

personLotteryNum[i] = input.nextInt();


matchNum =;

if (matchNum == 5)

System.out.println("YOU WIN!!");


System.out.println("YOU LOSS!!");

System.out.println("Computer Generated Lottery Number :");


for (int i = 0; i < lnum.getLotteryNumbers().length; i++) {

System.out.print(lnum.getLotteryNumbers()[i] + "|");


System.out.println("\n\nLottery Number Of user:");


for (int i = 0; i < personLotteryNum.length; i++) {

System.out.print(personLotteryNum[i] + "|");



System.out.println("Number Of digit matched: " + matchNum);




The substance called olivine may have any composition between Mg2SiO4 and Fe2SiO4, i.e. the Mg atoms can be replaced by Fe atoms in any proportion without altering the crystal structure except by expanding it slightly: this is an example of a binary solid solution series. For different compositions, the lines in the powder diffraction patterns are in slightly different positions, because of the cell expansion, but the overall pattern remains basically the same. The spacing of the lattice planes varies linearly with composition, and this can be used in a rapid and non- destructive method of analysis. a. The (062) reflection from olivine is strong and well resolved from other lines. Calculate d062 for an olivine that displays its (062) reflection at a Bragg angle of 37.21° (i.e., a diffraction angle of 74.42°) when x-rays with a wavelength of 0.1790 nm are used. b. The d062 spacing as measured accurately for synthetic materials is 0.14774 nm for Mg2SiO4 and 0.15153 nm for Fe2SiO4. What would be the approximate composition, expressed in mol.% Mg2SiO4, of an olivine material for which do62 has the value obtained in part 2.1 above?



The answer is "0.147 nm and  99.63 mol %"


In point (a):

\to nk1 = 062

\to \text{Bragg angle}\theta =37.21^(\circ)

\to \text{diffraction angle}2 \theta = 74.42^(\circ)

\to \lambda = 0.1790 nm




\to nx = 2d \sin  \theta

\to  d(062) = (1 * 0.1790^(\circ))/(2 * \sin 37.21^(\circ))\n

               = (0.1790^(\circ))/(2 * 0.604738126)\n\n= (0.29599589)/(2)\n\n= 0.147 \n

In point (b):

\to Mg_2SiO_4\longleftrightarrow  Fe_2SiO_4

d= 0.14774  \ \ \ \ \ olivine = 0.147 \ \ \ \  \ 0.15153


\to d=(a)/(√(n^2+k^2+i^2))\n

that's why the composition value equal to 99.63 %

Be a qt today lolololololol



you too


thank you for the free points

Imagine you have been asked to find the following object pictured on the left in the accompanying array on the right.RED AND WHITE SQUARES ALL LOOK SIMILAR
What type of search do you think this would be?


This type of search would be a linear search. A linear search involves looking at each item in the array one by one until the desired item is found.

In this case, you would look at each square in the array until you find the one that matches the object pictured on the left.  This is a common search method for small arrays or when the array is unsorted.

The algorithm continues until the target element is found, or until it reaches the end of the array and fails to find the target element. Linear searches are useful in scenarios where the array is small and unsorted, as the algorithm does not need to compare every element in the array to find the target element.

Learn more about linear search:


1. The presentation of data is becoming more and more important in today's Internet. Some people argue that the TCP/IP protocol suite needs to add a new layer to take care of the presentation of data. If this new layer is added in the future, where should its position be in the suite?



It is important to add presentation layer after the physical layer, so that the data along with it's headers can be translated, when the receiver machine is applying a set of different characters.

Data compression is also required to reduce the space that is occupied by data during transmission, now once the presentation is added to the physical layer, data from the physical layer can be compressed at the presentation layer and sent by improving the throughput.



The presentation of data involves the following as shown below:

Presentation of data comprises of the task like translating between receiver and sender devices so that machines with different capabilities sets can communicate with one another.

It involves encoding  and decoding of data to provide data security that is been transmitted by different machines.

Data sometimes needs to compressed for efficiency improvement  for transmission.

The physical layer of the TCP/IP protocol suite is responsible or refers to the transmission of physical data over a physical medium

It is good or important to add presentation layer after the physical layer, so that the data along with it's headers can be translated, when the receiver machine is applying a set of different characters.

Data encryption at this stage is good for security instead of encrypting the data at upper/higher layers.

Hence, it is advisable to add presentation layer after the physical layer in the TCP/IP suite.



The layer ought to be embedded between Layer 2 and 3.


Applications often communicate with each other. This cannot be successful if they don't see data the same way. The Presentation Layer in the Open Systems Interconnection defines how data is presented and is often processed in the TCP/IP applications.

While the Presentation Layer does not exist as a different layer in the TCP/IP protocol order of arrangement, it is important to note that the Network Layer is also known referred to as the TCP/IP’s Network Layer.

Therefore, if the presentation of the data layer will be separated, it should be between layer 2 and 3.  
