Use Euler’s Method: ????????????????=???? ????????????????=−????????−????3+????cos(????) ????(0)=1.0 ????(0)=1.0 ????=0.4 ????=20.0 ℎ=0.01 ????=10000 ▪ Write the data (y1, y2) to a file named "LASTNAME_Prob1.dat" Example: If your name is John Doe – file name would be "DOE_Prob1.dat" ▪ Plot the result with lines using GNUPLOT (Hint: see lecture 08) ▪ Submit full code (copy and paste). Plot must be on a separate page. ▪ Run the code again and plot the result for: ????=0.1 ????=11.0


Answer 1


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8. 15 A manual arc welding cell uses a welder and a fitter. The cell operates 2,000 hriyr. The welder is paid $30/hr and the fitter is paid $25/hr. Both rates include applicable overheads. The cycle time to complete one welded assembly is 15. 4 min. Of this time, the arc-on time is 25%, and the fitter's participation in the cycle is 30% of the cycle time. A robotic arc welding cell is being considered to replace this manual cell. The new cell would have one robot, one fitter, and two workstations, so that while the robot is working at the first sta tion, the fitter is unloading the other station and loading it with new components. The fitter's rate would remain at $25/hr. For the new cell, the production rate would be eight welded assemblies per hour. The arc-on time would increase to almost 52%, and the fitter's participation in the cycle would be about 62%. The installed cost of the robot and worksta tions is $158,000. Power and other utilities to operate the robot and arc welding equipment will be $3. 80/hr, and annual maintenance costs are $3,500. Given a 3-year service life, 15% rate of return, and no salvage value, (a) determine the annual quantity of welded assem blies that would have to be produced to reach the break-even point for the two methods. (b) What is the annual quantity of welded assemblies produced by the two methods work. Ing 2,000 hryr?​


The annual quantity of welded assemblies that would have to be produced to reach the break-even point for the two methods is approximately 15,983.

To determine the break-even point between the manual arc welding cell and the robotic cell, we need to calculate the total costs for each method and then equate them.

For the manual arc welding cell:

Labor cost per hour = (welder's hourly rate x arc-on time) + (fitter's hourly rate x fitter's participation in the cycle) = ($30 x 0.25) + ($25 x 0.3) = $11.25

Labor cost per welded assembly = labor cost per hour x cycle time per assembly / 60 = $11.25 x 15.4 / 60 = $2.89

Overhead cost per welded assembly = (labor cost per hour x (1 - arc-on time - fitter's participation in the cycle)) x cycle time per assembly / 60 = ($30 x 0.45) x 15.4 / 60 = $4.68

Total cost per welded assembly = labor cost per welded assembly + overhead cost per welded assembly = $2.89 + $4.68 = $7.57

Total cost per hour = total cost per welded assembly x production rate = $7.57 x 8 = $60.56

Total cost per year = total cost per hour x hours of operation per year = $60.56 x 2,000 = $121,120

For the robotic arc welding cell:

Labor cost per hour = fitter's hourly rate x fitter's participation in the cycle = $25 x 0.62 = $15.50

Labor cost per welded assembly = labor cost per hour x cycle time per assembly / 60 = $15.50 x 15.4 / 60 = $3.97

Overhead cost per welded assembly = power and utility cost per hour + annual maintenance cost / production rate = $3.80 + $3,500 / (8 x 2,000) = $3.80 + $0.22 = $4.02

Total cost per welded assembly = labor cost per welded assembly + overhead cost per welded assembly + (installed cost / (production rate x service life)) = $3.97 + $4.02 + ($158,000 / (8 x 3)) = $3.97 + $4.02 + $6,208.33 = $14.19

Total cost per hour = total cost per welded assembly x production rate = $14.19 x 8 = $113.52

Total cost per year = total cost per hour x hours of operation per year = $113.52 x 2,000 = $227,040

To find the break-even point, we set the total cost of the manual arc welding cell equal to the total cost of the robotic arc welding cell and solve for the annualquantity of welded assemblies:

$121,120 + x($7.57) = $227,040 + x($14.19)

$7.57x - $14.19x = $227,040 - $121,120

$-6.62x = $105,920

x = $105,920 / $6.62

x = 15,982.7

Therefore, the annualquantity of welded assemblies that would have to be produced to reach the break-even point for the two methods is approximately 15,983.

Learn more about hourly rate here


Reduce the following lambda-calculus term to the normalform. Show all intermediate steps, with one beta reduction at a time. In the reduction, assume that you are supplied with extra rules thatallow you to reduce the multiplication of two natural numbers into thecorresponding result.(λf.λx.f(f x))(λy.y≠3) 2



Decrease to typical from utilizing lambda-decrease:  

The given lambda - math terms is, (λf.λx.f(f(fx)))(λy.y×3)2

The of taking the terms is significant in lambda - math,  

For the term, (λy, y×3)2, we can substitute the incentive to the capacity.  

Therefore apply beta-decrease on “(λy, y×3)2,“ will return 2 × 3 = 6  

Presently the tem becomes, (λf λx f(f(fx)))6

The main term, (λf λx f(f(fx))) takes a capacity and a contention and substitute the contention in the capacity.  

Here it is given that it is conceivable to substitute, the subsequent increase in the outcome.  

In this way by applying next level beta - decrease, the term becomes f(f(f(6))), which is in ordinary structure.

Fill in the empty function so that it returns the sum of all the divisors of a number, without including it. A divisor is a number that divides into another without a remainder.



// Program is written in C++

// Comments are used to explain some lines

// Only the required function is written. The main method is excluded.



using namespace std;

int divSum(int num)


// The next line declares the final result of summation of divisors. The variable declared is also

//initialised to 0

int result = 0;

// find all numbers which divide 'num'

for (int i=2; i<=(num/2); i++)


// if 'i' is divisor of 'num'

if (num%i==0)


if (i==(num/i))

result += i; //add divisor to result


result += (i + num/i); //add divisor to result





In this exercise, using the knowledge of computational language in C++, we have that this code will be written as:

The code is in the attached image.

We can write the C++  as:



using namespace std;

int divSum(int num)


int result = 0;

for (int i=2; i<=(num/2); i++)


if (num%i==0)


if (i==(num/i))

result += i; //add divisor to result


result += (i + num/i); //add divisor to result





See more about C++ at

If the total energy change of an system during a process is 15.5 kJ, its change in kinetic energy is -3.5 kJ, and its potential energy is unchanged, calculate its change in specificinternal energy if its mass is 5.4 kg. Report your answer in kJ/kg to one decimal place.



The change in specific internal energy is 3.5 kj.




Total change in energy is 15.5 kj.

Change in kinetic energy is –3.5 kj.

Change in potential energy is 0 kj.

Mass is 5.4 kg.



Change in internal energy is calculated as follows:

\bigtriangleup E=\bigtriangleup KE+\bigtriangleup PE+\bigtriangleup U15.5=-3.5+0+\bigtriangleup U

\bigtriangleup U=19 kj.


Specific internal energy is calculated as follows:

\bigtriangleup u=(\bigtriangleup U)/(m)

\bigtriangleup u=(19)/(5.4)

\bigtriangleup u=3.5 kj/kg.

Thus, the change in specific internal energy is 3.5 kj/kg.

A 1-m3 tank containing air at 10°C and 350 kPa is connected through a valve to another tank containing 3 kg of air at 35°C and 150 kPa. Now the valve is opened, and the entire system is allowed to reach thermal equilibrium with the surroundings, which are at 19.5°C. Determine the volume of the second tank and the final equilibrium pressure of air. The gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kPa·m3/kg·K.



V₂=1.76 m³

P=222.03 KPa


Given that

For tank 1

V₁=1 m³

T₁= 10°C = 283 K

P₁=350 KPa

For tank 2

m₂=3 kg

T₂=35°C = 308 K

P₂=150 KPa

We know that for air

P V = m R T

P=pressure ,V= Volume,R= gas constant ,T= temperature ,m =mass

for tank 2

P₂ V₂ = m₂ R T₂

By putting the values

150 x V₂ = 3 x 0.287 x 308

V₂=1.76 m³

Final mass = m₁+m₂

m =m₁+m₂

The final volume V= V₂+V₁

V= 1.76 + 1 m³

V= 2.76 m³

The final temperature T= 19.5°C

T= 292.5 K



m_1=(350* 1)/(0.287* 283)

m_1=4.3\ kg

m =m₁+m₂

m =4.3 + 3 = 7.3 kg

Now at final state

P V = m R T

P x 2.76 = 7.3 x 0.287 x 292.5

P=222.03 KPa

Input resistance of a FET is very high due to A) forward-biased junctions have high impedance B) gate-source junction is reverse-biased C) drain-source junction is reverse-biased D) none of the above



B) gate-source junction is reverse-biased


FET is described as an electric field that controls the specific current and is being applied to a "third electrode" which is generally known as "gate". However, only the electric field is responsible for controlling the "current flow"   in a specific channel and then the particular device is being "voltage operated" that consists of high "input impedance".

In FET, the different "charge carriers" tend to enter a particular channel via "source" and exits through "drain".