An activated sludge plant is being designed to handle a feed rate of 0.438 m3 /sec. The influent BOD concentration is 150 mg/L and the cell concentration (MLVSS) is 2,200 mg/L. If you wish to operate the plant with a food-to-microorganism ratio of 0.20 day-1 , what volume of aeration tank should you use? Please give your answer in m3 .


Answer 1


Volume of aeration tank = 1.29 x 10^4 m³


Food/Micro- organism Ratio = 0.2/day

Feed Rate (Q) = 0.438 m³/s

Influent BOD = 150 mg/L

MLVSS = 2200 mg/L

The above mentioned parameters are related by the equation

F/M = QS₀/VX

where S₀ is the influent BOD and X is the cell concentration, with V being the Volume of the tank. Re- arranging the above equation for V and putting the values in, we get

V = 0.4380 x 150/0.2 x 2200

V = 0.1493 (m³/s) x day

V = 0.1493 x 24 x 60 x 60

V = 1.29 x 10^4 m³

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C)185,500 KJ


Given that

Latent heat fusion = 333.23 KJ/kg

Latent heat vaporisation = 333.23 KJ/kg

Mass of ice = 100 kg

Mass of water = 40 kg

Mass of vapor=60 kg

Ice at 0°C ,first it will take latent heat of vaporisation and remain at constant temperature 0°C and it will convert in to water.After this water which at 0°C will take sensible heat and gets heat up to 100°C.After that at 100°C vapor will take heat as heat of  vaporisation .

Sensible heat for water Q

Q=mC_p\Delta T

For water

C_p=4.178\ KJ/Kg.K

Q=4.178 x 40 x 100 KJ

Q=16,712 KJ

So total heat

Total heat =100 x 333.23+16,712 + 60 x 2257 KJ

Total heat =185,455 KJ

Approx Total heat = 185,500 KJ

So the answer C is correct.




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Determine the degrees of superheat of steam at 101.325 kPa and 170°C. a. 50°C b. 70°C c. 60°C d. 80°C



b) 70°C


Given that super heat temperature at 101.325  KPa=  170°C.

We know that saturation temperature at 101.325  KPa is 100°C.


Degree of super heat =Super heat temperature - saturation temperature (  at constant pressure)

Now by putting the values

Degree of super heat=170-100

Degree of super heat=70°C.

So our option b is right.  

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Answer & Explanation:

When circuit switching is used, maximum 15 circuit switched user can be supported. Because for each of the user is allocated 10 MBPS bandwidth, and given link capacity is 150 MBPS.

(25) Consider the mechanical system below. Obtain the steady-state outputs x_1 (t) and x_2 (t) when the input p(t) is the sinusodal force given by p(t) = P sin ωt. All positions are measured from equilibrium. Use m_1=1.5 kg, m_2=2 kg, k=7 N/m, b=3.2 (N∙s)/m, P=15 N, =12 rad/sec. Hint: first create the state space model for the system. Then use SS2TF to make the two transfer functions and then the two Bode plots (include with submission). Use the plots to find the steady-state equations.


Njjhvgghjjjhhhhhhhb hhh. I h. I’ve. Know

Convert the angles of a triangle to radians.Part A31∘43′53′′, 90∘32′11′′, 57∘43′56′′Express your answers, separated by commas, to six significant figures.nothingrad, rad, radRequest AnswerPart B94∘22′19′′, 40∘54′53′′, 44∘42′48′′Express your answers, separated by commas, to six significant figures.




To convert to radians

A31∘43′53′′, 90∘32′11′′, 57∘43′56′′

using DMS approach ; 1degree = 60minutes = 3600 seconds

1° = 60' = 3600"

And degree to radian = multiply by π/180

A) 31∘43′53′′ = 31degree + 43minutes + 53 seconds

= 31 degree + 43minutes + 53/60

= 31 degree + 43.88minutes

= 31 degree + 43.88/60 = 31.73 degree x π/180 = 0.5534radians

FOR 90∘32′11′′ = 90 degree + 32minutes + 11seconds

= 90degree + 32minutes + 11/60

= 90 degree + 32.183minutes

= 90 degree + 32.183/60 = 90.54degree x π/180

= 1.580radians

FOR 57∘43′56′′ = 57degree + 43minutes+ 56seconds

= 57degree + 43minutes + 56/60

= 57 degree + 43.93minutes

= 57degree + 43.93/60 = 57.73degree X π/180  

= 1.00radians


FOR 94∘22′19′′ = 94degree + 22minutes + 19seconds

= 94degree + 22minutes + 19/60

= 94degree + 22.32minutes

= 94degree + 22.32/60

= 94.37degree X π/180  = 1.65radians

FOR 40∘54′53′′ = 40degree + 54minutes + 53seconds

= 40 degree + 54minutes + 53/60

= 40 degree + 54.88minutes = 40 degree + 54.88/60

= 40.91degree X π/180  = 0.714radians

FOR 44∘42′48′′ = 44degree + 42minutes + 48seconds

= 44degree + 42.8minutes

= 44.71degree X π/180 = 0.780radians



0.176270π rad, 0.502980π rad, 0.320735π rad


0.524289π rad, 0.227304π rad, 0.248407π rad


We know that,

1° = 60' 180° = π

1 ' = 1°/60 1° = π/180


a. 31°43'53''

Step 1

53'' = 53 * 1/60

= 53'/60

Step 2


= 43'+53'/60

= (2580+43)/60

= 2623'/60

-------- Convert to degrees

= 2623/60 * 1/60

= 2623/3600

Step 3


= 31+ 2623/3600

= (111600 + 2623)/3600

= 114223°/3600

Now, we convert to radians

= 114223/3600 * π/180°

= 0.176270π rad



Step 1.

11' = 11 * 1/60

= 11/60

Step 2


= 32 + 11/60

= 1931/60

-------- Convert to degrees

= 1931/60 * 1/60

= 1931/3600

Step 3


= 90 + 1931/3600

= 325931°/3600

Now we convert to radians

= 325931°/3600 * π/180°

= 0.502980π rad



Step 1

56' = 56 * 1/60

= 56/60

= 14/15

Step 2


= 43 + 14/15

= 659/15

Now we convert to degrees

= 659/15 * 1/60

= 659°/900

Step 3


= 57 + 659/900

= 51959/900

Now we convert to radians

= 51959°/900 * π/180°

= 0.320735π rad




Step 1

19'' = 19/60

Step 2


= 22 + 19/60

= 1339/60

Now we convert to degrees

= 1339/60 * 1/60

= 1339°/3600

Step 3


= 94 + 1339/3600

= 339739°/3600

Now we convert to radians

= 339739°/3600 * π/180

= 0.524289π rad



Step 1

53" = 53/60

Step 2


= 54'+ 53/60

= 3293/60

Now we convert to degrees

= 3293/60 * 1/60

= 3293/3600

Step 3


= 40 + 3293/3600

= 147293/3600

Now we convert to radians

= 147293/3600 * π/180

= 0.227304π rad



Step 1

48' = 48/69

= 4/5

Step 2


= 42 + 4/5


Nowz we convert to degrees

= 214/5 * 1/60

= 107/150

Step 3


= 44 + 107/150

= 6707/150

Now we convert to radians

= 6707/150 * π/180

= 0.248407π rad