Steam enters a turbine from a 2 inch diameter pipe, at 600 psia, 930 F, with a velocity of 620 ft/s. It leaves the turbine at 12 psia with a quality of 1.0, through an outlet duct 1 ft in diameter. Calculate the turbine power output


Answer 1


\dot W_(out) = 3374.289\,(BTU)/(s)


The model for the turbine is given by the First Law of Thermodynamics:

- \dot W_(out) + \dot m \cdot (h_(in) - h_(out)) = 0

The turbine power output is:

\dot W_(out) = \dot m\cdot (h_(in)-h_(out))

The volumetric flow is:

\dot V = (\pi)/(4) \cdot \left( (2)/(12)\,ft \right)^(2)\cdot (620\,(ft)/(s) )

\dot V \approx 13.526\,(ft^(3))/(s)

The specific volume of steam at inlet is:

State 1 (Superheated Steam)

\nu = 1.33490\,(ft^(3))/(lbm)

The mass flow is:

\dot m = (\dot V)/(\nu)

\dot m = (13.526\,(ft^(3))/(s) )/(1.33490\,(ft^(3))/(lbm) )

\dot m = 10.133\,(lbm)/(s)

Specific enthalpies at inlet and outlet are, respectively:

State 1 (Superheated Steam)

h = 1479.74\,(BTU)/(lbm)

State 2 (Saturated Vapor)

h = 1146.1\,(BTU)/(lbm)

The turbine power output is:

\dot W_(out) = (10.133\,(lbm)/(s) )\cdot (1479.1\,(BTU)/(lbm)-1146.1\,(BTU)/(lbm))

\dot W_(out) = 3374.289\,(BTU)/(s)

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What does Enter key do? You cannot click Enter key to start a line if your current is blank?

This is spot to do today



See below


Enter-key also called the "Return key," it is the keyboard key that is pressed to signal the computer to input the line of data or the command that has just been typed.It Was the Return KeyThe Enter key was originally the "Return key" on a typewriter, which caused the carriage to return to the beginning of the next line on the paper. In a word processing or text editing application, pressing Enter ends a paragraph. A character code for return/end-of-line, which is different in Windows than it is in the Mac, Linux or Unix, is inserted into the text at that point.




Once there are two yellow lines having inner broken lines on the two sides of a center traffic lane, what this is trying to tell you is that you can use those lanes to start a left hand turn, or a U-turn from the both directions of traffic. However you cannot use it for passing. This is sometimes misunderstood by road users and drivers.

An experimental arrangement for measuring the thermal conductivity of solid materials involves the use of two long rods that are equivalent in every respect, except that one is fabricated from a standard material of known thermal conductivity kA while the other is fabricated from the material whose thermal conductivity kB is desired. Both rods are attached at one end to a heat source of fixed temperature Tb, are exposed to a fluid of temperature [infinity] T[infinity], and are instrumented with thermocouples to measure the temperature at a fixed distance x1 from the heat source. If the standard material is aluminum, with kA= 200 W/m·K, and measurements reveal values of TA= 75°C and TB= 70°C at x1 for Tb= 100°C and [infinity] T[infinity]= 25°C, what is the thermal conductivity kB of the test material?


Answer: the thermal conductivity of the second material is 125.9 W/m.k


Given that;

The two rods could be approximated as a fins of infinite length.

TA = 75°C,    θA = (TA - T∞) = 75 - 25 = 50°C

TB = 70°C     θB = (TB - T∞) = 70 - 25 = 45°C

Tb = 100°C    θb = (Tb - T∞) = (100 - 25) = 75°C

T∞ = 25°C

KA = 200 W/m · K,   KB = ?


The temperature distribution for the infinite fins are given by

θ/θb = e^(-mx)

θA/θb= e^-√(hp/A.kA) x 1  --------------1

θB/θb = e^-√(hp/A.kB) x 1---------------2

next we  take the natural logof both sides,  

ln(θA/θb) = -√(hp/A.kA) x 1 ------------3

In(θB/θb) = -√(hp/A.kB) x 1 ------------4

now we divide 3 by 4

[ ln(θA/θb) /in(θB/θb)] = √(KB/KA)

we substitute

 [ In(50/75) /In(45/75)] = √(KB/200)

In(0.6666) / In(0.6) = √KB / √200

-0.4055/-0.5108 = √KB / √200

0.7938 = √KB / 14.14

√KB = 11.22

KB = 125.9 W/m.k

So the thermal conductivity of the second material is 125.9 W/m.k

A power plant burns natural gas to supply heat to a heat engine which rejects heat to the adjacent river. The power plant produces 800 MW of electrical power and has a thermal efficiency of 38%. Determine the heat transfer rates from the natural gas and to the river, in MW.


A. The heat transfer rate from natural gas is 2105.26 MW

B. The heat transfer rate to river is 1305.26 MW

Efficiency formula

Efficiency = (power output / power input) × 100

A. How to determine the heat transfer from natural gas

  • Efficiency = 38%
  • Power output = 800 MW
  • Power input =?

Power input = Power input / efficiency

Power input = 800 / 38%

Power input = 800 / 0.38

Power input = 2105.26 MW

Thus, the heat transfer from natural gas is 2105.26 MW

B. How to determine the heat transfer to the river

  • Total heat = 2105.26 MW
  • Heat used by plant = 800 MW
  • Heat to the river =?

Heat to the river = 2105.26 – 800

Heat to the river = 1305.26 MW

Learn more about efficiency:


heat transfer from natural gas is 2105.26 MW

heat transfer to river is 1305.26 MW


given data

power output Wn = 800 MW

efficiency = 38%


we know that efficiency is express as

\eta = (Wn)/(Qin)    ......................1

put here value we get

38% = (800)/(Qin)  

Qin  = 2105.26 MW

so heat supply is 2105.26

so we can say

Wn = Qin - Qout

800 = 2105.26 - Qout

Qout = 2105.26 - 800

Qout = 1305.26 MW

so heat transfer from natural gas is 2105.26 MW

and heat transfer to river is 1305.26 MW

Fill in the empty function so that it returns the sum of all the divisors of a number, without including it. A divisor is a number that divides into another without a remainder.



// Program is written in C++

// Comments are used to explain some lines

// Only the required function is written. The main method is excluded.



using namespace std;

int divSum(int num)


// The next line declares the final result of summation of divisors. The variable declared is also

//initialised to 0

int result = 0;

// find all numbers which divide 'num'

for (int i=2; i<=(num/2); i++)


// if 'i' is divisor of 'num'

if (num%i==0)


if (i==(num/i))

result += i; //add divisor to result


result += (i + num/i); //add divisor to result





In this exercise, using the knowledge of computational language in C++, we have that this code will be written as:

The code is in the attached image.

We can write the C++  as:



using namespace std;

int divSum(int num)


int result = 0;

for (int i=2; i<=(num/2); i++)


if (num%i==0)


if (i==(num/i))

result += i; //add divisor to result


result += (i + num/i); //add divisor to result





See more about C++ at

) A flow is divided into two branches, with the pipe diameter and length the same for each branch. A 1/4-open gate valve is installed in line A, and a 1/3-closed ball valve is installed in line B. The head loss due to friction in each branch is negligible compared with the head loss across the valves. Find the ratio of the velocity in line A to that in line B (include elbow losses for threaded pipe fittings).



Va / Vb = 0.5934


First step is to determine total head losses at each pipe

at Pipe A

For 1/4 open gate valve head loss = 17 *Va^2 / 2g

elbow loss = 0.75 Va^2 / 2g

at Pipe B

For 1/3 closed ball valve head loss = 5.5 *Vb^2 / 2g

elbow loss = 0.75 * Vb^2 / 2g

Given that both pipes are parallel

17 *Va^2/2g +  0.75*Va^2 / 2g = 5.5 *Vb^2 / 2g  + 0.75 * Vb^2 / 2g

∴ Va / Vb = 0.5934

Write a C++ program to display yearly calendar. You need to use the array defined below in your program. // the first number is the month and second number is the last day of the month. into yearly[12][2] =



//Annual calendar

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <iomanip>

void month(int numDays, int day)


int i;

string weekDays[] = {"Su", "Mo", "Tu", "We", "Th", "Fr", "Sa"};

// Header print

      cout << "\n----------------------\n";

      for(i=0; i<7; i++)


cout << left << setw(1) << weekDays[i];

cout << left << setw(1) << "|";


cout << left << setw(1) << "|";

      cout << "\n----------------------\n";

      int firstDay = day-1;

      //Space print

      for(int i=1; i< firstDay; i++)

          cout << left << setw(1) << "|" << setw(2) << " ";

      int cellCnt = 0;

      // Iteration of days

      for(int i=1; i<=numDays; i++)


          //Output days

          cout << left << setw(1) << "|" << setw(2) << i;

          cellCnt += 1;

          // New line

          if ((i + firstDay-1) % 7 == 0)


              cout << left << setw(1) << "|";

              cout << "\n----------------------\n";

              cellCnt = 0;



      // Empty cell print

      if (cellCnt != 0)


          // For printing spaces

          for(int i=1; i<7-cellCnt+2; i++)

              cout << left << setw(1) << "|" << setw(2) << " ";

          cout << "\n----------------------\n";



int main()


int i, day=1;

int yearly[12][2] = {{1,31},{2,28},{3,31},{4,30},{5,31},{6,30},{7,31},{8,31},{9,30},{10,31},{11,30},{12,31}};

string months[] = {"January",












for(i=0; i<12; i++)


//Monthly printing

cout << "\n Month: " << months[i] << "\n";

month(yearly[i][1], day);



day = 1;




day = day + 1;


cout << "\n";


return 0;



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