8. Removing damage by tapping it out with a hammerand dolly is often referred to as
(A) contouring
(B) roughing out
(C) forming
(D) tapping out


Answer 1


tapping out I think sorry if I'm wrong

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4.61 mC


The cube has 1 m side in the positive x-y-z octant in a Cartesian coordinate system, with one of its points located at the origin. The charge density is given as:

\rho_v=x^2ye^(-z) \ mC/m^3

Charge density is the charge per unit length or area or volume. It is the amount of charge in a particular region.

The charge Q is given as:

Q=\int\limits_v {\rho_v} \, dv  \nQ=\int\limits_v {\rho_v} \, dv=\int\limits^2_(x=0)\int\limits^2_(y=0)\int\limits^2_(z=0) {x^2ye^(-z)} \, dxdydz\n

Q=\int\limits^2_(x=0) {x^2} \, dx \int\limits^2_(y=0) {y} \, dy \int\limits^2_(z=0) {e^(-z)} \, dz \n\nQ=((1)/(3) [x^3]^2_0)((1)/(2) [y^2]^2_0)(-1 [e^(-z)]^2_0)\n\nQ=(-1)/(6) ([x^3]^2_0)( [y^2]^2_0)( [e^(-z)]^2_0)\n\nQ=(-1)/(6)[2^3-0^3][2^2-0^2][e^(-2)-e^0]\n\nQ=(-1)/(6)(8)(4)(0.1353-1)=(-1)/(6)(8)(4)(-0.8647)\n\nQ=4.61\ mC

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Cooling tower using the "Induced draft tower" mode of operation.


Electric generating power plant generates a lot of steam and heat. On the efficiency aspect of the cooling tower with respect to the operation of the power plant, a cooling tower with its fan at the end of the airstream leaving the tower is best applied considering the pressure of steam coming out of the turbine. On the maintenance angle, it is easier to maintain.

Consider the string length equal to 7. This string is distorted by a function f (x) = 2 sin(2x) - 10sin(10x). What is the wave formed in this string? a. In=12cos (nit ) sin(max) b. 2cos(2t)sin (2x) - 10cos(10t ) sin(10x) c. n 2 sin 2x e' – 10sin 10x e



hello your question has a missing part below is the missing part

Consider the string length equal to \pi

answer : 2cos(2t) sin(2x) - 10cos(10t)sin(10x)


Given string length = \pi

distorted function f(x) = 2sin(2x) - 10sin(10x)

Determine the wave formed in the string

attached below is a detailed solution of the problem

Karen just checked her bank balance and the balance was 1111.11. She is kind of freaking out and saved the receipt, thinking that it must mean something. Karen is probably just suffering from



chronic stoner syndrome


"the universe just sends us messages sometimes mannnn, you just have to be ready to listen to them" lol

The sports car has a weight of 4500-lb and a center of gravity at G. If it starts from rest it causes the rear wheels to slip as it accelerates. Determine how long it takes for it to reach a speed of 10 ft/s. Also, what are the normal reactions at each of the four wheels on the road? The coefficients of static and kinetic friction at the road are us=0.5 and uk=0.3, respectively. Neglect the mass of the wheels.



Time=2.72 seconds

Front wheel reactions= 1393 lb

Rear wheel reactions= 857 lb


The free body diagram is assumed to be the one attached here

The mass, m of the car is  

M=\frac {W}{g} where W is weight and g is acceleration due to gravity

Taking g as 32.2 ft/s^(2) then  

M=\frac {4500}{32.2}=139.75 lbm

Considering equilibrium in x-axis


Ma_G-(\mu_g* 2N_B)=0

139.75* a_G-(0.3* 2* N_B)=0



At point A using the law of equilibrium, the sum of moments is 0 hence


-12N_B+9000=-139.75a_G* 2.5


a_g\approx 3.68 ft/s^(2)

The normal reaction at B is therefore

N_B=232.92a_G=232.92* 3.68\approx 857 lb

Consider equilibrium in y-axis




N_A=1393 lb

To find time that the car takes to a speed of 10 ft/s

Using kinematic equation



t=\frac {10}{3.68}\approx 2.72 s

An escalator with 35° incline is designed to have two passengers per step. Find number of persons moved per hour for the design if velocity is 50cm/mins and the step tread is 600mm.



The escalator disposes 58 passengers each hour.


The velocity diagram of the escalator is shown in the attached figure

We can obtain the vertical distance that the escalator moves in 1 hour as

D_(v)=vsin(\theta )* 1hr\n\nD_(v)=50cm/min* sin(35^(o))* 60mins\n\n\therefore D_(v)=1720.73cm

Thus in 1 hour the last thread moves 1720.73 cm

Now it is given that 1 thread = 600 mm =60 cm

Thus the number of times the last thread moves equals


Since each time last thread moves it disposes 2 passengers thus the number of passengers disposed when the thread moves 28.68 times equals

N=28.68* 2=57.36

Thus the escalator disposes 58 passengers each hour.