
Answer 1


Safety check is defined as rounding to make sure that the patients and the milieu (patients living quarters) is secured and free of harmful items that can be used to hurt someone.

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a)Q=131.1 MJ

b)Q=54 MJ


Given that

Mass ,m=200 kg

Specific heat Cp=0.46 J/g°C

Cp=0.46 KJ/kg°C

Heat of fusion = 270 J/g

Heat of fusion = 270 KJ/kg

Melting point temperature = 1450°C


Initial temperature = 25°C

Final temperature=1450°C

Heat required to rise temperature from 25°C to 1450°C.

Q= m CpΔT

Q=200 x 0.46 x (1450-25) KJ

Q=131,100 KJ

Q=131.1 MJ


Heat required to transform from solid phase to liquid phase

Q= Mass x heat of fusion

Q=200 x 27 KJ

Q=54,000 KJ

Q=54 MJ

The following program includes fictional sets of the top 10 male and female baby names for the current year. Write a program that creates: A set all_names that contains all of the top 10 male and all of the top 10 female names. A set neutral_names that contains only names found in both male_names and female_names. A set specific_names that contains only gender specific names. Sample output for all_names: {'Michael', 'Henry', 'Jayden', 'Bailey', 'Lucas', 'Chuck', 'Aiden', 'Khloe', 'Elizabeth', 'Maria', 'Veronica', 'Meghan', 'John', 'Samuel', 'Britney', 'Charlie', 'Kim'}


The program analyses a set of male and female names and displays, the combined set of names, specific names and neutral names. The program written in python 3 goes thus :

male_names = {'John', 'Bailey', 'Charlie', 'Chuck', 'Michael', 'Samuel', 'Jayden', 'Aiden', 'Henry', 'Lucas'}


female_names = {'Elizabeth', 'Meghan', 'Kim', 'khloe','Bailey', 'Jayden' , 'Aiden', 'Britney', 'Veronica', 'Maria'}


neutral_names = male_names.intersection(female_names)

#names common to both males and females

all_names = male_names.union(female_names)

#set of all baby names ; both male and female

specific_names = male_names.symmetric_difference(female_names)

#name in one set and not in the other


print(' ')



print(' ')



Learn more :brainly.com/question/9908895


Please see attachment


Please see attachment

Q/For the circuit showm bellow:a) find the mathematical expression for the transient behavior of ve and ic after closing the switeh,
b) sketch vc and ic.



hello your question is incomplete attached is the complete question

A) Vc =  15 ( 1 -e^(-t/0.15s) ) ,   ic = 1.5 mAe^(-t/0.15s)

B) attached is the relevant sketch


applying Thevenin's theorem to find the mathematical expression for the transient behavior of Vc and ic after closing the switch

R_(th) = 8 k ohms || 24 k ohms = 6 k ohms

E_(th) = (20 k ohms(20 v))/(24 k ohms + 8 k ohms)  =  15 v

t = RC = (10 k ohms( 15 uF) = 0.15 s

Also; Vc = E( 1 - e^(-t/t) )

hence Vc = 15 ( 1 - e^(-t/0.15) )

ic = (E)/(R) e^(-t/t) = (15)/(10) e^(-t/t) = 1.5 mAe^(-t/0.15s)


Write a Lottery class that simulates a lottery. The class should have an array of five integers named lotteryNumbers. The constructor should use the Random class (from the Java API) to generate a random number in the range of 0 through 9 for each element in the array. The class should also have a method that accepts an array of five integers that represent a person’s lottery picks. The method is to compare the corresponding elements in the two arrays and return the number of digits that match. For example, the following shows the lotteryNumbers array and the user’s array with sample numbers stored in each. There are two matching digits (elements 2 and 4).




Enter the five digit lottery number

Enter the digit 1 : 23

Enter the digit 2 : 44

Enter the digit 3 : 43

Enter the digit 4 : 66

Enter the digit 5 : 33


Computer Generated Lottery Number :


Lottery Number Of user:


Number Of digit matched: 0


import java.util.Arrays;

import java.util.Random;

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Lottery {

int[] lotteryNumbers = new int[5];

public int[] getLotteryNumbers() {

return lotteryNumbers;


Lottery() {

Random randomVal = new Random();

for (int i = 0; i < lotteryNumbers.length; i++) {

lotteryNumbers[i] = randomVal.nextInt((50 - 1) + 1);



int compare(int[] personLottery) {

int count = 0;



for (int i = 0; i < lotteryNumbers.length; i++) {

if (lotteryNumbers[i] == personLottery[i]) {




return count;


public static void main(String[] args) {

int[] personLotteryNum = new int[5];

int matchNum;

Lottery lnum = new Lottery();

Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in);

System.out.println("Enten the five digit lottery number");

for (int i = 0; i < personLotteryNum.length; i++) {

System.out.println("Enter the digit " + (i + 1) + " :");

personLotteryNum[i] = input.nextInt();


matchNum = lnum.compare(personLotteryNum);

if (matchNum == 5)

System.out.println("YOU WIN!!");


System.out.println("YOU LOSS!!");

System.out.println("Computer Generated Lottery Number :");


for (int i = 0; i < lnum.getLotteryNumbers().length; i++) {

System.out.print(lnum.getLotteryNumbers()[i] + "|");


System.out.println("\n\nLottery Number Of user:");


for (int i = 0; i < personLotteryNum.length; i++) {

System.out.print(personLotteryNum[i] + "|");



System.out.println("Number Of digit matched: " + matchNum);




In response to the market revolution:the legal system worked with local governments to find better ways to regulate entrepreneurs.Chief Justice John Marshall ruled that legislatures could not alter or rescind charters and contracts that previous legislatures had created.local judges protected businessmen from paying property damages associated with factory construction and from workers seeking to unionize.Massachusetts Chief Justice Lemuel Shaw held in Commonwealth v. Hunt that workers had no right to organize.corporations proved less able to raise capital than chartered companies did.



Local judges protected businessmen from paying property damages associated with factory construction and from workers seeking to unionize.


The Market Revolution is the name given to change in the economy that occurred in the 19th century. This drastic change led to various important changes in the United States and across the world. During this period, capitalism became more entrenched and society became, for the first time, predominantly capitalist. This gave businessmen great power, as they played an increasingly important role when it came to economic growth. The power that they had influenced society deeply, including legislation. Judges often protected businessmen from paying property damages that were associated with their business enterprises. Moreover, workers had few rights and protections, and judges prevented them from unionizing.

Technician A says that the unitized structure of a hybrid vehicle is considerably different when compared to the same conventional model.Technician B says that hybrid vehicles have 12-volt and high voltage batteries.

Who is right?


Technician A says that the unitized structure of a hybrid vehicle is considerably different when compared to the same conventional model is right.

What are hybrid vehicle?

Hybrid vehicle are defined as a powered by a combustion engine and/or a number of electric motors that draw power from batteries. A gas-powered car simply has a traditional gas engine, but a hybrid car also features an electric motor.

One important advantage of hybrid cars is their capacity to reduce the size of the main engine, which improves fuel efficiency. Many hybrid vehicles employ electric motors to accelerate slowly at first until they reach higher speeds. They then use gasoline-powered engines to increase fuel efficiency.

Thus, technician A says that the unitized structure of a hybrid vehicle is considerably different when compared to the same conventional model is right.

To learn more about hybrid vehicle, refer to the link below:



A train was right get it