A technician has been dispatched to assist a sales person who cannot get his laptop to display through a projector. The technician verified the video is displaying properly on the laptop's built-in screen. Which of the following is the next step the technician should take?


Answer 1

Answer:verify proper cable is hooked between laptop and projector. HDMI ports or 15 pin video output to input.

And laptop is selected to output to respective video output.


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Isothermal process also means adiabatic internal reversible process. a)-True b)-False



(b) False


Isothermal process is a process in which temperature is constant ,heat can be transferred but temperature is constant and as the temperature is constant so internal energy is also constant

In other hand in adiabatic process there no transfer of heat and internal energy also changes

So the given statement is false statement  

An escalator with 35° incline is designed to have two passengers per step. Find number of persons moved per hour for the design if velocity is 50cm/mins and the step tread is 600mm.



The escalator disposes 58 passengers each hour.


The velocity diagram of the escalator is shown in the attached figure

We can obtain the vertical distance that the escalator moves in 1 hour as

D_(v)=vsin(\theta )* 1hr\n\nD_(v)=50cm/min* sin(35^(o))* 60mins\n\n\therefore D_(v)=1720.73cm

Thus in 1 hour the last thread moves 1720.73 cm

Now it is given that 1 thread = 600 mm =60 cm

Thus the number of times the last thread moves equals


Since each time last thread moves it disposes 2 passengers thus the number of passengers disposed when the thread moves 28.68 times equals

N=28.68* 2=57.36

Thus the escalator disposes 58 passengers each hour.

Automobiles must be able to sustain a frontal impact. Specifically, the design must allow low speed impacts with little damage, while allowing the vehicle front end structure to deform and absorb impact energy at higher speeds. Consider a frontal impact test of a vehicle with a mass of 1000 kg. a. For a low speed test (v = 2.5 m/s), compute the energy in the vehicle just prior to impact. If the bumper is a pure elastic element, what is the effective design stiffness required to limit the bumper maximum deflection during impact to 4 cm? b. At a higher speed impact of v = 25 m/s, considerable deformation occurs. To absorb the energy, the front end of a vehicle is designed to deform while providing a nearly constant force. For this condition, what is the amount of energy that must be absorbed by the deformation [neglecting the energy stored in the elastic deformation in (a)? If it is desired to limit the deformation to 10 cm, what level of resistance force is required? What is the deacceleration of the vehicle in this condition?




The concept of Hooke's law was applied as it relates to deformation.

The detailed steps and appropriate substitution is as shown in the attached file.

Compute the longitudinal tensile strength of an aligned glass fiber-epoxy matrix composite in which the average fiber diameter and length are 0.010 mm and 2.5 mm, respectively, and the volume fraction of fibers is 0.40. Assume that thefiber-matrixbondstrengthis75MPa, the fracture strength of the fibers is 3500 MPa and the matrix stress at fiber failure is 8.0 MPa.




Given that,

Average fiber diameter is 0.01mm

d = 0.01mm = 1 × 10^-5m

The average fiber length is 2.5mm

L = 2.5mm = 0.0025m

Volume of the fraction of fibers is 0.40

Vf = 0.40

Fiber matrix bond strengths is 75MPa

τ = 75 MPa

The fraction strength of the fibers is 3500 Mpa

σf = 3500 MPa

The matrix street fiber is 8 MPa

σm = 8 MPa

We need to find the critical fiber length and compare it to original fiber length

Ic = σf•d / 2τ

Ic = 3500 × 0.01 / 75 × 2

Ic = 0.233 mm

Since the critical fiber length of 0.233 mm is much less than the provided length of the fiber (2.5mm) , so we can use the following equation to find the longitudinal tensile strength

σcd = σf•Vf(1—Ic / 2L) + σm(1—Vf)

σcd = 3500×0.4[1—0.233/(2 × 2.5)] + 8(1—0.4)

σcd = 1400(1—0.0467) + (8 × 0.6)

σcd = 1334.67 + 4.8

σcd = 1339.47 MPa

The longitudinal tensile strength of the aligned glass fiber-epoxy matrix composite is 1339.47 MPa

In a home, air infiltrates from the outside through cracks around doors and windows. Consider a residence where the total length of cracks is 62 m and the total internal volume is 210 m3 . Due to the wind, 9.4 x 10-5 kg/s of air enters per meter of crack and exits up a chimney. Assume air temperature is the same inside and out and air density is constant at 1.186 kg/m3 . If windows and doors are not opened or closed, estimate the time required for one complete air change in the building.



Time period  = 41654.08 s


Given data:

Internal volume is 210 m^3

Rate of air infiltration  9.4 * 10^(-5) kg/s

length of cracks 62 m

air density = 1.186 kg/m^3

Total rate of air infiltration = 9.4* 10^(-5) * 62 = 582.8* 10{-5} kg/s

total volume of air  infiltration= \frac{582.8* 10{-5}}{1.156} = 5.04* 10^(-3) m^3/s

Time period = (210)/(5.04* 10^(-3)) = 41654.08 s

A hydraulic jump is induced in an 80 ft wide channel. The water depths on either side of the jump are 1 ft and 10 ft. Please calculate: a) The velocity of the faster moving flow. b) The flow rate (discharge). c) The Froude number of the sub-critical flow. d) The flow energy dissipated in the hydraulic jump (expressed as percentage of the energy prior to the jump). e) The critical depth.



a) The velocity is 42.0833 ft/s

b) The flow rate is 3366.664 ft³/s

c) The Froude number is 0.2345

d) The flow energy dissipated (expressed as percentage of the energy prior to the jump) is 18.225 ft

e) The critical depth is 3.8030 ft


Given data:

80 ft wide channel, L

1 ft and 10 ft water depths, d₁ and d₂

Questions: a) Velocity of the faster moving flow, v = ?

b) The flow rate (discharge), q = ?

c) The Froude number, F = ?

d) The flow energy dissipated, E = ?

e) The critical depth, dc = ?

a) For the velocity:

(d_(2) )/(d_(1) ) =(1)/(2) (\sqrt{1+8F^(2) } -1)

10*2=\sqrt{1+8F^(2) } -1

Solving for F:

F = 7.4162

v=F\sqrt{gd_(1) }

Here, g = gravity = 32.2 ft/s²

v=7.4162*√(32.2*1) =42.0833ft/s

b) The flow rate:

q=v*L*d_(1) =42.0833*80*1=3366.664ft^(3) /s

c) The Froude number:

v_(2) =(q)/(L*d_(2) ) =(3366.664)/(80*10) =4.2083ft/s

F=\frac{v_(2)}{\sqrt{gd_(2) } } =(4.2083)/(√(32.2*10) ) =0.2345

d) The flow energy dissipated:

E=((d_(2)-d_(1))^(3) )/(4d_(1)d_(2)) =((10-1)^(3) )/(4*1*10) =18.225ft

e) The critical depth:

d_(c) =((((q)/(L))^(2)  )/(g) )^(1/3) =((((3366.664)/(80))^(2)  )/(32.2) )^(1/3) =3.8030ft