Analyze that, “Convection is equal to the Conduction plus fluid flow.”


Answer 1


Conduction is a heat transfer mechanism. It is the dominant heat transfer mechanism in solids and it involves the vibration of the molecules of the solid. As heat is transfered to one end of the solid, the molecules at that end start to vibrate and in this process, collides with the adjacent molecules setting it to vibrate too. Also free electrons around the solid atoms (especially in metals) contribute to this heat flow. The continuous vibration is transfered from molecule to molecule gradually along the solid until the average kinetic energy (a measure of temperature) of the molecules along the metal has increased.

Convection is the dominant heat transfer mechanism in fluids, it involves the complete movement of the fluid molecule from a hot spot in the fluid to a cooler spot in the fluid. For convectional movement to occur, the molecules must first come in contact with the heat and absorb the heat first by conduction. As the heat increases, the fluid molecules break from just vibrating about a fixed point to moving completely to a cooler spot due to buoyant forces (due to the difference in density of hot and cooler fluid molecules). This clearly point out the fact that convectional heat transfer is first conduction, and then complete later flow of the fluid molecules.

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robotic technology    


Innovation is nothing but the use of various things such as ideas, products, people to build up a solution for the benefit of the human. It can be any product or any solution which is new and can solve people's problems.

Innovation solution makes use of technology to provide and dispatch new solutions or services which is a combination of both technology and ideas.

One such example of an innovative solution we can see is the use of "Robots" in medical science or in any military operations or rescue operation.

Sometimes it is difficult for humans to do everything or go to everywhere. Thus scientist and engineers have developed many advance robots or machines using new ideas and technology to find solutions to these problems.

Using innovations and technologies, one can find solutions to many problems which is difficult for the peoples. Robots can be used in any surveillance operation or in places of radioactive surrounding where there is a danger of humans to get exposed to such threats. They are also used in medical sciences to operate and support the patient.  

Please define the specific heat of material?


Answer and Explanation:


  • Specific heat is denoted by c_v
  • It is the heat required for increasing the temperature of a substance which has mass of 1 kg.
  • Its SI unit is joule/kelvin
  • It is physical property
  • It can be calculated by c_v=(Q)/(m\Delta T), here Q is heat energy m is mass of gas and \Delta T  is change in temperature.

A 78-percent efficient 12-hp pump is pumping water from a lake to a nearby pool at a rate of 1.5 ft3/s through a constant-diameter pipe. The free surface of the pool is 32 ft above that of the lake. Determine the irreversible head loss of the piping system, in ft, and the mechanical power used to overcome it. Take the density of water to be 62.4 lbm/ft3.



irreversible head loss is 38.51 ft

mechanical power 6.55 hp


Given data:

Pump Power 12 hp = 8948.39 watt = 6600 lbs ft/sec

Q = 1.5 ft^3/s

Pump actually delivers P'  = \eta P = 0.78 * 8948.39 = 6979.74 watt

Power that water gains= mgh = \rho \phi gh = r \phi h

P = 62.4 * 1.5 * 32 = 2995.2 lbs ft/sec

hence Power lost = 6600 - 2995.2  3604.8 lbs ft/sec = 6.55 hp

head losshl = (3604.8)/(r \phi) = (3604.8)/(62.4 * 1.5)

hl = 38.51 ft

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A) 0.0614 inches

b) The standard steel paper clip should float on water


The maximum diameter that the rod can have before it will sink

we can calculate this using this formula :

D = ((8\alpha )/(\pi y ) )^{(1)/(2) } ----- 1

∝ = value of surface tension of water at 60⁰f  = 5.03×10^−3  lb/ft

y = 490 Ib/ft^3

input the given values into equation 1 above

D = ((8*(5.3*10^(-3)) )/(\pi *490 ) )^{(1)/(2) }

   = 5.11 * 10^-3 ft   convert to inches

   = 5.11 *10^-3 ( 12 in/ 1 ft ) = 0.0614 inches

B) The diameter of a standard paper Cliphas = 0.036 inches

and the diameter of the rod = 0.0614. Hence the standard steel paper clip should float on water

Find the minimum sum of products expression using Quine-McCluskey method of the function. F(A,B,C,D)= Σ m(1,5,7,8,9,13,15)+ Σ d(4,6,11)



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Hi please follow me also I you can and thanks for the points. Have a good day.

Calculate the "exact" alkalinity of the water in Problem 3-2 if the pH is 9.43.Calculate the "approximate" alkalinity (in mg/L as CaCO3 ) of a water containing 120 mg/L of bicarbonate ion and 15 mg/L of carbonate ion.



A) approximate alkalinity = 123.361 mg/l

B) exact alkalinity = 124.708 mg/l


Given data :

A) determine approximate alkalinity first

Bicarbonate ion = 120 mg/l

carbonate ion = 15 mg/l

Approximate alkalinity = ( carbonate ion ) * 50/30  + ( bicarbonate ion ) * 50/61

                                   = 15 * (50/30) + 120*( 50/61 )  = 123.361 mg/l  as CaCO3

B) calculate the exact alkalinity of the water if the pH = 9.43

pH + pOH = 14

9.43 + pOH = 14. therefore pOH = 14 - 9.43 = 4.57

[OH^- ] = 10^-4.57  = 2.692*10^-5  moles/l

[ OH^- ]   = 2.692*10^-5  * 179/mole * 10^3 mg/g  = 0.458 mg/l

[ H^+ ] = 10^-9.43 * 1 * 10^3  = 3.7154 * 10^-7 mg/l

therefore the exact alkalinity can be calculated as

= ( approximate alkalinity ) + ( [ OH^- ] * 50/17 ) - ( [ H^+ ] * 50/1 )

= 123.361 + ( 0.458 * 50/17 ) - ( 3.7154 * 10^-7 * 50/1 )

= 124.708 mg/l

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