write an interface downloadable that has a method "geturl" that returns the url of a downloadable object


Answer 1


I want to believe the program is to be written in java and i hope your question is complete. The code is in the explanation section below


import java.util.Date;

public interface Downloadable {

  //abstract methods

  public String getUrl();

  public Date getLastDownloadDate();



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Convert the angles of a triangle to radians.Part A31∘43′53′′, 90∘32′11′′, 57∘43′56′′Express your answers, separated by commas, to six significant figures.nothingrad, rad, radRequest AnswerPart B94∘22′19′′, 40∘54′53′′, 44∘42′48′′Express your answers, separated by commas, to six significant figures.




To convert to radians

A31∘43′53′′, 90∘32′11′′, 57∘43′56′′

using DMS approach ; 1degree = 60minutes = 3600 seconds

1° = 60' = 3600"

And degree to radian = multiply by π/180

A) 31∘43′53′′ = 31degree + 43minutes + 53 seconds

= 31 degree + 43minutes + 53/60

= 31 degree + 43.88minutes

= 31 degree + 43.88/60 = 31.73 degree x π/180 = 0.5534radians

FOR 90∘32′11′′ = 90 degree + 32minutes + 11seconds

= 90degree + 32minutes + 11/60

= 90 degree + 32.183minutes

= 90 degree + 32.183/60 = 90.54degree x π/180

= 1.580radians

FOR 57∘43′56′′ = 57degree + 43minutes+ 56seconds

= 57degree + 43minutes + 56/60

= 57 degree + 43.93minutes

= 57degree + 43.93/60 = 57.73degree X π/180  

= 1.00radians


FOR 94∘22′19′′ = 94degree + 22minutes + 19seconds

= 94degree + 22minutes + 19/60

= 94degree + 22.32minutes

= 94degree + 22.32/60

= 94.37degree X π/180  = 1.65radians

FOR 40∘54′53′′ = 40degree + 54minutes + 53seconds

= 40 degree + 54minutes + 53/60

= 40 degree + 54.88minutes = 40 degree + 54.88/60

= 40.91degree X π/180  = 0.714radians

FOR 44∘42′48′′ = 44degree + 42minutes + 48seconds

= 44degree + 42.8minutes

= 44.71degree X π/180 = 0.780radians



0.176270π rad, 0.502980π rad, 0.320735π rad


0.524289π rad, 0.227304π rad, 0.248407π rad


We know that,

1° = 60' 180° = π

1 ' = 1°/60 1° = π/180


a. 31°43'53''

Step 1

53'' = 53 * 1/60

= 53'/60

Step 2


= 43'+53'/60

= (2580+43)/60

= 2623'/60

-------- Convert to degrees

= 2623/60 * 1/60

= 2623/3600

Step 3


= 31+ 2623/3600

= (111600 + 2623)/3600

= 114223°/3600

Now, we convert to radians

= 114223/3600 * π/180°

= 0.176270π rad



Step 1.

11' = 11 * 1/60

= 11/60

Step 2


= 32 + 11/60

= 1931/60

-------- Convert to degrees

= 1931/60 * 1/60

= 1931/3600

Step 3


= 90 + 1931/3600

= 325931°/3600

Now we convert to radians

= 325931°/3600 * π/180°

= 0.502980π rad



Step 1

56' = 56 * 1/60

= 56/60

= 14/15

Step 2


= 43 + 14/15

= 659/15

Now we convert to degrees

= 659/15 * 1/60

= 659°/900

Step 3


= 57 + 659/900

= 51959/900

Now we convert to radians

= 51959°/900 * π/180°

= 0.320735π rad




Step 1

19'' = 19/60

Step 2


= 22 + 19/60

= 1339/60

Now we convert to degrees

= 1339/60 * 1/60

= 1339°/3600

Step 3


= 94 + 1339/3600

= 339739°/3600

Now we convert to radians

= 339739°/3600 * π/180

= 0.524289π rad



Step 1

53" = 53/60

Step 2


= 54'+ 53/60

= 3293/60

Now we convert to degrees

= 3293/60 * 1/60

= 3293/3600

Step 3


= 40 + 3293/3600

= 147293/3600

Now we convert to radians

= 147293/3600 * π/180

= 0.227304π rad



Step 1

48' = 48/69

= 4/5

Step 2


= 42 + 4/5


Nowz we convert to degrees

= 214/5 * 1/60

= 107/150

Step 3


= 44 + 107/150

= 6707/150

Now we convert to radians

= 6707/150 * π/180

= 0.248407π rad

The barrel of a bicycle tire pump becomes quite warm during use. Explain the mechanisms responsible for the temperature increase.



The air heats up when being compressed and transefers heat to the barrel.


When a gas is compressed it raises in temperature. Assuming that the compression happens fast and is done before a significant amount of heat can be transferred to the barrel, we could say it is an adiabatic compression. This isn't exactly true, it is an approximation.

In an adiabatic transformation:

P^(1-k) * T^k = constant

For air k = 1.4


P0^(-0.4) * T0^(1.4) = P1^(-0.4) * T1^(1.4)

T1^(1.4) = (P1^(0.4) * T0^(1.4))/(P0^(0.4))

T1^(1.4) = (P1)/(P0)^(0.4) * T0^(1.4)

T1 = T0 * (P1)/(P0)^(0.4/1.4)

T1 = T0 * (P1)/(P0)^(0.28)

SInce it is compressing, the fraction P1/P0 will always be greater than one, and raised to a positive fraction it will always yield a number greater than one, so the final temperature will be greater than the initial temperature.

After it was compressed the hot air will exchange heat with the barrel heating it up.

Link AB is to be made of a steel for which the ultimate normal stress is 65 ksi. Determine the cross-sectional area of AB for which the factor of safety will be 3.20. Assume that the link will be adequately reinforced around the pins at A and B.




If the specific surface energy for magnesium oxide is 1.0 J/m2 and its modulus of elasticity is (225 GPa), compute the critical stress required for the propagation of an internal crack of length 0.8 mm.



critical stress required is  18.92 MPa


given data

specific surface energy = 1.0 J/m²

modulus of elasticity = 225 GPa

internal crack of length = 0.8 mm


we get here one half length of internal crack that is

2a = 0.8 mm

so a = 0.4 mm = 0.4 × 10^(-3) m

so we get here critical stress that is

\sigma _c = \sqrt{(2E \gamma )/(\pi a)}     ...............1

put here value we get

\sigma _c =   \sqrt{(2* 225* 10^9 * 1 )/(\pi * 0.4* 10^(-3))}

\sigma _c =  18923493.9151 N/m²

\sigma _c =   18.92 MPa

The resultant force is directed along the positive x axis and has a magnitude of 1330 N. Determine the magnitude of F_A. Express your answer to three significant figures and include the appropriate units. Determine the direction theta of F_A. Express your answer using three significant figures.



the magnitude of F_A is 752 N

the direction theta of F_A is 57.9°


Given that,

Resultant force = 1330 N in x direction

∑Fx = R

from the diagram of the question which i uploaded along with this answer

FB = 800 N

FAsin∅ + FBcos30 = 1330 N

FAsin∅ = 1330 - (800 × cos30)

FA = 637.18 / sin∅

Now ∑Fx = 0

FAcos∅ - FBsin30 = 0

we substitute for FA

(637.18 / sin∅)cos∅ = 800 × sin30

637.18 / 800 × sin30 = sin∅/cos∅

and we know that { sin∅/cos∅ = tan∅)

so tan∅ = 1.59295

∅ = 57.88° ≈ 57.9°


FA = 637.18 / sin∅

we substitute ∅

so FA = 637.18 / sin57.88

FA = 752 N

The larger the Bi number, the more accurate the lumped system analysis. a)-True b)- False



b). False


Lumped body analysis :

Lumped body analysis states that some bodies during heat transfer process remains uniform at all times. The temperature of these bodies is a function of temperature only. Therefor the heat transfer analysis based on such idea is called lumped body analysis.

                      Biot number is a dimensionless number which governs the heat transfer rate for a lumped body. Biot number is defined as the ratio of the convection transfer at the surface of the body to the conduction inside the body. the temperature difference will be uniform only when the Biot number is nearly equal to zero.  

                      The lumped body analysis assumes that there exists a uniform temperature distribution within the body. This means that the  conduction heat resistance should be zero. Thus the lumped body analysis is exact when biot number is zero.

In general it is assume that for a lumped body analysis, Biot number \leq 0.1

Therefore, the smaller the Biot number, the more exact is the lumped system analysis.