What is the average distance in microns an electron can travel with a diffusion coefficient of 25 cm^2/s if the electron lifetime is 7.7 microseconds. Three significant digits and fixed point notation.


Answer 1

Answer: The average distance the electron can travel in microns is 1.387um/s

Explanation: The average distance the electron can travel is the distance an exited electron can travel before it joins together. It is also called the diffusion length of that electron.

It is gotten, using the formula below

Ld = √DLt

Ld = diffusion length

D = Diffusion coefficient

Lt = life time


D = 25cm2/s

Lt = 7.7

CONVERT cm2/s to um2/s

1cm2/s = 100000000um2/s

Therefore D is

25cm2/s = 2500000000um2/s = 2.5e9um2/s

Ld = √(2.5e9 × 7.7) = 138744.37um/s

Ld = 1.387e5um/s

This is the average distance the excited electron can travel before it recombine

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Boolean Algebra deals with either a one or a zero and how to manipulate them in computers or elsewhere. The "choice" option may not work, since for text it must be enclosed in quotation marks, usually. For "again," it's text and not a 1 or 0. So, the answer is C, since this is a 0.

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male_names = {'John', 'Bailey', 'Charlie', 'Chuck', 'Michael', 'Samuel', 'Jayden', 'Aiden', 'Henry', 'Lucas'}


female_names = {'Elizabeth', 'Meghan', 'Kim', 'khloe','Bailey', 'Jayden' , 'Aiden', 'Britney', 'Veronica', 'Maria'}


neutral_names = male_names.intersection(female_names)

#names common to both males and females

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#set of all baby names ; both male and female

specific_names = male_names.symmetric_difference(female_names)

#name in one set and not in the other


print(' ')



print(' ')



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In a TDM communication example, 15 voice signals are badlimited to 5kHz and transmitted simultaneously using PAM. What is a preliminary estimate for the required system bandwidth?(a) 10 kHz
(b) 75 kHz
(c) 80 kHz
(d) 160 kHz
(e) None of the above.



Option D

160 kHz


Since we must use at least one synchronization bit, total message signal is 15+1=16

The minimum sampling frequency, fs=2fm=2(5)=10 kHz

Bandwith, BW required is given by

BW=Nfs=16(10)=160 kHz

A 5000-ft long X-65 pipeline is laid down on seabed with two PLETS (One at each end). The pipe OD=7-in with 0.5-in wall thickness. The pipeline was laid at environmental temperature of 40 °F (As- laid temperature). When pipeline is put into operation, the oil flow was produced at 140 °F. If the thermal expansion coefficient of the pipe material is 6.5*10-/°F and its modulus of elasticity is 30,000 ksi, determine the compressive load applied by the pipeline on a PLET due to its thermal expansion. Assume no temperature change and no seabed friction along the pipeline span.


Answer: 199.1 kip


Given that

Outer diameter is Do = 7 in

Inner diameter Di = ( Do - ( 2×0.5)) = 6 in

Length = 5000 ft = 60000 in

Now change in length of the pipe due to temperature difference


= 60000 × 6.5×10^-6(140-40)

SL = 39 in


sL = PL/AE

A = cross sectional area of pipe = π/4(Do^2 - Di^2)


P = SL×A×E / L

= (39 × π/4(7^2 - 6^2)×30000) / 60000

= 199.1 kip

compressive load applied by the pipeline on a PLET due to its thermal expansion is 199.1 kip

A certain solar energy collector produces a maximum temperature of 100°C. The energy is used in a cyclic heat engine that operates in a 10°C environment. What is the maximum thermal efficiency? What is it if the collector is redesigned to focus the incoming light to produce a maximum temperature of 300°C?



\eta _(max) = 0.2413 = 24.13%

\eta' _(max) = 0.5061 = 50.61%


T_(1max) = 100^(\circ) = 273 + 100 = 373 K

operating temperature of heat engine, T_(2) = 10^(\circ) = 273 + 10 = 283 K

T_(3max) = 300^(\circ) = 273 + 300 = 573 K


For a  reversible cycle, maximum efficiency, \eta _(max) is given by:

\eta _(max) = 1 - (T_(2))/(T_(1max))

\eta _(max) = 1 - (283)/(373) = 0.24

\eta _(max) = 0.2413 = 24.13%

Now, on re designing collector, maximum temperature, T_(3max) changes to 300^(\circ), so, the new maximum efficiency,  \eta' _(max) is given by:

\eta' _(max) = 1 - (T_(2))/(T_(3max))

\eta _(max) = 1 - (283)/(573) = 0.5061

\eta _(max) = 0.5061 = 50.61%

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