There are three homes being built, each with an identical deck on the back. Each deck is comprised of two separate areas. One area is 112.5 square feet, while the other is136,4 square feet. What is the total square footage of the decks for all three homos? Your answer should be to the nearest tonth of a square


Answer 1

9514 1404 393


  746.7 ft²


You can add them up, or you can take advantage of multiplication to make the repeated addition simpler.

  (112.5 ft² +136.4 ft²) +(112.5 ft² +136.4 ft²) +(112.5 ft² +136.4 ft²)

  = (3)((112.5 ft² +136.4 ft²) = 3(248.9 ft²) = 746.7 ft²

The total area of the decks on the 3 homes is 746.7 ft².

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Volume of aeration tank = 1.29 x 10^4 m³


Food/Micro- organism Ratio = 0.2/day

Feed Rate (Q) = 0.438 m³/s

Influent BOD = 150 mg/L

MLVSS = 2200 mg/L

The above mentioned parameters are related by the equation

F/M = QS₀/VX

where S₀ is the influent BOD and X is the cell concentration, with V being the Volume of the tank. Re- arranging the above equation for V and putting the values in, we get

V = 0.4380 x 150/0.2 x 2200

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Automobiles must be able to sustain a frontal impact. Specifically, the design must allow low speed impacts with little damage, while allowing the vehicle front end structure to deform and absorb impact energy at higher speeds. Consider a frontal impact test of a vehicle with a mass of 1000 kg. a. For a low speed test (v = 2.5 m/s), compute the energy in the vehicle just prior to impact. If the bumper is a pure elastic element, what is the effective design stiffness required to limit the bumper maximum deflection during impact to 4 cm? b. At a higher speed impact of v = 25 m/s, considerable deformation occurs. To absorb the energy, the front end of a vehicle is designed to deform while providing a nearly constant force. For this condition, what is the amount of energy that must be absorbed by the deformation [neglecting the energy stored in the elastic deformation in (a)? If it is desired to limit the deformation to 10 cm, what level of resistance force is required? What is the deacceleration of the vehicle in this condition?




The concept of Hooke's law was applied as it relates to deformation.

The detailed steps and appropriate substitution is as shown in the attached file.

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Please see attachment for step by step guide

An inventor claims that he wants to build a dam to produce hydroelectric power. He correctly realizes that civilization uses a lot more electricity during the day than at night, so he thinks he has stumbled upon a great untapped energy supply. His plan is to install pumps at the bottom of the dam so that he can pump some of the water that flows out from the generators back up into the reservoir using the excess electricity generated at night. He reasons that if he did that, the water would just flow right back down through the generators the next day producing power for free. What is wrong with his plan?



The problem is that the pumps would consume more energy than the generators would produce.


Water has a potential energy associated with the height it is at. The higher it is, the higher the potential energy. When water flows down into the turbines that energy is converted to kinetic energy and then into electricity.

A pump uses electricity to add energy to the water to send it to a higher potential energy state.

Ideally no net energy woul be hgenerate or lost, because the generators would release the potential energy and pumps would store it again in the water. However the systems are not ideal, everything has an efficiency and losses. The losses would accumulate and the generator would be generating less energy than the pumps consume, so that system wastes energy.

What should be done is closing the floodgates to keep the water up in the dam at night producing only the power that is needed and releasing more water during the day.

Q1. Basic calculation of the First law (2’) (a) Suppose that 150 kJ of work are used to compress a spring, and that 25 kJ of heat are given off by the spring during this compression. What is the change in internal energy of the spring during the process? (b) Suppose that 100 kJ of work is done by a motor, but it also gives off 10 kJ of heat while carrying out this work. What is the change in internal energy of the motor during the process?



(a) ΔU = 125 kJ

(b) ΔU = -110 kJ


(a) Suppose that 150 kJ of work are used to compress a spring, and that 25 kJ of heat are given off by the spring during this compression. What is the change in internal energy of the spring during the process?

The work is done to the system so w = 150 kJ.

The heat is released by the system so q = -25 kJ.

The change in internal energy (ΔU) is:

ΔU = q + w

ΔU = -25 kJ + 150 kJ = 125 kJ

(b) Suppose that 100 kJ of work is done by a motor, but it also gives off 10 kJ of heat while carrying out this work. What is the change in internal energy of the motor during the process?

The work is done by the system so w = -100 kJ.

The heat is released by the system so q = -10 kJ.

The change in internal energy (ΔU) is:

ΔU = q + w

ΔU = -10 kJ - 100 kJ = -110 kJ

Imagine you have been asked to find the following object pictured on the left in the accompanying array on the right.RED AND WHITE SQUARES ALL LOOK SIMILAR
What type of search do you think this would be?


This type of search would be a linear search. A linear search involves looking at each item in the array one by one until the desired item is found.

In this case, you would look at each square in the array until you find the one that matches the object pictured on the left.  This is a common search method for small arrays or when the array is unsorted.

The algorithm continues until the target element is found, or until it reaches the end of the array and fails to find the target element. Linear searches are useful in scenarios where the array is small and unsorted, as the algorithm does not need to compare every element in the array to find the target element.

Learn more about linear search:
