(25) Consider the mechanical system below. Obtain the steady-state outputs x_1 (t) and x_2 (t) when the input p(t) is the sinusodal force given by p(t) = P sin ωt. All positions are measured from equilibrium. Use m_1=1.5 kg, m_2=2 kg, k=7 N/m, b=3.2 (N∙s)/m, P=15 N, =12 rad/sec. Hint: first create the state space model for the system. Then use SS2TF to make the two transfer functions and then the two Bode plots (include with submission). Use the plots to find the steady-state equations.


Answer 1
Answer: Njjhvgghjjjhhhhhhhb hhh. I h. I’ve. Know

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L = 75.25 mm


First we need to find the lateral strain:

Lateral Strain = Change in Diameter/Original Diameter

Lateral Strain = (20.025 mm - 20 mm)/20 mm

Lateral Strain = 1.25 x 10⁻³

Now, we will find the Poisson's Ratio:

Poisson's Ratio = (E/2G) - 1


E = Elastic Modulus = 105 GPa

G = Shear Modulus = 39.7 GPa


Poisson's Ratio = [(105 GPa)/(2)(39.7 GPa)] - 1

Poisson's Ratio = 0.322

Now, we find longitudinal strain by following formula:

Poisson's Ratio = - Lateral Strain/Longitudinal Strain

Longitudinal Strain = - Lateral Strain/Poisson's Ratio

Longitudinal Strain = - (1.25 x 10⁻³)/0.322

Longitudinal Strain = - 3.87 x 10⁻³

Now, we can fin the original length:

Longitudinal Strain = Change in Length/L


L = Original Length = ?


- 3.87 x 10⁻³ = (74.96 mm - L)/L

(- 3.87 x 10⁻³)(L) + L = 74.96 mm

0.99612 L = 74.96 mm

L = 74.96 mm/0.99612

L = 75.25 mm

Given that the debouncing circuit is somewhat expensive in terms of hardware (2 NAND gates, 2 resistors, and a double-pole, single throw switch), describe applications where you would require switch-debouncing circuits as well as applications where you would not need to include the additional hardware for switch debouncing (in other words, applications where you can tolerate switch bouncing). Note, you cannot use the clock and clear inputs of our lab as example applications; instead you need to think of other examples.



One of the common application of debouncing g circuit is in microprocessors or microcontrollers or FPGA's where fast processing is required. In such cases, it is extremely important that during the limited processing cycle, the signals remains valid without debouncinng. Because debouncing can complete impact the output of the controller.

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There are many diferent materials available for seal faces . List the following seal face materials in order of hardness. i.e Hardest first, softest last. (a) 316 Stainless Steel (b)-Mild steel (c)- Reaction bonded Silicon carbide (d)- Tungsten carbide



Reaction bonded Silicon carbide: 2500-3500 HV

Tungsten carbide: 1800-2500 HV.

316 Stainless Steel: 152 HV

Mild steel: 130 HV


In order to list those seal face materials by hardness, we look up what are the values of hardness for each material in a hardness scale.

We are going to use Vickers scale, an indentation method of measuring hardness, it measures the deformation left in a sample by a constant compression load from an indenter (a diamond pyramid) with an adequate (to the material) force, as the result is independent from the test force.

1. Reaction bonded Silicon carbide: 2500-3500 HV

2. Tungsten carbide: 1800-2500 HV

3. 316 Stainless Steel: 152 HV

4. Mild steel: 130 HV

The Clausius inequality expresses which of the following laws? i. Law of Conservation of Mass ii. Law of Conservation of Energy iii. First Law of Thermodynamics iv. Second Law of Thermodynamics



(iv) second law of thermodynamics


The Clausius  inequality expresses the second law of thermodynamics it applies to the real engine cycle.It is defined as the cycle integral of change in entropy of a reversible system is zero. It is nothing but mathematical form of second law of thermodynamics . It also states that for irreversible process the cyclic integral of change in entropy is less than zero

A 1-m3 tank containing air at 10°C and 350 kPa is connected through a valve to another tank containing 3 kg of air at 35°C and 150 kPa. Now the valve is opened, and the entire system is allowed to reach thermal equilibrium with the surroundings, which are at 19.5°C. Determine the volume of the second tank and the final equilibrium pressure of air. The gas constant of air is R = 0.287 kPa·m3/kg·K.



V₂=1.76 m³

P=222.03 KPa


Given that

For tank 1

V₁=1 m³

T₁= 10°C = 283 K

P₁=350 KPa

For tank 2

m₂=3 kg

T₂=35°C = 308 K

P₂=150 KPa

We know that for air

P V = m R T

P=pressure ,V= Volume,R= gas constant ,T= temperature ,m =mass

for tank 2

P₂ V₂ = m₂ R T₂

By putting the values

150 x V₂ = 3 x 0.287 x 308

V₂=1.76 m³

Final mass = m₁+m₂

m =m₁+m₂

The final volume V= V₂+V₁

V= 1.76 + 1 m³

V= 2.76 m³

The final temperature T= 19.5°C

T= 292.5 K



m_1=(350* 1)/(0.287* 283)

m_1=4.3\ kg

m =m₁+m₂

m =4.3 + 3 = 7.3 kg

Now at final state

P V = m R T

P x 2.76 = 7.3 x 0.287 x 292.5

P=222.03 KPa

Find the minimum sum of products expression using Quine-McCluskey method of the function. F(A,B,C,D)= Σ m(1,5,7,8,9,13,15)+ Σ d(4,6,11)



Digital electronics deals with the discrete-valued digital signals. In general, any electronic system based on the digital logic uses binary notation (zeros and ones) to represent the states of the variables involved in it. Thus, Boolean algebraic simplification is an integral part of the design and analysis of a digital electronic system.


Hi please follow me also I you can and thanks for the points. Have a good day.

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