Describe the difference between design guidelines or criteria and design performance. Explain the relationship between the use of guideline/criteria tools and performance tools during the design process


Answer 1



Design guidelines are sets of procedures to be followed in order to enhance the designing of an object or other things.

Design Performance is the actual process of carrying out the design process of an object using the design guidelines or criteria.


(1) Design guidelines tools helps to enhance design Performance.

(2) Design guidelines tools helps the designing performance tools to be effective.

Explanation:Design guidelines are the various steps which has special tools used to guide the designer in order to enhance the designing performance tools and ensure that the design process is done devoid of errors.

Design Performance tools are tools which helps to enhance the actual design Activities.

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The air heats up when being compressed and transefers heat to the barrel.


When a gas is compressed it raises in temperature. Assuming that the compression happens fast and is done before a significant amount of heat can be transferred to the barrel, we could say it is an adiabatic compression. This isn't exactly true, it is an approximation.

In an adiabatic transformation:

P^(1-k) * T^k = constant

For air k = 1.4


P0^(-0.4) * T0^(1.4) = P1^(-0.4) * T1^(1.4)

T1^(1.4) = (P1^(0.4) * T0^(1.4))/(P0^(0.4))

T1^(1.4) = (P1)/(P0)^(0.4) * T0^(1.4)

T1 = T0 * (P1)/(P0)^(0.4/1.4)

T1 = T0 * (P1)/(P0)^(0.28)

SInce it is compressing, the fraction P1/P0 will always be greater than one, and raised to a positive fraction it will always yield a number greater than one, so the final temperature will be greater than the initial temperature.

After it was compressed the hot air will exchange heat with the barrel heating it up.

The compressibility factor provides a quick way to assess when the ideal gas law is valid. Use a solver to find the minimum temperature where the fluid has a vapor phase compressibility factor greater than 0.95 at 3 MPa. Report the value in oC, without units.



The answer is


The compressibility factor

In an adiabatic process, the temperature of the system remains constant. a)- True b)- False



A. True


Analyze that, “Convection is equal to the Conduction plus fluid flow.”



Conduction is a heat transfer mechanism. It is the dominant heat transfer mechanism in solids and it involves the vibration of the molecules of the solid. As heat is transfered to one end of the solid, the molecules at that end start to vibrate and in this process, collides with the adjacent molecules setting it to vibrate too. Also free electrons around the solid atoms (especially in metals) contribute to this heat flow. The continuous vibration is transfered from molecule to molecule gradually along the solid until the average kinetic energy (a measure of temperature) of the molecules along the metal has increased.

Convection is the dominant heat transfer mechanism in fluids, it involves the complete movement of the fluid molecule from a hot spot in the fluid to a cooler spot in the fluid. For convectional movement to occur, the molecules must first come in contact with the heat and absorb the heat first by conduction. As the heat increases, the fluid molecules break from just vibrating about a fixed point to moving completely to a cooler spot due to buoyant forces (due to the difference in density of hot and cooler fluid molecules). This clearly point out the fact that convectional heat transfer is first conduction, and then complete later flow of the fluid molecules.

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The concept of Hooke's law was applied as it relates to deformation.

The detailed steps and appropriate substitution is as shown in the attached file.

A cube with 1 m on a side is located in the positive x-y-z octant in a Cartesian coordinate system, with one of its points located at the origin. Find the total charge contained in the cube if the charge is given by p_v = x^2 ye^-z mC/m^3



4.61 mC


The cube has 1 m side in the positive x-y-z octant in a Cartesian coordinate system, with one of its points located at the origin. The charge density is given as:

\rho_v=x^2ye^(-z) \ mC/m^3

Charge density is the charge per unit length or area or volume. It is the amount of charge in a particular region.

The charge Q is given as:

Q=\int\limits_v {\rho_v} \, dv  \nQ=\int\limits_v {\rho_v} \, dv=\int\limits^2_(x=0)\int\limits^2_(y=0)\int\limits^2_(z=0) {x^2ye^(-z)} \, dxdydz\n

Q=\int\limits^2_(x=0) {x^2} \, dx \int\limits^2_(y=0) {y} \, dy \int\limits^2_(z=0) {e^(-z)} \, dz \n\nQ=((1)/(3) [x^3]^2_0)((1)/(2) [y^2]^2_0)(-1 [e^(-z)]^2_0)\n\nQ=(-1)/(6) ([x^3]^2_0)( [y^2]^2_0)( [e^(-z)]^2_0)\n\nQ=(-1)/(6)[2^3-0^3][2^2-0^2][e^(-2)-e^0]\n\nQ=(-1)/(6)(8)(4)(0.1353-1)=(-1)/(6)(8)(4)(-0.8647)\n\nQ=4.61\ mC