What is the De Broglie wavelength of an electron under 150 V acceleration?


Answer 1


0.1 nm


Potential difference of the electron = 150 V

Mass of electron m=9.1* 10^(-31)kg

Charge on electron 1.6* 10^(-19)C

Plank's constant h=6.67* 10^(-34)

If the velocity of the electron is v

Then according to energy conservation eV =(1)/(2)mv^2

v=\sqrt{(2eV)/(m)}=\sqrt{(2* 1.6* 10^(-`19)* 150)/(9.1* 10^(-31))}=7.2627* 10^(6)m/sec

According to De Broglie \lambda =(h)/(mv)=(6.67* 10^(-34))/(9.1* 10^(-31)* 7.2627* 10^(6))=0.1nm

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A) approximate alkalinity = 123.361 mg/l

B) exact alkalinity = 124.708 mg/l


Given data :

A) determine approximate alkalinity first

Bicarbonate ion = 120 mg/l

carbonate ion = 15 mg/l

Approximate alkalinity = ( carbonate ion ) * 50/30  + ( bicarbonate ion ) * 50/61

                                   = 15 * (50/30) + 120*( 50/61 )  = 123.361 mg/l  as CaCO3

B) calculate the exact alkalinity of the water if the pH = 9.43

pH + pOH = 14

9.43 + pOH = 14. therefore pOH = 14 - 9.43 = 4.57

[OH^- ] = 10^-4.57  = 2.692*10^-5  moles/l

[ OH^- ]   = 2.692*10^-5  * 179/mole * 10^3 mg/g  = 0.458 mg/l

[ H^+ ] = 10^-9.43 * 1 * 10^3  = 3.7154 * 10^-7 mg/l

therefore the exact alkalinity can be calculated as

= ( approximate alkalinity ) + ( [ OH^- ] * 50/17 ) - ( [ H^+ ] * 50/1 )

= 123.361 + ( 0.458 * 50/17 ) - ( 3.7154 * 10^-7 * 50/1 )

= 124.708 mg/l

A tensile test is carried out on a bar of mild steel of diameter 20 mm. The bar yields under a load of 80 kN. It reaches a maximum load of 150 kN, and breaks finally at a load of 70 kN. Find (i) the tensile stress at the yield point (1i) the ultimate tensile stress; (iii) the average stress at the breaking point, if the diameter of the fractured neck is 10mm



tensile stress at yield = 254 MPa

ultimate stress = 477 MPa

average stress = 892 MPa


Given data in question

bar yields load = 80 kN

load maximum = 150 kN

load fail = 70 kN

diameter of steel (D) = 20 mm i.e. = 0.020 m

diameter of breaking point (d) = 10 mm i.e. 0.010 m

to find out

tensile stress at the yield point , ultimate tensile stress and average stress at the breaking point


in 1st part we calculate tensile stress at the yield point by this formula

tensile stress at yield =  yield load / area

tensile stress at yield =  80 ×10³ / \pi /4 × D²

tensile stress at yield =  80 ×10³ / \pi /4 × 0.020²

tensile stress at yield = 254 MPa

in 2nd part we calculate ultimate stress by given formula

ultimate stress = maximum load / area

ultimate stress = 150 ×10³   / \pi /4 × 0.020²

ultimate stress = 477 MPa

In 3rd part we calculate average stress at breaking point by given formula

average stress = load fail / area

average stress = 70 ×10³  / \pi /4 × d²

average stress = 70 ×10³  / \pi /4 × 0.010²

average stress = 892 MPa

A metal crystallizes with a face-centered cubic lattice. The edge of the unit cell is 408 pm. Calculate the number of atoms in the unit cell and diameter of the metal atom.


Answer:288 pm


Number of atoms(s) for face centered unit cell -

Lattice points: at corners and face centers of unit cell.

For face centered cubic (FCC), z=4.

- whereas

For an FCC lattices √2a =4r =2d

Therefore d = a/√2a = 408pm/√2a= 288pm

I think with this step by step procedure the, the answer was clearly stated.

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\eta _(max) = 0.2413 = 24.13%

\eta' _(max) = 0.5061 = 50.61%


T_(1max) = 100^(\circ) = 273 + 100 = 373 K

operating temperature of heat engine, T_(2) = 10^(\circ) = 273 + 10 = 283 K

T_(3max) = 300^(\circ) = 273 + 300 = 573 K


For a  reversible cycle, maximum efficiency, \eta _(max) is given by:

\eta _(max) = 1 - (T_(2))/(T_(1max))

\eta _(max) = 1 - (283)/(373) = 0.24

\eta _(max) = 0.2413 = 24.13%

Now, on re designing collector, maximum temperature, T_(3max) changes to 300^(\circ), so, the new maximum efficiency,  \eta' _(max) is given by:

\eta' _(max) = 1 - (T_(2))/(T_(3max))

\eta _(max) = 1 - (283)/(573) = 0.5061

\eta _(max) = 0.5061 = 50.61%

Q/For the circuit showm bellow:a) find the mathematical expression for the transient behavior of ve and ic after closing the switeh,
b) sketch vc and ic.



hello your question is incomplete attached is the complete question

A) Vc =  15 ( 1 -e^(-t/0.15s) ) ,   ic = 1.5 mAe^(-t/0.15s)

B) attached is the relevant sketch


applying Thevenin's theorem to find the mathematical expression for the transient behavior of Vc and ic after closing the switch

R_(th) = 8 k ohms || 24 k ohms = 6 k ohms

E_(th) = (20 k ohms(20 v))/(24 k ohms + 8 k ohms)  =  15 v

t = RC = (10 k ohms( 15 uF) = 0.15 s

Also; Vc = E( 1 - e^(-t/t) )

hence Vc = 15 ( 1 - e^(-t/0.15) )

ic = (E)/(R) e^(-t/t) = (15)/(10) e^(-t/t) = 1.5 mAe^(-t/0.15s)


Shear modulus is analogous to what material property that is determined in tensile testing? (a)- Percent reduction of area (b) Yield strength (c)- Elastic modulus (d)- Poisson's ratio



(c)- Elastic modulus


  We know that in tensile test we measure the properties of the material like yield strength,ultimate tensile strength ,Poisson ratio.

In tensile test

σ = ε E

Where σ is the stress

ε  is the strain.

E is the elastic modulus.

Now for shear tress

τ = Φ G

Where τ the shear stress

Φ  is the shear strain.

G  is the shear  modulus.

So we can say that Shear modulus is analogous to Elastic modulus.