Which pronouns correct complete the sentences?​
which pronouns correct complete the sentences?​ - 1


Answer 1


Stacy and HER

Since the class starts at one THEY

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English Poetry(Don't just take the points. It's rude and I WILL report you, I'm serious. Please put effort into this, thank you.)

Annotate a poem
You may want to print the poem out and use pen and paper. You can take a picture of your completed annotation and upload to dropbox. Or you can type it if you prefer.

Read the poem aloud. Identify any of the following elements and make notations on or near the text of the poem:
• Note the structure of the poem
• Note language that denotes regionality, education of speaker, rhetorical purpose, etc. Is it conversational, colloquial or does the speaker fall back on formal language?
• Note the tone: Is the poem celebratory, depressed, confused? Does it shift or change?
• Speaker/Persona: What does the poem reveal about the speaker?
• Note Imagery: What images does the poem use to create meaning or set the mood?
• Note Symbolism: What images become symbolic?
• Note any uses of figurative language
• Note any repetition, rhyme, sound devices (alliteration, consonance, assonance, rhythm, onomatopoeia).
• Circle any part of the poem that stands out, confuses you, or is important.
• Write questions in the margin; highlight unusual words; mark phrases that indicate the poem’s meaning.
• Determine the poem’s theme and draw arrows to the lines that support the theme.

You can use the poem below, or you can choose your own to annotate.

We would fish,
and we would enjoy it.
That's what my mother said.
I had never fished before,
so I called you.
At the pier we baited our hooks –
slipped barbs into rancid shrimp.
The shining silver pierced one side
and emerged,
glistening, on the other.
Then we cast.
Yours landed far away
near one of the fishing boats,
but mine landed close –
too close perhaps –
to the solitary black cormorant
who clumsily flapped away
and screamed at me in its foreign tongue.
Then came reluctant waiting.
Finally, I felt a sharp tug
and I saw it –
the blue-white streak
cut through the brine
like harnessed lightning.
A mackerel.
The monofilament stretched taut.
Slowly I reeled it in.
As it lay there,
staining the dock crimson,
you killed it.
“Just a fish,” you claimed.
But when it was cooked
for our dinner
I tasted
--Jed Chambers


The poem is in the form of stanza’s

The poem starts off as confused b/c the author doesn’t quite know what fishing is. Later towards the middle it becomes celebratory b/c the author is celebrating catching his first fish towards the end the authors tone becomes more depressed or gloomy, this is evident because he says “I tasted guilt”

Imagery is used multiple times throughout the story, for example

 “At the pier we baited our hooks slipped barbs into rancid shrimp. The shining silver pierced one side and emerged,” another example is “Yours landed far away near one of the fishing boats, but mine landed close too close perhaps to the solitary black cormorant who clumsily flapped away and screamed at me in its foreign tongue”

The mackerel becomes symbolic of the authors guilt

The theme of this is guilt, it is indicated in the last line of the poem

“The shining silver pierced one side and emerged” is onomatopoeia I think

The poem has no rhythm or rhyme scheme

An important part of the poem is “As it lay there, staining the dock crimson, you killed it. “Just a fish,” you claimed. But when it was cooked for our dinner I tasted guilt.”

I think it uses colloquial language

A simile is used when it says “cut through the brine LIKE harnessed lightning”

Could I use and different poem and pm it to you??

Select the pronoun that correctly completes this sentence:Each of us is willing to do ______ part to ensure the project is completed in time.
A) my
B) our
C) their
D) his or her


It's D because "my" is just 1 person and "our" doesn't sound very good and "their" is talking in third person wile the rest of the sentence isnt.


D) his or her


his or her correctly completes this sentence:

Each of us is willing to do her part to ensure the project is completed in time.

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A. A solid background in reading and writing   

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The correct answer is C.

totally right c all the way