Escoge la mejor opción para completar la frase con el país correcto. Choose the best option to complete the sentence with the correct country.________ es el país más pequeño de Centroamérica.


Answer 1
Answer: El Salvador es el país más pequeño de Centroamérica.

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Soccer academies in Spanish-speaking countries are mainly geared towards? A. Young soccer players and teams
B. Professional soccer players
C. Trained coaches
D. Professional soccer teams


Soccer academies in Spanish-speaking countries are mainly geared towards A. young soccer players and teams.
In these academies, young soccer players train hard to become professionals one day. Or perhaps whole teams are trained so as to become better and one day take part in grand tournaments. Soccer is very important in Spain.

Young Soccer Players and Teams

Imagina una tierra roja y árida, caliente. Con géiseres escupiendo a un cielo oscuro y plomizo en las zonas más frías. En las más calientes solo existe la lava. No hay nada que se parezca a una planta. Ni tan siquiera musgo. Por supuesto que no, porque la vida todavía no existe. Solo hay cosas. Minerales, moléculas, materia inerte,… En una charca cercana, junto a una roca parda, algo se mueve en su interior. Pero no podemos verlo por lo que son moléculas, tan pequeñas que son indistinguibles del líquido donde están. De pronto, el calor, el movimiento, otras moléculas o la mezcla de esto, junto con un poco de suerte, marcan el inicio de algo completamente nuevo; el primer germen del origen de la vida está creciendo. • Extrae del texto seis adjetivos calificativos, escríbelos y defínelos.



He is ugly.

• She is beautiful.

• We are angry.

• They are thirsty.

• I am handsome.

• You are slim.


Imagine a red, arid, hot land. With geysers spitting into a dark sky and plummeting in the colder areas. In the hottest there is only lava. There's nothing that looks like a plant. Not even moss. Of course not, because life still doesn't exist. There's only stuff. Minerals, molecules, inert matter,... In a nearby pond, next to a brown rock, something moves inside. But we can't see them so they're molecules, so small they're indistinguishable from the liquid where they are. Suddenly, heat, movement, other molecules or mixing this, along with a little luck, mark the beginning of something completely new; the first germ of the origin of life is growing. • Extract six qualifying adjectives from the text, write them down and set them.

Should the Federal Reserve move to an explicit inflation targeting framework? IMF



Yes, absolutely it should be that way for any country with an emerging market.


  • As, for any country with emerging market, as it would lead to a situation in which the IMF would be called upon providing the financial assistance to the country. If the federal Reserve framework moves to an explicit inflation it will automatically target the framework set by IMF(International Monetary Fund).

True or false spanish vocabulary never varies country to country


False. Spanish vocabulary varies by country. 
Spanish spoken in Spain is different than that of Mexico. 
That is true I believe

¿Ves a alguien?No, no veo _____ nadie.

A. de
B. Leave as-is; nothing belongs in the blank.
C. a
D. para

Its either B or C.


C. a  - No , no a nadie 
C. No, no veo a nadie.

Is this correct? hablar mas despacio, por favor


"Hablar más despacio, por favor" is incorrect because it uses the verb in the infinitive form rather than the imperative to make a request, as seen below.

How can we translate the sentence?

This phrase is used in Spanish when someone is speaking too fast for your comprehension, and you politely ask them to slow down. It is a useful expression in various situations, such as when you're learning a new language or having difficulty understanding someone due to their rapid speech. However, it translates as "To speak more slowly, please," which is incorrect.

However, for the sentence to be correct, we could do the following:

  • ¿Podrías hablar más despacio, por favor? - Which uses "podrías" as "could you".
  • "Habla más despacio, por favor." - Which uses the imperative form.

With that in mind, we have given you to good options to better use the phrase.

Learn more about Spanish here:


Habla mas despasio, por favor